Topic 3: Free Time
Write a speech lasting one minute on what you do in your free time. You don’t have be truthful – invent some exciting hobbies if you want!
Have you used past tense?e.g. you could describe what you used to do in your free time when you were young (use imperfect tense).
You could also describe what you did at a specific time such as last weekend/summer (use perfect tense). / Quand j’étais jeune, je jouais/ faisais/ j’allais ... when I was young, I used to play/ do/ go …
Il y avait … there was/were …
C’était … it was …
Le weekend dernier/ l’été dernière … last weekend/summer
Je suis allé(e) … I went…
J’ai joué … I played …
J’ai fait … I did …
J’ai fait partie de … I was part of / a member of …
J’ai commencé … I began …
You should know lots of other past tense verbs too!
Have you used present tense?
Describe what you generally/normally do these days. / En ce moment, je n’ai pas de temps libre parce que je passe des examens très importants ... at the moment, I haven’t much free time because I am taking important exams ...
Mais je profite des weekends pour (+ infinitive) but I take advantage of the weekends to …
Je nage/ je joue/ je fais/ je lis/ j’écoute … etc.etc.
Remember to add extra detail – where do you go to do these things, who with, etc.
Have you used future tense?
Talk about something you are planning to do – this weekend, this summer, etc. / L’année prochaine, j’ai l’intention de … next year, I intend to
J’espère [+ infinitive]… I hope to
Je vais [ + infinitive] I am going to
Could you use a conditional tense? (e.g. something you would do with your free time if you had more of it/ if you had more money) / Si j’avais plus de temps libre, je … If I had more free time, I…
Si j’avais plus d’argent, je … If I had more money, I ...
After “je” you must have a conditional tense. E.g. je jouerais, je ferais, j’achèterais, etc.
Have you used useful joining words? / Heureusement … fortunately
Malheureusement … unfortunately
Mais … but
Avec … with
Aussi … also
Soit … soit … either … or
Parce que … because
Car … as …
Donc …therefore …
Questions which are likely to follow your speech (try not to cover them in the speech!)
1. Pourquoi est-il important de rester en forme? Why is it important to stay fit?
2. Est-ce que tu crois que tu es en forme? Et tes amis? Do you think that you are fit? And your friends?
3. Est-il vrai que les adolescents passent trop de temps devant la télé? Is it true that teenagers spend too much time in front of the TV?
4. Quels sont les avantages de surfer sur Internet? Et les problèmes/risques? What are the advantages of using the internet? And the problems/risks?
5. Est-il important d’avoir un passe-temps? Is it important to have a hobby? (rather than just watching TV, etc.)
6. Quelle est ton émission de télé préférée? Pourquoi? What is your favourite TV programme? Why?
7. Si tu pourrais avoir n’importe quel passe-temps, qu’est-ce que tu ferais? If you could have any hobby, what would you do?
8. Est-ce que tu connais quelqu’un qui a un passe-temps très intéressant/ennuyeux? Do you know anyone who has a very interesting/boring hobby? (choose either interesting or boring, as you wish)
9. Est-ce que tu as un baladeur mp3? Quels sont les avantages? Do you have an MP3 player? What are the advantages?
10. Est-ce que tu aimes les jeux vidéo? Pourquoi (pas)? Do you like video games? Why (not)?