Please note that the information provided on supporting documents may be published on the Authority’s website. If you require any further clarification, please contact the Authority’s planning department.
Full details of what is required as shown below (links given on form online) can be found on our website under the “Local Information Requirements” section, or by phoning the Senior Planning Technician on 01969 652345
Applications can be submitted online through the Planning Portal. If you are posting your application, only the original plus one copy of documents/plans is required.
Where possible can plans be produced at A4/A3 size.
NB: The information provided needs to fully describe the nature and scale of the proposed development.
Statutory national information requirements which must be included / Included ✓1. / An application submitted through the Planning Portal or print off an Application form
2. / Design and access statement
3. / Location plan – to recognised metric scale typically 1:1250 or 1:2500
4. / Site plan – required if the site layout will change as a result of the proposal – to recognised metric scale typically 1:200 or 1:500
Local information requirements
Q1 / Heritage Statement
Q2 / Existing and proposed elevations – required if the elevations will change as a result of the proposal - to recognised metric scale typically 1:100
Q3 / Existing and proposed floor plans – required if the floor plans will change as a result of the proposal - to recognised metric scale typically 1:100
Q4 / Existing and proposed sections – required where a change in ground level is proposed or the site is sloping; when a new building is proposed; when a track is proposed; when new openings, new staircases or double glazing are proposed- to recognised metric scale typically 1:100, 1:50 or 1:20
Q5 / Will the development involve:
a) the removal or disturbance to the roof or roof structure or chimney / Yes in most cases but check with us
Protected species survey / No
b) removal of barge or fascia boards or external cladding / Yes in most cases but check with us
Protected species survey / No
c) development affecting bridges, mines, tunnels and similar underground structures / Yes
Protected species survey / No
d) loft conversion / Yes
Protected species survey / No
e) demolition or removal of buildings / Yes
Protected species survey / No
f) felling broadleaved trees above 10m in height / Yes
Flowchart (see Protected species survey guidance) / No