Admissions Policy
Scoil Chaitríona
Bóthar Mobhí
September 2017
Mission Statement
Scoil Chaitríona is a Dominican community which illustrates the ideals and values of the Dominicans and of the Le Chéile Charter.
Scoil Chaitríona is a community which provides education through the medium of Irish.
The main aims of the school are:
To foster loyalty to the Irish Language and Culture.
To promote the holistic development of the pupils.
Students are encouraged to reach their full potential academically, socially, personally, spiritually and creatively.
Learning is promoted inside the classroom and in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.
We work together for the welfare of all in the spirit of Christianity and Truth
Scoil Chaitríona is a Catholic voluntary secondary school for boys and girls. The school was founded by Máthair Treasa and the Dominican Sisters in 1928. The Dominican were the Trustees of the school until 2009. The school is now under the care of the Le Chéile Trust.
Dominican schools seek to create a community permeated with the Gospel spirit of freedom and love in constant search for the Truth. This is achieved through the ministry of teaching and preaching which entails a keen awareness and true evaluation of contemporary cultures and values and the courage to renew and adapt. It can be summed up in the Dominican motto- Laudere, Benedicere, Praedicare- To Praise, To Bless, To Preach.
Educational Vision of the school
Scoil Chaitríona was founded in 1928 in Eccles St. to provide education through the medium of Irish for girls. It was the first Second Level all Irish School in Ireland for girls. Scoil Chaitríona moved to its present site in Móbhí Road, Glasnevin in 1972. It first opened its doors to boys in 1986. Irish is the spoken language of the School and all subjects are taught through this medium. There are currently 436 pupils attending Scoil Chaitríona. Every effort is made to inspire the pupils with a deep sense of our Irish heritage and traditional values.
Scoil Chaitríona aims, with the resources available, to provide the best possible environment in order to cater for the cultural, educational, moral, physical, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions of all students. We show special concern for the disadvantaged and we make every effort to ensure that the uniqueness and dignity of each person is respected, and responded to, especially through the Pastoral Care system in the school. We realise too, that we must cater for the changing needs of to-day’s world and towards that end, we frequently review our various programmes. Being keenly aware of the ever-increasing effect of outside influences on the lives of our students, we are even more concerned to maintain Christian values and practices.
Working together as a school community, the Board of Management, parents, staff and students, aim to provide an environment which will allow each student to develop intellectually, physically, morally, socially and spiritually to enable them to fulfil their role in society.
School Resources
The School is managed by a Board of Management, is funded by the Department of Education and Skills and operates within the regulations and guidelines set down from time to time by that Department. The school has a Parents’ Association and a Students’ Council.
The financial and teaching resources of Scoil Chaitríona are funded by grants allocated from the Department of Education and Skills. In addition they are supplemented by voluntary contributions and fund-raising.
The implementation of the School Plan and School Policy must have due regard to resources and funding available.
Scoil Chaitríona operates within the regulations laid down, from time to time by the Department of Education and Skills. We follow the curricular programmes prescribed by the Department of Education and Skills, which may be amended from time to time in accordance with sections 9 and 30 of the Education Act 1998.
Operating Context
The Board of Management of Scoil Chaitríona is committed to the successful implementation of recent education legislation, in particular the Education Act 1998, the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and the Equal Status Act 2000. They fully subscribe to the underlying principles of the legislation: partnership, accountability, transparency, inclusion, respect for diversity, parental choice, and equality.
The Board of Management of Scoil Chaitríona supports the rights of the Patron as set out in the Education Act Section 15 (2) (c) and (d), and also supports the Religious and Education Philosophy of the Dominican Order.
The School’s Board of Management, within the funding and resources available to it, supports the principles of:
· inclusiveness;
· quality of access and participation in the school;
· parental choice in relation to enrolments;
· respect for diversity to traditions, values, beliefs, languages and ways of life in society.
Legislation related to this policy:
The Education Act (1998)
Educational Welfare Act (2000)
Equal Status Act, 2000
Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act 2004
Disability Act, 2005
Education Act (Miscellaneous), 2007
Data Protection Act 1988 and 2003
Admissions Policy
Irish Language
Scoil Chaitríona welcomes all students for whom the school can provide an integrated and an inclusive education through the medium of Irish.
Incoming students and their parents should be aware that Irish is the language of communication in the school and each student must be loyal to the Irish language and do his / her best to speak it at all times while on the school premises.
Irish is the spoken language in the school. It is on this understanding that places are offered to students.
School Ethos
Parents/guardians are informed when offered a place in the school, that Scoil Chaitríona is a Catholic, all-Irish school and it is on that basis that they accept the place in the school.
Number of students accepted each year.
Each year the Board of Management decides in advance the number of First Year students for whom the school can provide an appropriate education, having regard to the facilities, personnel, plant and resources.
The number of classes which will be enrolled will be notified to parents/guardians at the Open Night in October. The maximum number of students accepted will be 104 with up to 4 classes of 26 students for the school year 2018-2019.
Students who are eligible for Admission
1. Having reached the required age: 12 years old on the 1st January in the calendar year following the child’s entry into First Year.
2. Having completed Sixth class in Primary School.
3. Be willing to be taught through the medium of Irish.
4. Be willing to accept the school’s ethos, that Scoil Chaitríona is a Catholic school and that the promotion of the Irish language and culture is one of the main aims of the school.
5. Be willing, with parents/guardians to accept the school’s Code of Discipline. Confirmation in writing is required that parents/guardians and student accept the Code of Discipline.
6. Be willing to take an entrance Assessment
7. Be willing to complete the information form with the student details when offered a place. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure that they return a completed application form and that it is sent to the school in time.
Procedures for admission of students into First Year
· An Open Night will be held on the first Wednesday of October each year.
· Application forms will be available on that night. Application forms can also be obtained from the school office or by phoning the school office.
· Applications will be accepted between from the day after the Open Night until the Friday which is a fortnight after the Open Night. Application forms will not be accepted before the Open Night. A copy of the school Code of Behaviour will be available with the application form.
· Parents/Guardians must sign a form to say that they accept this policy. No application can be accepted without confirmation that parents/guardians accept the Code of Behaviour.
· Applications will be numbered and dated according to when they arrive in the school
· Parents/guardians will be informed before the Friday after the Halloween midterm break if their child is being offered a place or not.
· Parents/guardians must inform the school in writing if they are accepting the place within a fortnight after the Friday after the Halloween midterm break.
· All those offered a place are expected to sit an Assessment Test. Parents will be notified of the date, after they have accepted a place.
· An information meeting of incoming students and their parents will take place at a date before the Easter holidays to discuss the new school year.
· Attendance at this meeting by all parents/guardians is strongly recommended.
Selection Criteria
In the event of the school having more applications than places available the following criteria apply :-
Priority List:
1. Brothers/Sisters of past (past-pupils who finished their secondary education in Scoil Chaitríona) and present pupils
2. Daughters and sons of past-pupils who finished their secondary education in Scoil Chaitríona.
3. Children of the staff of Scoil Chaitríona.
4. Children from the Gaelscoileanna- Category A
5. Children from the Gaelscoileanna- Category B
6. Children from other Gaelscoileanna including:
· Coláiste Mhuire
· Gaelscoil Bhriain Bóroimhe
· Gaelscoil Míde
· Gaelscoil na Cille
· Scoil an Duinnínigh
· Scoil Neasáin
7. Children who have been raised in Irish speaking households.
8. Children from Primary schools in the parish of Our Lady Of Dolours Glasnevin
9. Children from Primary Schools in the area of Glasnevin
10. Any other children who are eligible for admission.
Allocation of Places
- If it arises under any category that there are more applications than places available, places will be allocated by lottery.
- For those remaining applications, a waiting list will be created by lottery within each category adhering to the priority list shown above.
- Any such lottery will be independently monitored.
Late Applications
· Any application received after 4.30 p.m. on the Friday fortnight after open night (i.e 16 days after Open Night) will be deemed a late application
· Late applications will be numbered and dated according to when they arrive in the school
· Late applications will be placed on a waiting list in the order they are received after applications received in time
· Late applications will not be processed until all the applications received on time have been processed.
· Places will be offered from the waiting list if places are available after all other applications received before the deadline are processed.
Transfer of a student from another school
The school will make every reasonable effort to facilitate a student seeking a transfer to our school. The Board of Management will decide on applications for admission to any other year other than First Year by applying the following criteria:
The Board will make decision on transfer based on whether:
1. A completed transfer from received from parents/guardians and an explanation of why the student is leaving their previous school, in writing.
2. student is eligible for admission to the school
3. Adequate space being available in particular year group
4. Places in choice subject classes being available
5. Ability of student to meet the demands of second level education through the medium of Irish
6. Is in the best interest of the student
7. Is in the best interest of the school student body
· The Principal reserves the right to request that relevant information from the former school be made available such as school reports/attendance records
· It may be necessary to consult the Educational Welfare Officer
· Where a student is considered for a place, the decision will be taken by the Principal, in consultation with the student’s parents/ guardians, his/ her former school and if necessary with the Education Welfare Officer, whether such a place may be offered immediately or whether it would be better to wait until the beginning of the next academic year.
Special Needs
The school will use the resources, both financial and personnel, provided by the Department of Education and Skills to make reasonable provision and accommodation for students with disabilities or special educational needs so that these students may participate in the life of the school in so far as is reasonably practicable.
While recognising and fully supporting parents’ rights to have a school of their choice for their children, the school’s ability to accept students with particular needs is dependent on the supply of resources, suitable to the needs of the individual student, being supplied by the Department of Education and Skills.
The Board of Management should be informed of any Special Needs, so that these needs can be assessed and addressed if possible.
In making provision for special need students the following information is required.
Has the student had access to any of the following resources?:
· Psychological assessment. Report to be provided
· Special Needs Assistant or Classroom Assistant
· Special class
· Help, for specific needs, from any resource teacher
· Assistance with behavioural modification
· Any additional resources to help with their special needs
· Help in areas including, visual impairment, hearing impairment, general learning disability or emotional disturbance
· Any resource in relation to travel or mobility etc
If an expert report is provided, it should include a workable strategy for addressing the needs, allowing for the resources available. Parents of children with specific learning difficulties as distinct from physical disabilities should note that children from an English Medium Primary Schools would find Second Level education through Irish challenging and difficult.
The Board of Management, having gathered all relevant information and professional documentation, will assess how the needs of the special needs student can be met.
Final confirmation of a place may, in exceptional cases, be given when the Department of Education and Skills confirms that the necessary resources are in place.
N.B: It may take some time for the Department of Education and Skills to process such applications. Parents are strongly advised to inform the school as early as possible and discuss their particular situation well in advance of making application.