Top News from the European Commission: 16th January– 5th February 2006


Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF): Weekly overview of alert and information notifications: Weekly Overview - Week 2

Animal Disease Notification System: Table 11 : Animal disease situation per country and per disease on 13-01-06

Regulatory Committees

SCFCAH – General Food Law

Agenda of 9 February 2006

SCFCAH - Animal Nutrition

Agenda of 26-27 January 2006

SCFCAH - Biological Safety of the Food Chain

Agenda of 24 January 2006

SCFAH Sections: Biological Safety of the Food Chain, Animal Health, Controls and Import Conditions

Summary record of 18 October 2005

SCFCAH - Toxicological Safety of the Food Chain

Summary record of the meeting held on 17 December 2005

Standing Committee on Plant Health (SCPH)

Summary report of the meeting held on 15-16 December 2005

Animal Health & Welfare

EU Animal Health Strategy (2007-2013) - CAHP Evaluation
Swedish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Affairs

-Avian Influenza

Extraordinary joint Meeting of the Health Security Committee, the Influenza Coordinators ofthe EU Member States and the Representatives of the Member States on the Early Warning and Response System

Outbreaks in third countries - PART II : From 1 September 2005Updated on 12-01-06

International Ministerial Pledging Conference on Avian and human Pandemic Influenza, Beijing, 18 January 2006

Avian influenza: expectations surpassed as international community pledges USD 1.9 bn in Beijing

Opening speech by Markos Kyprianou, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection

Pledging speech by Markos Kyprianou, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection

Speech by Commissioner Markos Kyprianou: Total amount pledged by International Community to tackle Avian Influenza

Remarks by Commissioner Kyprianou at the Concluding Press Conference

Commission pledges €80 million to fight bird flu in third countries

Commissioner Kyprianou visits China to discuss avian flu, influenza preparedness and product safety

-Identification of Ovine and Caprine Animals (sheep and goats)

Ireland - online documentation

Competent authorities designated by Member Statesupdate


New developments : Modifications and improvements of Version 2.1 of TRACES

Food and Veterinary Office Inspection reports

PL Poland - Pesticides

HU Hungary -Pesticides

TH Thailand - Live fish, fishery products and bivalve molluscs


CL Chile - Fishery products and live bivalve molluscs

GM Food & Feed - Authorisation
Newly authorised products, entered in the Community Register of GM Food and Feed: MON863 & GA21

Novel Food Regulation (EC) No 258/97 - Genetically modified food authorisedUpdated 17-01-2006

Directive No 2001/18/EC on deliberate release of GMOs into the environment : Geneticallymodified feed authorisedUpdated 17-01-2006

List of specialised Committees and Task Forces

-Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS)

Codex Circular Letter CL 2005/44-MAS: Draft Guidelines for Evaluating Acceptable Methods of Analysis

EC Comments

-CAC - Codex Alimentarius Commission

Codex Circular Letter CL 2005/33-CAC : Request for comments on Codex work on antimicrobial resistance

EC Comments

-Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC)

Codex Circular Letter CL 2005/32-FAC: Proposed Draft Revision of the Codex Class Names and International Numbering System (CAC/GL 36-1989)

EC Comments

Food Supplements

Dossiers submitted to the European Commission under art. 4 of Directive 2002/46/EC on foodsupplementsUpdated 17-01-2006

Dietetic Foods

List of competent authorities of the Member States within the meaning of Article 9 of Council Directive 89/398/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to foodstuffs intended for foods for particular nutritional uses


Lamy and Mandelson discuss WTO Talks in Brussels


New organisation chart for the EuropeanCommission's Taxation & Customs Union Directorate General is now available


Euro-zone and EU25 GDP up by 0.6%

Quarterly euro-area GDP growth projections in the range of 0.4% to 0.8% for the last and the current quarter and 0.4% to 0.9% for the second quarter of 2006


Controlling EU funds: Commission, Parliament, Council and Court of Auditors must work together

Euro coin counterfeiting in 2005



Joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee Social legislation relating to road transport activities. Reference C6-2005-0416 : 18/01/2006

Joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee - Harmonisation and control equipment in the field of road transport. Reference C6-2005-0417 : 18/01/2006

Plenary 16-19 January

Results of votes at plenary

Austrian Presidency - MEPs set out their priorities

Committee Sessions in Brussels

  1. Committee on International Trade

Next meeting 25 January, Agenda available

  1. Committee on Agriculture and Rural development

Next meeting 23-25 January, Agenda available

  1. Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Next meetings 23/24 January, Agenda available and 30/31 January, Agenda available


Opinion of the AFC Panel on a request from the Commission related to Treatment of poultry carcasses with chlorine dioxide, acidified sodium chloride, trisodium phosphate and peroxyacids | updated 2006-01-16

EFSA launched itsnew online EFSA web survey.By providing EFSA with valuable feedback on its online services, they hope to design a more user-friendly and resource-rich website in the future.

Register to attend the 24 January 2006 Management Board Meeting in Parma


2006: Tentative schedule of meetings


Update on avian influenza in animals

Animal health news for the week


Agriculture remains principal activity of rural people


EU TRADE Sustainability Impact Assessment Stocktaking Conference 21-22 March

Civil Society Dialogue Meeting 02/02/2006 - DDA: Overview, Agriculture

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