Topic 18: Hormones and the Endocrine System (Ch. 45)

  1. function
  2. coordination and regulation of body functions
  3. via regulatory molecules (chemical signals are easy to send in the bloodstream and can have target specificity)
  4. types of regulatory molecules
  5. neurotransmitters (wait for nervous system)
  6. hormones – secreted by endocrine glands, carried in blood, only target cells respond
  7. autocrine regulators – not transported in blood, acts within an organ on cells similar to the secretory cells
  8. paracrine regulators – same as autocrine, but acts on cells of a different tissue type from secretory cells
  9. pheromones affect other individuals of the same species; often used for sexual attraction or signaling, but also for control; typically produced by exocrine glands
  10. there is some overlap; definition based on how transported and used, not chemical identity
  11. autocrine and paracrine regulation
  12. many types
  13. common autocrine: cytokines in immune system (actually travel in the blood)
  14. paracrine examples
  15. growth factors (stimulate cell division and proliferation)
  16. prostaglandins
  17. modified lipids
  18. many functions, including promoting pain and fever in inflammation and stimulating smooth muscle contraction
  19. NSAIDS inhibit (includes aspirin) by inhibiting making of prostaglandins
  20. how hormones work
  21. lipid-soluble hormones enter target cells
  22. includes steroid hormones and thyroxine
  23. travel in blood attached to protein carriers
  24. steroids
  25. derived from cholesterol
  26. bind to receptor proteins in the cytoplasm or nucleus of the target cell
  27. complex binds to specific DNA region, activating or enhancing gene transcription
  28. examples: cortisone, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone
  29. thyroxine – the thyroid hormone
  30. modified form of tyrosine produced by the thyroid gland
  31. contains 4 or 3 iodine atoms (most made with 4)
  32. within target cells, all converted to 3-iodine form
  33. bind with receptors in the nucleus
  34. initiates growth-promoting mRNA synthesis
  35. stimulates oxidative respiration
  36. water-soluble hormones do not enter target cells
  37. peptide, glycoprotein, and catecholamine hormones
  38. bind to receptors in the target cell plasma membrane (example: G proteins)
  39. binding often brief and reversible (one hormone molecule can affect many cells)
  40. second messengers needed to transmit signal inside
  41. examples are cyclic AMP (cAMP), inositol trisphosphate (IP3), Ca++
  42. different cells may respond differently to the same second messenger
  43. many intermediate messengers may be involved (signaling pathways)
  44. may or may not involve transcriptional activation
  45. major endocrine glands and their hormones (focus on humans)
  46. pituitary gland
  47. two-part gland below hypothalamus of brain: anterior and posterior
  48. controlled by hypothalamus
  49. produces 9 major hormones
  50. many of these hormones affect other hormone-producing glands; thus, pituitary often called the "master gland"
  51. posterior pituitary
  52. actually formed from neural tissue
  53. hormones actually made in hypothalamus but secreted by pituitary
  54. antidiuretic hormone (ADH, or vasopressin)
  55. stimulates water retention in kidneys
  56. damage or alcohol inhibition leads to excessive urination
  57. oxytocin
  58. stimulates uterine contraction during childbirth
  59. initiates mild release with nipple stimulation
  60. major signaling molecule in female orgasm
  61. anterior pituitary
  62. develops from epithelial cells from roof of mouth
  63. makes its own hormones
  64. many stimulate growth (tropic hormones)
  65. growth hormone (GH) or somatotropin – stimulates growth of muscle, bone, some other tissues
  66. adrenocoritcotropic hormone (ACTH) or corticotropin – stimulates production of corticosteriods in adrenal cortex
  67. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or thyrotropin – stimulates production of thyroxine in thyroid
  68. luteinizing hormone (LH) – stimulates testosterone production, ovulation, and corpus luteum formation; a gonadotropin
  69. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) – another gonadotropin; required for spermatogenesis and development of ovarian follicles
  70. prolactin (PRL) – stimulates breasts to produce milk
  71. melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) – stimulates synthesis and dispersion of melanin; no known function in mammals
  72. thyroid – a metabolic thermostat
  73. located in front of the neck
  74. produces
  75. thyroxine: increases metabolic rate, promotes growth; promotes metamorphosis in amphibians
  76. calcitonin: stimulates Ca++ uptake into bones
  77. goiter: enlarged thyroid due to insufficient iodine in diet
  78. parathyroid: builders of bones
  79. four small glands attached to the thyroid
  80. produces parathyroid hormone (PTH)
  81. one of only two hormones absolutely essential for survival
  82. stimulates osteoclasts to dissolve calcium phosphate in bone, leading to increase in blood Ca++ level
  83. stimulates reabsorption of Ca++ in kidneys
  84. activates vitamin D to absorb Ca++ from food in intestine
  85. adrenal glands
  86. two glands, one above each kidney
  87. inner and outer portions
  88. inner – adrenal medulla: emergency warning siren
  89. activate "fight or flight" response to stressors
  90. releases epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine
  91. stimulates rapid deployment of body fuel: faster heartbeat, increased blood pressure, increased blood sugar (in pancreas, inhibited insulin production and stimulated glucagon production), dilated blood vessels, dilated bronchioles, increased blood flow to the heart and lungs, decreased blood flow to the skin and digestive organs
  92. outer – adrenal cortex: mineral and glucose balance
  93. make steroid hormones
  94. produces aldosterone
  95. a mineralocorticoid (regulates mineral balance)
  96. second hormone absolutely essential for survival
  97. stimulates kidneys to reabsorb Na+ – essential for normal blood volume maintenance (remember how most water is reabsorbed from the kidneys)
  98. stimulates kidneys to secrete K+ into the urine
  99. produces cortisol (hydrocortisone)
  100. a glucocorticoid (regulates glucose balance)
  101. stimulates conversion of protein from muscles to glucose in liver
  102. also anti-inflammatory; used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
  103. pancreas: the body's dietician
  104. located behind the stomach
  105. also an exocrine gland that secretes digestive enzymes
  106. two antagonistic hormones, insulin and glucagon, produced in cell clusters called islets of Langerhans
  107. insulin lowers blood glucose level by activating uptake of glucose by cells and conversion of glucose to glycogen or fat
  108. glucagon raises blood glucose and fatty acid level by promoting hydrolysis of glycogen in the liver and fat in adipose tissue
  109. gonads (ovaries and testes): produce steroid sex hormones
  110. pineal gland
  111. pea-sized gland; "third eye" in some fish and reptiles, deep in brain in other vertebrates
  112. secretes melatonin, responsible for daily sleep/wake rhythms in many vertebrates (humans too?)
  113. light appears to lead to decrease in melatonin level

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