Tolerance and education

Tolerance in relationships

The active position of moral and psychological readiness for tolerance - the main components of the concept of "tolerance.

Naturally, these components do not appear out of nowhere, out of nowhere, and are not - as with any social skills - innate. Consequently, the active moral position with the psychological readiness formed, stimulated (first of all - "Inside") and adjusted. The purpose of the formation of these socio-psychological qualities of a positive interaction with people of different cultures, attitudes, positions, orientations.

In the pedagogical literature, the concept of "interaction" is defined as a universal form of the development, amending mutually interacting objects, phenomena and leads each of them in the new state. Currently, there are many typologies of interaction. Let us consider the typology, which allows the relationship to reflect the concepts of "interaction" and "tolerance".

This typology (author L. Bayborodova) presents the following types of interaction:

- Dialogue

- Cooperation

- Guardianship,

- Suppression

- Indifference

- Confrontation

- Conflict.

Positive tolerance match the first three types of interaction.

In the dialog box to show individuality and originality apprehended another, because namely dialog interaction implies equality of positions in communication. The structure of the dialog interaction is dominated by emotional and cognitive components, which can be characterized by a high level of empathy, a sense of partner, the ability to accept it for what it is, the absence of stereotyped perceptions of others, flexibility in thinking, as well as through the ability to "see" their identities, ability to adequately "take" (evaluate) their identity.

This characterization of the dialog interaction is the foundation of tolerance and the level of tolerance of opinion. The peculiarity of the dialog interaction revealed by the ancient philosopher Plato. Everyone knows him saying "Know thyself!", Which can be interpreted as "behold yourself in others' (understanding others, understand themselves). Such a dialog interaction should be taught from early childhood, because it is a fundamental principle of positive social experience.

The second type of interaction - cooperation - involves the joint determination of performance objectives, its joint planning, distribution of forces and means on the basis of capacity of each. This level of tolerance of behavior that can be characterized by the following features:

- Pin;

- Goodwill (lack of aggression, including self-aggression);

- Lack of anxiety;

- Mobility action;

- Politeness (civility);

- Patience

- Trust;

- Social activity.

Guardianship is a kind of interaction is also related to the concept of tolerance. Guardianship involves care, and this concern does not degrade the dignity of a ward, as the natural rate of subject and object. This kind of interaction is possible only when both sides accept each other and tolerate each other are. This level of tolerance relations is characterized by the following features:

- Emotional stability;

- High level of empathy;

- Extroverted;

- Social activity;

- The ability to help.

All these features characterize the man, free from dogma, stereotypes, fears of excessive demand for care and commitment to the suppression of others.

Consequently, dialogue and cooperation related to the understanding of such categories as "freedom" (such a relationship can be traced to the works of many scholars, in particular S. Soloveitchik Matveeva, O. Gazman, I. Ivanov).

Describing this relationship, it is necessary to pay attention to the leading ideas of theorists and practitioners of pedagogy of cooperation:

"If you give children complete freedom, but not at the same time create a cooperative relationship, it falls most important in the upbringing of internally free man - aggravation of conscience. It is in cooperation, in the desire to work together in a small effort every game, in a mutual inducement, which makes unnecessary demands, and is born conscientious attitude to people, work, responsibilities.

Inter-ethnic cooperation "shell game effort" - a necessary, basic concept of determining the tolerance of the interacting parties, since "Conscientious attitude to the people", which is formed through these efforts is the foundation of a democratic polinatsionalnogo state.

The main criteria and indicators of tolerance

The main criteria of "tolerance" and their performance can be determined based on the definition of the concept (of tolerance - the active position of moral and psychological readiness for tolerance in the name of positive interaction with people of another culture, nation, religion, social environment). Hence, those features, which we described in the previous chapter, dialog interaction, cooperation and care in order to create tolerant beliefs and behavior can be considered both as a criteria.

The basic ideas and principles of educational strategy

tolerance formation

Ancient philosophers warned: "Three things should be avoided (in life): hatred, envy and contempt." Based on this statement, you can identify the main ideas of the educational strategy to foster tolerance.

According to the general human rights provisions contained in the UN Declaration on Human Rights and the general provisions of the Rights of the Child set out in the Convention rights of the child, you must create a system of social and pedagogical conditions that will foster a tolerant beliefs, attitudes and skills in the microenvironment of tolerant behavior - in the family in school, the workplace, with the participation of all stakeholders (parents, teachers, social workers, politicians, media and society in general).

The education strategy should be to spread a positive approach to ethnic issues and to prevent any manifestations of racism, chauvinism, extremism, xenophobia, Dichotomy (vision in white and black), national stereotypes by creating a friendly atmosphere in the children's groups, focusing on what unites children , representatives of different ethnic groups (cultural heritage, contribute to the development of science, arts, state, positive character traits).

The educational strategy must implement the idea of instilling in children and young citizens polinatsionalnogo state of open and respectful attitude towards other people, understanding the possible contingency of human existence in a diverse, distinct cultural, religious and social spheres.

The education strategy should promote a supportive microcosm of the cultural, inter-ethnic understanding, in which every child, regardless of ethnicity, feel comfortable, protected and able to open interaction with the world.

To realize the above idea of educational strategy allows the implementation of teachers following principles:

- During the life of a person develops his social skills that determine its belonging to the species "homo sapiens", so the child should be taught the culture of peace (universal laws of existence), relying on the natural environment of the child so as not to upset the delicate world of childhood;

- The child is born and brought up in a particular cultural and national environment, which has many positive features, building on the positive socio-cultural experience of the ethnic group - a key principle of educational strategies;

- The principle of international communication involves creating conditions for positive interaction and mutual enrichment of children of different cultural, national, religious and social groups;

- The principle of self-esteem of the child involves a child as he is;

- The child of nature capable of unconscious aggression, humiliation and mockery of others and therefore the principle of moral atmosphere (social comfort), involving the protection of children from violence, abuse and boycotts in the children's team, is fundamental;

- The principle of "social task" involves activation of the children in finding solutions to the problem of child aggression (a child is in the position of hurt, rejected or put in the position of the aggressor and is trying to solve the problem).