
Brussels Friday 14 March

Top News from the European Commission17March to 13 April 2008

Background notes from the Spokesperson’s service for journalists
The European Commission reserves the right to make changes

Monday 17 March:
Protecting the rights and dignity of the elderly

Sunday 30 March:
Entering into force of the EU / US "Open Skies" aviation agreement

Sunday 30 March:
Enlargement of Schengen to Airports

Monday 31st March 2008:
Facilitating the growth and development of the wind industry

Wednesday 2 April 2008:
Debate Europe – building on the experience of Plan D for "Democracy, Dialogue and Debate"

Thursday 3 April:
European Neighbourhood Policy – the EU and its closest neighbours deepening relations

Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April:
Better tax systems for enhancing competitiveness and growth in Europe

Wednesday 9 April 2008:
Rapid and better progress towards the Millennium Development Goals

Wednesday 9 April 2008:
Code of Practice on the management of Intellectual Property

Monday 17 March: Protecting the rights and dignity of the elderly

The news:

The Commission will organise a major conference on "Protecting the dignity of older persons" offering policy makers and stakeholders from all over Europe an opportunity to discuss the quality of care for frail elderly people and strategies for preventing elder abuse.

The Commission recently carried out a Eurobarometer survey on health and long-term care. The survey presents for the first time European wide information on the extent to which abuse of elderly dependent people is perceived to be taking place (forms of abuse, perpetrators) and on what should be done to prevent elder abuse.

The background:

One of the dominant features of demographic change over the coming decades will be the rising number of people aged 80 years and over. Their share in the total population of the EU will increase three- to four-fold, reaching around 12% by 2050. The frail elderly are a highly vulnerable group of people that is growing rapidly and any European may experience dependency at some point of their life.

This raises the question how the fundamental rights and dignity of the frail elderly in the EUcan be protected. According to the recent Eurobarometer survey, close to half of Europeans think that poor treatment, neglect and even abuse of dependent elderly people are fairly or very widespread in their country (47%).

Seven out of ten Europeans are of the view that dependent elderly people are at risk of being physically neglected, suffering abuse related to their property and the majority feel that this vulnerable group is at risk of psychological or physical abuse.

The event:

The conference will take place in the Charlemagne building on 17 March 2008.

A press release will be issued.

The sources:

Conference on protecting the dignity of older persons – the prevention of elder abuse and neglect:

Eurobarometer survey on Health and long-term care

Video News Release on elder abuse (available 5 March 2008)

Demography and the social situation in the EU

Commissioner Špidla's website:

The contacts:

Katharina von Schnurbein +32 2 298 14 08

Carmel Dunne +32 2 299 88 94

Sunday 30 March: Entering into force of the EU / US "Open Skies" aviation agreement

The news:

Entering into force of the EU / US "Open Skies" aviation agreement.

The background:

Building on the creation of the European internal aviation market – a success story for the EU – this EU / US aviation agreement lays solid foundations for a revolution in the international aviation industry that will see it treated as a "normal" global industry. This agreement is the most ambitious air services deal ever negotiated encompassing 60% of world traffic. It will serve as a blueprint in World aviation. It is a concrete and substantial move towards closer transatlantic relations and a major contribution to the Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs.

This agreement will bring real benefits for the economies, consumers and airlines on both sides of the Atlantic and both the EU and the US have reaffirmed their commitment to pursue, as a matter of priority, negotiations to conclude a second stage agreement in order to achieve further liberalisation.

Among the benefits, the Agreement is predicted to bring billions of euros in economic benefits, millions of additional passengers and up to new 80.000 jobs over a 5 year period.

The ultimate objective of the European Union is to create an Open Aviation Area: a single air transport market between the EU and the US in which investment can flow freely and in which European and US airlines can provide air services without any restriction, including access to the domestic markets of both parties. The EU negotiating mandate foresaw the possibility of a staged-approach provided that mechanisms are in place to ensure progression to subsequent stages. The agreement entering into force on 30 March contains a strong mechanism for the phase-two agreement within a strictly defined timescale and a list of priority items. The second-stage negotiations will start no later than 30 May 2008.

The event:

Publication of a press release

  • Infoclip

The sources:

Air Transport Portal of the European Commission:

Commissioner Barrot's website:

The contacts:

Michele Cercone+32 2 298 09

Maria Quillinan-Meiland+32 2 299 40

Sunday 30 March: Enlargement of Schengen to Airports

The news:

The provisions of the Schengen area will be extended to airports in Estonia, the CzechRepublic, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

This effectively completes the lifting of controls at internal land and sea borders which took place on 21st December 2007 and is a further expression of the free movement ideal.

The delayed extension of the Schengen provisions is due to the fact that more time was needed to adapt the new rules to more complex entry and exit procedures applicable in airports. On 13th February the Commission has also proposed a new entry/exit system for "bona fide" visitors which, once adopted, will strengthen border control provisions while facilitating the entry of frequent visitors into the EU.

The background:

Following enlargement, all citizens of the enlarged Schengen space benefit from quicker and easier travelling. Since 21st December 2007, a citizen can travel from the Iberian Peninsula to the Baltic States and from Greece to Finland without border checks. This is symbolic of a united Europe and underlines the basic right of European citizens to move freely.

With regard to Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria, these Member States still have to go through the Schengen evaluation before being able to join the Schengen area. The exact timing cannot be predicted at this stage.

The Schengen evaluation consists in verifying that the accompanying measures allowing for the lifting of internal border control are correctly and efficiently applied by the new Member States notably as regards data protection, police co-operation, external border controls at land, sea and air borders as well as visa policy.

The event:

Publication of a press release

  • EBS coverage in 2 / 3 airports

The sources:

IP/07/1968 - Enlargement of the Schengen area: achieving the European goal of free movement of persons

MEMO/07/618 - Background on Schengen enlargement (useful figures)

The contacts:

Friso Roscam Abbing +32 2 296 67 46,

Riccardo Mosca+32 2 296 14 04,

Monday 31st March 2008: Facilitating the growth and development of the wind industry

The news:

Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs will chair the Wind Energy Conference in Brussels Expo. This annual event facilitates the growth and development of the wind industry.

4000 professional and political participants are expected.

Many speakers will also give speeches. It include Andrej Vizjak, Minister of the Economy, Slovenia; Jean-Claude Marcourt, Minister of Economy, Belgium; Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister for Ecology and Sustainable Planning and Development, France; Manuel Pinho, Minister of Economy and Innovation, Portugal; Georg Wilhelm Adamowitsch, European Coordinator for connetions to offshore wind power in Northern Europe; Britta Thomsen MEP;Arthouros Zervos, President, EWEA.

The background:

The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) feels that a suitable legal framework has to be put into place in order to reach the 20% target, along with clear guidelines to market participations for the future direction of renewable electricity in Europe.

Topics will include: integrating wind into electricity markets; financing wind energy projects; policies and programmes; offshore developments and prospects, market development and industry structure; environmental issues and global challenges and opportunities.

The event:

Speech at 10.00 by Commissioner Piebalgs at the Wind Energy Conference in Brussels Expo.

Press conference at 12h30 by Commissioner Piebalgs in the press Room at Brussels Expo.

The sources:

EWEA's Website:

European Commission website on Energy:

Commissioner Piebalgs' website:

The contacts:

Ferran Tarradellas Espuny+32 2 296.62.93

Marilyn Carruthers+32 2 299.94.51

Wednesday 2 April 2008: Debate Europe – building on the experience of Plan D for "Democracy, Dialogue and Debate"

The news:

The Commission will announce plans to follow-up Plan D by further enabling citizens to discuss European issues with each other and with policy makers and to express their views directly to decision-makers.

The background:

Plan D for "Dialogue, Democracy and Debate" was launched in 2005. It put into practice the Commission's communication approach of "listening better, explaining better and going local" through a series of initiatives. It aimed to foster a general and permanent debate on the future of the European Union among people from all walks of life, both at country and EU level. Plan D therefore complemented the consultation of stakeholders which the Commission undertakes on specific policy proposals and to various Commission programmes which seek to promote active European citizenship.

Between 2005 and 2007, Plan D co-funded a series of six innovative cross-border citizens' consultations projects coordinated by civil society organisations, as well as local projects involving women and youth. It promoted, among others, debates on EU affairs in towns and cities; information on Europe at school, citizens' forums, internet debates; European Commissioners' visits to the national parliaments, etc.

The Commission has decided to widen and deepen this approach in 2008 and 2009.

The event:

Press conference of VP Wallström in Brussels (Berlaymont)

  • EBS coverage

The sources:

Vice-President Margot Wallström's website:

DG Communication website:

Website of Debate Europe:

The contacts:

Joe Hennon +32.2.2953593

Irena Novakova +32.2.2999608

Thursday 3 April: European Neighbourhood Policy – the EU and its closest neighbours deepening relations

The news:

The Commission will present the progress made in deepening the EU cooperation with our neighbours in the recent year and in supporting their reform efforts.

A Communication to the Council and Parliament will provide a general overview of developments in the EU’s relations with the neighbours that are encompassed by the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2007 and individual country reports will assess the substantial achievements of the 12 ENP partners that have an Action Plan agreed with the EU, as well as areas where further efforts are required.

The background:

The enlarged European Union and its closest neighbours to the South and to the East are engaged in developing a privileged partnership via the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP).

The ENP is an EU external relations initiative, addressed to Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan,Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine. It opens the possibility of deeper political co-operation and dialogue as well as economic integration, building upon existing bilateral and regional relations, as well as mutual commitment to democracy, human rights and rule of law, market principles and sustainable development. The ENP aims to support partners’ reforms and modernization efforts and to bring prosperity, stability and security to the EU neighbourhood. It is thus a driver of reforms in the mutual interest.

Each partner’s relationship is differentiated and targeted to each ENP partner’s ambition, its level of development and to the extent to which common values are shared.

The event:

Press Conference by Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner at 11h30.

The Communication, the Country progress reports forArmenia, Azerbaijan,Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Tunisia and Ukraine and asectorial Progress Report, including various relevant statistics will be available.

  • Press conference will be covered by EbS
  • Stockshots and a VNR will be available.

The sources:

European Commission's website onthe European Neighbourhood Policy:

The contacts:

Christiane Hohmann +32 2 29 91196

Concha Fernández de la Puente +32 2 29 52977

Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 April: Better tax systems for enhancing competitiveness and growth in Europe

The news:

László Kovács, the EU Commissioner responsible for Taxation and Customs Union,will host the Brussels Tax Forum in Brussels.

The topic chosen for 2008 is 'Taxation policy: enhancing competitiveness and growth in a European way'. The conference will focus on the contribution that taxation can make to promoting growth and competitiveness in the European Union, while taking into account social considerations.

The background:

The Brussels Tax Forum is an annual conference that brings together policy makers, experts, stakeholders and the general public from all over the world to discuss tax issues of particular political and general interest.

The event:

Press conference on 7 April with the participation of Commissioner Kovacs, Commissioner Verheugen, the French Minister of Finance Ms Christine Lagarde and the Slovene Minister of Finance Andrej Bajuk.

The sources:

European Commission's website on:

Commissioner Kovács' website:

The contacts:

Maria Assimakopoulou +32 2 295 9842

Emer Traynor +32 2 292 1548

Wednesday 9 April 2008: Rapid and better progress towards the Millennium Development Goals

The news:

At the half-way stage of the Millennium Development Goals timetable, 2008 is a crucial year on the international stage as regards the development agenda. In 2000 the international community set eight Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015.

The purpose of the communication is to review the efforts made by the EU to achieve faster and better progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). The Commission will take stock of the EU's activities in areas such as reducing extreme poverty and hunger in the world, or access to primary education for all.

The communication will deal with the scale of the aid: in 2005 the European Union made a firm, ambitious and historic commitment to bring its collective official development assistance to 0.56% of Gross National Income in 2010. It will thus analyse the efficacy of its official aid to developing countries and will report on aspects such as the division of labour and the predictability and untying of aid.

In addition, trade assistance will be evaluated, and proposals will be made concerning the consistency of European development policies with the aim of making progress in such areas as research, migration and climate change.

This communication will help determine the European Union's common position for the discussions on the effectiveness of aid that will take place in Accra in September 2008, and those on development funding in Doha in December 2008.

The background:

The millennium development summit in September 2000 saw the adoption of eight goals (MDGs) ranging from reducing extreme poverty and hunger in the world to universal access to primary education.

At the March 2002 Monterrey Conference on Financing for Development, the international community pledged to increase development aid.

In 2002, the Council mandated the European Commission to present it with a yearly report on trends in the European Union's official development assistance. This mandate was renewed in 2005, when the European Union made exceptional commitments aimed at increasing the contribution to official development aid by each MemberState to 0.51% of gross national income by 2010 and 0.7% by 2015. By 2010, the collective effort made by the European Union will thus amount to 0.56% of gross national income.

The event:

  • EbS coverage: Yes


European Commission Websites:

Commissioner’s website:


John Clancy+32 2 295 37

Agnès Marie +32 2 296 77 43

Wednesday 9 April 2008: Code of Practice on the management of Intellectual Property

The news:

The European Commission will adopt a Recommendation for MemberStates and public research organisations, including a Code of Practice on the management of Intellectual Property (IP).

This Recommendation will promote better management of knowledge in universities and other research organisations. Better IP management will help bring about better knowledge transfer to the private sector, and so promote more active exploitation of publicly funded research results through activities such as academia-industry collaboration, licensing and spin-offs. Currently, there are discrepancies between national knowledge transfer systems, so it is likely that the policy principles for public authorities underpinning the Recommendation will promote trans-national knowledge transfer by creating a more level playing field.

The background:

Knowledge Transfer consists of the range of activities which aim to capture and transmit knowledge (either explicit, such as in patents or tacit such as know-how), skills and competence from those who generate them to those who will transform them into economic outcomes. It includes both commercial and non-commercial activities such as research collaborations, consultancy, licensing, spin-off creation, researcher mobility and publication.

In recent years Member States have taken a number of initiatives to facilitate knowledge transfer between public research organisations and the private sector, including legislative changes, guidelines and model contracts. In April 2007 the Commission adopted a knowledge transfer Communication. On this basis, the Council in June 2007 invited the Commission to develop guidance on the management of intellectual property by such public research organisations in the form of a Recommendation.

The real challenge will be the implementation of the Recommendation, both by public authorities (introduction or adaptation of policy measures) and by research organisations (creation or enhancement of policies for the management of intellectual property and knowledge, structures, resources, awareness and training activities, etc.).

The event:

A Technical Briefing, at which the main objectives and points of the proposed Recommendation and Code of Practice will be presented.

The sources:

COM (2007)182 – Knowledge Transfer Communication adopted in April 2007

SEC(2007)449 – Accompanying Guidelines

MEMO/07/127- Knowledge transfer between research institutions and industry – FAQ

MEMO/07/128 - Facts and figures of the European Research Area

Commissioner Potočnik's website:

The contacts:

Michel Claessens +32 2 295 99 71

Sophie Andersson+32 2 29502