Toot Hill Citizenship Studies – Year 10 Bingo Tasks

Carry out the tasks below in any order of your choice. The more detail and thorough your notes/ responses are, the more likely it will have an impact on improving your next data point. When you have completed three in a row, show Miss Middleton and a prize will be given. When all tasks are completed, hand this in with the work attached and an even better reward will be given. Good luck! 

Researchand make one paragraph of notes on the Magna Carta. You can write about: how it came about, what it is and why it is still relevant today in 2017. / Make four flashcards on:
-Police powers to stop and search
-Police powers to arrest
-Police powers to detain
-Police powers to interview / Make a flow chart of the process a bill takes to become a law through the House of Commons and House of Lords. Make sure you explain what happens at each stage in the houses.
Define the following key phrases:
First past the post
Proportional Representation
Party list system
Member of European Parliament
Cabinet government
Prime Minister
Parliament / Watch Prime Ministers question time (PMQT) (on YouTube or on a Wednesday at 12.30 on BBC Parliament) and answer the following questions
-Give two advantages of PMQT
-Give two disadvantages of PMQT / Copy and complete the table below:
Common law (judge made law) / Statute law (government made law)
Give two advantages and two disadvantages of each type of law making process.
Draw a hierarchy of the criminal courts with annotations of the types of cases heard in each court and the name of the judge that sits in each court / Choose one 8 mark question from below. Remember to do an introduction, two points against, two points for and a conclusion with your own opinion.
  1. The age of criminal responsibility should be raised to 16. Do you agree?
  2. All human rights should come with responsibilities. Do you agree?
  3. A democracy is the only fair way to run a government. Do you agree?
/ Name five human rights and give two responsibilities that come with each right. See example below:
  1. Right to education
-Responsibility to attend school and be on time
-Responsibility to behave in lessons and complete work to best of your ability