Topaz at the MalI Condominium Association

Board of Directors Meeting

October 12, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Jeff Steere. At the Aurora Municipal Building:15151 E. Alameda Ave., Aurora, CO 80012. The following Board Members were in attendance:

Jeff Steere – AbsentRick Brown – Present Marion Tobin - Present

Quorum was obtained.


There were several homeowners who were present with concerns about loud music, cigarette smoke coming into their units, including barbecue smoke. One homeowner was concerned about the condition of siding on his unit and he is going to do a temporary fix since we are still not able to move forward with major repairs until the lawsuit is settled. The residents asked about the lawsuit and Jeff Steere informed them that David Furtado, the attorney handling the case, felt it might go to trial this month. Another resident was aware of a homeless woman hanging around; the Board suggested they call the police. Since the police have been called on at least two occasions for loud music, the next time they should inform John Young and he can start filling complaints about it including fines, the residents agreed to do that.

MINUTES September2017:

The minutes of the previous Board Meeting were reviewed, motion was made and seconded and was unanimously passed.


Financial Statement forSeptemberwere reviewed motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously to accept the financials.

Old Business:

  • Discussed new stairs to go in soon.


  • Insurance Premium has gone up more than $30K.
  • There have been right up’s for rules violations and John will provide a violation log for the next meeting.
  • The Bill from David Furtado was questioned.


  • Law Suit, metal stairs,finalizes parking stickers and carport parking.


  • The Board discussed the parking tags and asked John to check out two other companies to see if they would be cheaper. They had not had time to review the parking policy and will discuss that at the next Board meeting. Jeff felt that the $60 per month charge would be too high; there was a brief discussion with no decision made. The Board is tentatively hoping to have the new policy in place in January of 2018.
  • The Board discussed the increase for the building insurance by more than $30K, John asked that the Board give John time to check out some other Brokers who may be able to find a less expensive policy, the Board agreed.
  • The Bill from David Furtado for $18K was discussed and was finally signed with reservations. They felt their understanding that the $4K they originally gave him would be all they would need to pay and that his bill would come from the settlement.
  • John will contact Rich Johnston about the north wall that a portion was knocked down during the road widening. Rich will need to follow up with meetings we had about this on the site some months ago.
  • The Board decided to have John get 3 bids on tree trimming on the property for January and February of next year, when the cost will be less.
  • John will have someone look at the railing in front of B-14 which seems to be loose.
  • John will check with Metco about the snow melt and whether there is a bag container of salt on one of the decks.
  • John will have someone look into removing wall graffiti on back wall next to Target.
  • Adjournment: Meeting ended at 8:00pm. The next meeting will be November 9, 2018 in the Sandy Creek Room at the Aurora Municipal Center.

Respectfully submitted,

John Young

Acting Secretary