Biodiversity and Waterways

Session purpose

·  Provide an overview of the biodiversity content

·  Provide an overview of the waterways content

·  Outline key changes between Brisbane City Plan 2000 and Brisbane City Plan 2014

Introduction - Biodiversity

·  New simple and transparent biodiversity provisions will improve biodiversity protection and help to achieve the Vision 2031 target

·  Biodiversity areas overlay will secure a connected and consolidated network of habitats across Brisbane

·  A simple and flexible approach to biodiversity offsets

Overview of Codes and PSPs

·  Biodiversity areas overlay map and code

·  Biodiversity areas planning scheme policy

·  Biodiversity offsets code

·  Offsets planning scheme policy

·  Waterway corridors overlay map & code

·  Wetlands overlay map & code

·  Wildlife movement solutions (WMS) in Streetscape hierarchy overlay code

·  Significant landscape trees overlay map and code

·  Vegetation planning scheme policy

Biodiversity Areas Overlay Map

Policy Setting - Biodiversity

The overlay map includes five sub-categories:

1.  High ecological significance – supports the most significant ecological features, and are to be protected and restored

2.  General ecological significance – supports some ecological value, but may be somewhat isolated from the broader biodiversity network

3.  Biodiversity interface area – adjoin HES where land use change is anticipated. Area is intended to accommodate low-impact land uses, such as landscaping areas or esplanade roads

4.  and 5. Priority koala habitat area and Koala habitat area – locations known to support higher densities of koalas. Koala habitat trees are protected and restored to preserve local populations of koalas

Policy Setting – Biodiversity

•  Identifies the biodiversity significance of lands in Brisbane

•  Secures Vision 2031 target

•  Protection of an ecologically robust network of well-connected habitats

•  Formalises offsets policy where intrusion into an area with biodiversity value is unavoidable

•  Provides safe movement routes for wildlife

•  Reflects Queensland Government requirements for koala conservation

Policy Comparison - Biodiversity

Brisbane City Plan 2000 / Brisbane City Plan 2014 /
•  No Planning Scheme Map
•  Biodiversity values managed by Biodiversity code and Natural Assets Planning Scheme Policy
•  Lists of significant vegetation communities, flora and fauna
•  Ecological assessments required for many DAs / •  Biodiversity areas overlay map identifies areas with biodiversity significance
•  Greater emphasis on protection of areas with strategic biodiversity significance, including wildlife corridors
•  Requires protection, management and restoration of land mapped within Biodiversity areas overlay
•  Dwelling houses located outside of Biodiversity areas overlay mapping and development footprint minimised
•  Ecological assessment reports only required for unavoidable development intrusion
•  Biodiversity areas PSP provides guidance on ecological assessments, development design and koala conservation

Policy Comparison - Biodiversity

Brisbane City Plan 2000 / Brisbane City Plan 2014 /
•  No guidance for the establishment of biodiversity offsets / •  Introduction of biodiversity offsets where unavoidable development intrusion is allowed in biodiversity areas
•  Provides two options to meet offset obligations, including monetary payment to Council or direct offsets at suitable receiving site in biodiversity network
•  Requires that biodiversity offsets adequately reflect the significance of the clearing site and that offsets contribute to establishing a consolidated and connected biodiversity network
•  Monetary payments will be set annually in the Fees and Charges Schedule
•  Offsets PSP provides guidance on selecting receiving sites, habitat restoration, monitoring and reporting

Policy Comparison – Biodiversity

Brisbane City Plan 2000 / Brisbane City Plan 2014 /
•  Wetlands mapped in Planning Scheme map and protected by Wetlands Code / •  Wetlands with significant ecological value included in Biodiversity areas overlay
•  Wetlands that have a hydrological function identified in Wetlands overlay and are protected from changes to hydrological regimes
•  Installation of wildlife movement solutions required in some Local and Neighbourhood Plans / •  Wildlife movement solutions locations shown on Streetscape hierarchy overlay
•  Wildlife movement solutions required for new roads in the Biodiversity areas overlay
•  Guidance on selection of appropriate wildlife movement solution designs included in Infrastructure Design PSP

Policy Comparison - Biodiversity

Brisbane City Plan 2000 / Brisbane City Plan 2014 /
•  Koalas identified as significant species in Natural Assets Planning Scheme Policy but no specific guidance provided / •  Koala habitat areas mapped in Biodiversity areas overlay
•  Requires protection of koala habitat and koala habitat trees
•  Requires conservation of koala movement opportunities
•  Development incorporates koala habitat trees in landscaping and open space areas
•  Reflects Queensland Government Koala State Planning Regulatory Provisions

Policy Comparison – Biodiversity

Brisbane City Plan 2000 / Brisbane City Plan 2014 /
•  Generic requirements for protection of significant vegetation incorporated throughout numerous codes / •  Protection of significant vegetation required in:
−  Centre or mixed use code
−  Dual occupancy code
−  Industry code
−  Multiple dwelling code
−  Filling and excavation code
−  Subdivision code
•  New Vegetation PSP introduced to assist applicants with:
−  identification of significant vegetation outside of Biodiversity areas overlay
−  development design or lot layouts to protect significant vegetation

Policy Comparison – Vegetation

Brisbane City Plan 2000 / Brisbane City Plan 2014 /
•  Significant landscape trees listed in Natural Assets PSP
•  Landscape features mapped on selected Neighbourhood Plans / •  Sites supporting SLTs, any adjoining affected sites and Landscape Features mapped on Significant landscape tree overlay
•  Tree species and dimensions for Landscape Features listed in Significant landscape tree overlay code
•  Tree species and sites with individual and groups of SLTs listed in Significant landscape tree overlay code
•  NP codes seek protection of PSP-listed SLTs or replacement trees
•  Limited guidance on Landscape Features and tree protection measures / •  Development retains significant landscape trees
•  Where loss is unavoidable, significant landscape trees are replaced with a number of trees to ensure no net canopy loss

Level of Assessment – Biodiversity

Development / Level of Assessment /
MCU / Code *
MCU for a dwelling house / Self or Code *
ROL / Code *
Operational work for filling or excavation / Code *
Operational work for clearing more than 500m2 vegetation in Koala habitat area / Code *
Building work for outdoor lighting / Code *
Building work for an extension to a dwelling house outside of an approved development footprint (or over deemed footprint of 1000m2) / Code *

* If the MCU or ROL is impact assessable, the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment

Introduction - Waterways

•  New Waterway corridors overlay code with 3 sub-categories:

−  Brisbane River corridor

−  Citywide waterway corridor

−  Local waterway corridor

•  Clearer guidance on development in waterway corridors

•  Self assessable criteria for dwellings

Policy Setting – Waterways

Waterway corridor overlay code:

•  Development must allow for movement of fauna, minimise road crossings and retain natural flowpaths and corridors

•  All corridors still achieve primary purpose of waterway health but increased emphasis on multiple uses (recreation, habitat, conveyance and health)

•  New self-assessable criteria for dwellings

•  New citywide and local categories to specify functions and outcomes clearly. Focus on local waterway corridor providing private recreation

•  Corridors are now clearly mapped

•  Landscape characteristics of Brisbane River Corridor sections are maintained as per Brisbane City Plan 2000

Policy Comparison – Waterways

Brisbane City Plan 2000 / Brisbane City Plan 2014 /
•  Waterway corridors and Brisbane River corridor mapped but not termed ‘overlay’ as per QPP
•  Development in a waterway corridor regulated through the Waterway code
•  Performance outcomes by waterway function
•  Required rehabilitation of waterway corridor / •  Mapping of corridor extent is now clearer and at a finer scale
•  Introduction of citywide and local waterway corridor classification (in addition to Brisbane River corridor)
•  Development maintains and enhances waterway corridors and protects the flood storage and conveyance functions of waterway corridors
•  Development designs built form to support waterway corridors
•  Development in the Brisbane River corridor maintains the corridor’s important values
•  Reduced setback for houses in local waterway corridors
•  Planting species PSP contains preferred species for riparian vegetation

Level of Assessment – Waterways

Development / Level of Assessment /
MCU for a dwelling house / Self or Code *
MCU other than for a dwelling house / Self or Code *
ROL / No change
Operational work for filling or excavation / Code *
Building work for an extension to a dwelling house / Self or Code *
Building work in the Brisbane River corridor sub-category / Self or Code *

* If the MCU or ROL is impact assessable, the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment


•  New simple and transparent biodiversity provisions will improve biodiversity protection and help to achieve the Vision 2031 target

•  New Waterway corridors overlay code with three sub-categories

•  Clearer guidance on development in waterway corridors