Time: 2 Hours

Name -: ______Max. Marks-: 50

Class -: ______Sec-: ______

Roll No. -: ______


Instructions -:

  1. Read all questions carefully.
  2. Attempt all questions
  3. Choice questions, if any, to be attempted carefully.
  4. Draw margin and number your answers in Subjective Answer Script properly.
  5. Attach the map between the Objective and Subjective answer sheet.
  6. This paper consists of 06printed sides.


Q1. A) Fill in the blanks:- (5 x ½=2½)

a)______is the most famous beach of Mumbai.

b)The earlier name of Mumbai was ______.

c)______is the main language spoken by the people of Mumbai.

d)______is a famous dargah which is a popular attraction in

e)Mumbaiis ______in summers.

B) The Early humans tied a sharp ______to a long ______

and aimed it at the ______. This weapon travelled
______and quite ______.

Q2. Give one word answer:- (5 x ½=2½)

a)A natural object worshipped by early humans______

b)The earliest boat used by early humans______

c)The famous Technology Institute in Mumbai______

d)A famous aquarium located in Mumbai______

e)The farming settlements of early humans______

Q3. Choose the correct answer and encircle it:-(5 x ½=2½)

a)The ______lives in Mumbai.


i) Chief Minister of Maharashtraii) Prime Minister of India

b)Early man added ______to keep the fire alive.

i) oilii) dry leaves

c)AfterGanesha Chaturthi, the idols of Ganesha are immersed in

i) Arabian Seaii) Bay of Bengal

d)The first carts made by early humans were ______.

i) with wheelsii) without wheels

e)Early humans bathed in ______.

i) bathroomsii) rivers

Q4. Fill in the blanks by observing the pictures:- (8 x ½= 4)

This is a ______. It was

used by early man for ______


the land. This tool was made of

______and was ______

to use.

Early man pulled loads on

______without wheels.


This type of cart is called a

______. It was pulled by

______first and later by


Q5. Correct the following statements:- (6 x 1= 6)

a)Mumbai has the smallest port in the country.



b)Early humans used aluminium to make tools.



c)People of Mumbai commute by long distance trains in and around the city.


d)The early man lived in buildings.



e)Early man had time for activities like singing and film making after settling down.



f)Early man used ships for crossing rivers.



Q6. Name these:-(10 x ½=5)

a)Any 2 hiding places of early man.


b)Any 2 discoveries that changed the life of early man.


c)Any 2 famous tourist attractions of Mumbai.


d)Any 2 animals domesticated by early man.


e)Any 2 occupations of early man after they started leading a settled life.



Q1. Define the following:- (any two) (2 x 1=2)

i) Cultivationii) Plough iii) Spear iv) Flint

Q2. Give reasons for the following:- (4 x 1=4)

a)Early humans attached small round objects under carts because.…….

b)Early humans learnt to form governments because……...

c)Mumbai High is famous because………

d)Rajiv Gandhi sea link is an important landmark of Mumbai because…….

Q3. Read each part of the question carefully and answer briefly:- (1+1=2)

a)i) Who gave the name ‘Mumbai’ to the city?

ii) What type of climate is enjoyed by the city?

b)Write a short note on any one:- (2 points only) (1 + 1=2)

i) Food eaten by the early humans.

ii) Weapons used by early humans.

c)i) Name any two important institutions of Mumbai. (1 + ½ + ½=2)

ii) Which is the main festival celebrated by the people of Mumbai.

iii) In which month is this festival celebrated?

d)Differentiate between the early man and the modern man. (on the basis of transport and houses) (1 + 1=2)

e)i) How was fire discovered by early man? (1 + 1=2)

ii) How did they keep it alive?

f)i) What is a raft? (1 + 1=2)

ii) How did it help the early man?

Q4. Give any two changes that were brought in the life of early man after
discovery of farming. (1 + 1=2)

Q5. On the given map of India locate and label the following:- (Map sheet
to be attached with the Subjective answer:- (5 x 1=5)

i) Indian Oceanii) The Northern Plains

iii) Eastern Ghatsiv) Andaman & Nicobar Islands

v) Western Coastal Plains

Map Sheet

Map sheet to be attached with the Subjective answer sheets.

Q5. On the given map of India locate and label the following:- (Map sheet
to be attached with the Subjective answer:- (5 x 1=5)

i) Indian Oceanii) The Northern Plains

iii) Eastern Ghatsiv) Andaman & Nicobar Islands

v) Western Coastal Plains