Diamond Dolls

Applications will be due by break on Monday, October 15th. The first cut will be posted on Tuesday, October 16th. This year, we will require interviews for the top 20 girls. These will be conducted on Wednesday, October 17th at 7:00 a.m. You will report to Mr Sandlin’s room, Rm. 17. If you are not present for your interview, you will not be considered. The Diamond Dolls chosen will be announced at afternoon announcements Friday, October 19thth and posted to the PJHS website.


Thank you for your interest in Diamond Dolls for the 2018-2019season. I want you to understand the responsibilities required for this position.

--You will be required to help carry all equipment when we are at the field.

--You will be required to help with the concession stand.

--You will be required to assist an adult with taking up money at the gate.

--You will be required to learn how to keep a game book.

--You will be required to help retrieve foul balls at all games.

--You will be required to work your scheduled practice and call Coach Riddle or Ms. Meherg if you will not be there. You must also find a replacement to work in your place and inform Coach Riddle or Ms. Meherg who that will be.

--You will be required to ride the bus to and from all home and away games. (No exceptions)

--You will be required to keep the scoreboard for home games.

--Every Diamond Doll will be required to attend every home game and 2 will be required on each road game. (It will rotate)

--Every Diamond Doll will be required to attend tryouts that will be held November 5-8.

--Every Diamond Doll will be expected to participate in fundraiser activities. All scheduled practice dates and fundraiser dates will be announced.

**You will be treated as a valuable member of the team. You will receive matching clothing, be involved in taking the team picture, and will have dinner and snacks provided like every player. You will be certified in First-Aid and CPR and will be needed to help take care of cuts, breaks, and bruises as they occur. You will be held to a high standard academically and behaviorally per the standard of Autauga County, Prattville Junior High School, and Coach Riddle. Any visit to the alternative school for any reason will result in your immediate dismissal from the team.


Coach Riddle

Ms. Meherg – 334-549-4392