Toowoomba Catholic Diocese Consultation Survey

Please return your completed survey to your parish, agency, school, etc. in the special boxes provided

Or email to

To be Completed by Friday 3 November 2017

The Diocesan Pastoral Council and deanery representatives have drafted a Diocesan Pastoral Statement to take us into the next five years.

Your help in commenting on:

(i)The Diocesan Pastoral Statement; and

(ii)Identifying the priorities and practical actions the Diocese should address in bringing this statement to life.

would be appreciated.

Instructions for Completion of Survey

Either an individual and/or a group can respond. Please indicate the basis on which this survey hasbeen completed.


Male Female

Age range: 10-15; 16-20; 21-30; 31-40; 41-50; 51-60; 60plus




Name of Group:

Numbers in Group:


Please comment on the following.

Diocesan PastoralStatement -

The Diocese of Toowoomba:

Creating welcoming communities from the Range to the Borders

where God’s love and the joy of the Gospel is experienced and shared.


Possible priorities for the Diocese to address

Fourteen priorities are listed. Choose the ones you believe are most important for bringing our diocesan statement to life. Label the ones you have chosen with a number, starting with the number “1” as the most important.

 EcumenismInterfaith - Cultivate and support relationships with other Christian communities and other faith traditions.

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Nurturing Family Participation – Supporting families to engage in the life of the Church

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Parish Leadership - Cultivate collegial and collaborative leadership where clergy and lay leaders work together to empower the gifts of others and to develop the Diocesan and parish community

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Liturgy - Promote a practice of Liturgy which is spiritually nourishing and encourages all to embrace their role as witnesses of Christ to the world.

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Spiritual Development - Provide opportunities for people to nurture their relationship with God and with all creation through an integration of prayer and life

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Rural and Remote connection and outreach – support for rural and remote parishes in the Diocese

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Creating a Safe and welcoming Church – safeguarding the welfare and dignity of all into the future

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Parish/School connection – to create a mutually supportive community

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Social Justice – supporting the rights and welfare of vulnerable, poor, marginalised and excluded

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Faith Formation and Education – understanding and living the Gospel

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Vocation – encouraging lives of dedication to Christ

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Youth Engagement – recognising and addressing the needs and wants of youth

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Pastoral Care – sensitive and responsive to the everyday needs of people

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.

 Other

Add anypractical action(s) to bring this to life that you would like to suggest.


The Comments and Actions received will be collated by John Scoble a Brisbane based HR Consultant. Upon its receipt, the Diocesan Pastoral Council will use the data to establish Diocesan priorities and strategies as a Pastoral Plan.

Please return your completed survey to your parish, agency, school, etc. in the special boxes provided

Or email to