Pending SBDM Approval
206 Reasor Avenue
Taylorsville, Kentucky 40071
June 22, 2009
Meeting Called To Order At: 5:01 PM
Members Present: Chuck Abell, Stacy Hieb, Natalie Mullins & Cele Walker
Members Absent: Kim Foster, Ruth Ann Sweazy
Guests: Natisha DiSisto (Secretary), DeVona Hickerson
1. Mr. Abell called the meeting to order.
2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, the Tiger Pledge was recited, the mission statement read and the decision making protocol reviewed.
3. Roll Call – Listed at the top
4. Approval of Agenda – Under New Business the agenda item of IA position funded from Title I approval was added.
5. Public Comments – None
6. SBDM Correspondence – None
7. Presentations with Discussion - None
No Discussion Necessary:
8. Consent Items – Previous Meeting Minutes (5/26/09) were considered. A motion to approve the minutes with a minor change was made by Ms. Hieb, Ms. Walker 2nd the motion.
Items With Discussion:
9. Budget Update and Approval – Mr. Abell reviewed the budget with the council members. The council discussed activity funds and the possibly of purchasing additional playground equipment. A motion was made to approve the budget by Ms. Walker, Ms. Hieb 2nd the motion.
10. Committee Updates – None
11. Old Business
a. Parent Involvement policy – The council completed the second reading of the Parent Involvement policy. The policy was approved with one minor grammatical change.
12. New Business
a. Title I Budget Discussion – Mr. Abell informed the council that the Board will be considering how Title I funds will be applied for next school year at this evening’s Board Meeting. Once a decision has been made, Mr. Abell will submit a Title I Budget for council approval.
b. ESS IA Position/Flexible Fund Discussion and Approval – The council considered applying Flexible Funds to hire an IA as done in the previous school year. A motion to approve applying ESS Flexible funds to hire an additional IA was made by Ms. Mullins, Ms. Walker 2nd the motion.
c. Schedule Approval – The council discussed a draft Master Schedule and a draft Extra Duty Schedule. The new start and ending times for the school day were discussed. Mr. Abell advised council members if enrollment continued to increase and there was a need to add an additional classroom, it would impact the Master Schedule. A motion to approve the Master Schedule was made by Ms. Mullins, Ms. Hieb 2nd the motion. A motion to approve the Extra Duty Schedule was made by Ms. Walker, Ms. Mullins 2nd the motion.
d. IA Approval funded from Title I – The council discussed funding an IA position from Title I funds as done the previous school year. This IA would be assigned to Guided Reading Program. A motion to approve the IA position was made by Ms. Walker, Ms. Hieb 2nd the motion.
13. Review of Upcoming Dates – A Special Called SBDM meeting is needed in July.
14. Determine agenda items for next meeting – Review Policies; Meeting Dates; Bylaws; Title I Budget; Consultation, Schedules
15. Adjournment – Ms. Hieb made the motion to adjourn, Ms. Mullins 2nd the motion.
Meeting adjourned at: 5:51 p.m.
Minutes submitted by: Natisha DiSisto