/ HOLT Textbook Chapter 14
/ Review-Book Chapter 4
/ Topic Questions #1- 30
/ Water Erosion and Depositional Features
/ Coastal Erosion and Depositional Features
/ Glacial Erosion and Depositional Features
/ Topic 6 Castle Learning Assignment
/ Lab #20 – World-Wide Sands
/ Lab #21 – Factors Affecting Stream Velocity
/ Lab #22 – Factors Affecting Weathering, Erosion and Deposition

Topic 6 Topic Questions:

Part 1: Types of Weathering

  1. Describe 3 types of physical (mechanical) weathering. Describe one factor, for each, which could increase its action.
  1. Why are the streets and highways damaged so much more in the winter months than in the summer months in most of the United States? Compare the processes of weathering in these two seasons.
  1. Describe 3 types of chemical weathering. Describe one factor, for each, which could increase its action.
  1. A stone tower called Cleopatra’s Needle was carved in Egypt around 1450 BC. The sides of the monument are carved with hieroglyphs. The monument stood in the hot, dry Egyptian desert for over 3000 years. During all that time the hieroglyphs remained easy to read. In 1800, the monument was moved to New York City’s Central Park. Almost immediately, the hieroglyphs began to fade and become unreadable. Explain Why?
  1. Describe the climate type in which physical weathering would dominate. Describe ones that chemical weathering would dominate. In which climates would both be important?
  1. How is the weathering of bare mountain peak bedrock different from the weathering of bedrock found in a tropical rainforest?
  1. Use the attached climate chart to answer the following questions:
  1. Determine the major type of weathering that occurs in Washington DC. Average Yearly Temperature (AYT) = 23 oC, Average Yearly Precipitation (AYP) = 104 cm.
  1. If the AYT in Washington DC dropped 26oC but the AYP stayed the same, what kind of weathering would dominate?
  1. Phoenix, Arizona has an AYT of 20 oC and an AYP of 20 cm. How would the climate in Phoenix have to change for moderate chemical weathering to become dominant?
  1. According to the graph, no frost action occurs at a mean annual temperature above 13 oC. What is the possible reason?
  1. In general, how does a climate with strong chemical weathering differ from a climate with strong physical weathering?
  1. Describe how mineral composition affects the rate of weathering of different rocks.
  1. Sandstones cemented by lime (Limestone) usually weather much more rapidly than those cemented by silica (Quartz). Why?
  1. As the amount of exposure to the surface increases, the rate of weathering would?
  1. As weathering continues and the smaller the particle size becomes the ______the rate of weathering.
  1. Sketch and finish the following graphs:

Part 2: Soil Formation

  1. What are the components of soil?
  1. How do living things help to form soil?
  1. Sketch the following soil profile diagram and label the A, B, C, and O soil horizons.
  1. Which horizon is the soil parent material?
  1. Describe the difference between residual and transported soil? How could you tell if a soil is residual or transported?
  1. Are most of the soils in New York State residual or transported? If they are transported, what transported them?
  1. In a warm humid climate (Tropics) which type of weathering will dominate, forming a thick O-horizon, thin A-horizon, with a very thick B-horizon from leaching? Textbook page 355
  1. In an arid (desert) climate which type of weathering will dominate, forming little to no O-horizon, thin A and B-horizons and the soil has a mixed size consistency which is infertile. Textbook page 355
  2. Why do the soils in temperate climates usually have more developed horizons and are more fertile than the tropical or desert soils? Textbook page 355
  1. What is desertification? What can be done to prevent it?

Part 3: Types of Erosion – Mass Wasting

  1. What is mass movement? What force causes it?
  1. Do you think creep occurs in our area? How would you know?
  1. What climate conditions can have an effect on mass movement?
  1. Describe the features of the sediment (Talus) that occurs from mass wasting. Will talus be sorted or unsorted?

Part 4: Types of Erosion – Wind

  1. What factors would cause increased problems with wind erosion? Include climate and other factors.
  1. Describe the sizes and texture of particles deposited by wind erosion?
  1. Would sediment deposited by wind erosion be sorted or unsorted? Why?
  1. What is loess?

Part 5: See Water Erosion & Deposition Handout

Part 6: See Coastal Erosion & Deposition Handout

Part 7: See Glacial Erosion & Deposition Handout