LovellElementary School

2016-17School Year

(Revised June2016)

Lovell Elementary School

Vision:“Learning Today . . . Leading Tomorrow”

Mission: “We are Responsible, Respectful and Ready to Learn”

Our students, staff, and parents will experience:

A safe and positive learning environment

Accountability for all

Support in the learning community

Challenging and differentiated instruction

High expectations and values

Reflective, innovative, and exciting instruction

Problem-solving opportunities

Professional Learning Communities

Learning that prepares us for the future

Dear Faculty and Staff:

It has been a great year with many positive learning experiences for us all! I have been very impressed by the amazing staff I have had the opportunity to work with and am excited to work with you for many more years to come. I look forward to new and exciting opportunities as we work to increase student learning and continuous school improvement!The one constant thing in life and especially in education is the opportunity to grow in our skills and understandings as the wheels of change are consistently turning. You

I want each of you to know how wonderful it is to be working with a staff of professional educators who are passionate about student learning and effective instructional practices! You have amazed me with your knowledge and expertise and your desire to be the best! My goal as your principal is to lead us in a cycle of constant reflection and growth as we focus on ensuring that all students learn at high levels. The work we do at the elementary level is the most important work in education for shaping young learners and establishing their future success! I truly believe there is no better place to be than in an Elementary School, shaping the lives of our future leaders! Let’s make it another great year!


Deanna Martineau


District & School Goals:

District & School Goal #1: LES will meet or exceed expectation with the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA) and with ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act).

District & School Goal #2: All students will be provided with a safe and orderly environment.

District & School Goal #3: Each student will improve his/her achievement for grade level expectations in Reading, Math, Science, and Writing as measured by state and district assessment data.

Wyoming School Comprehensive Goal for LES: All students at LES will show growth in Language Arts and Math.


  • Lovell Elementary School Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday
  • FRIDAY School Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Daily Schedule—Breakfast is served M-F @ 8:00 am

8:20 a.m.Warning Bell—Students line up to go to class from the playground

8:25 a.m.School Begins

10:00-10:15 a.m.Morning Recess-Grades K-5

Lunch Schedule: ALL students will eat lunch first and then go out to recess, allowing for ample time to eat.


Kindergarten11:15 - 12:00

First Grade11:25 - 12:10

Second Grade11:30 - 12:15

Third Grade11:35 – 12:20

Fourth Grade11:40 – 12:25

Fifth Grade11:45 – 12:30

2:00-2:15 p.m. Afternoon Recess Grades K-5

3:10 p.m.—Dismissal on Monday - THURSDAY

12:50 p.m. Dismissal on Friday

** Early release for holidays will be as scheduled

Academically High Achieving Students:

Using the district’s MTSS (Multi-tiered System of Support), teachers at LES work together as a PLC (Professional Learning Community). Studentsidentified as Academically High Achieving Students in grades K-5 using MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) Assessments and other classroom assessments or scoring above a 3.75 in the fourth grade and above a 3.83 in fifth grade according to the District Test Index, will receive differentiated instruction to enhance and increase their learning in the identified content areas. Students may be given other assessments to determine their eligibility to receive Gifted Education, as determined by the PLC team.

Gifted Education: Identification of gifted students will interface with the district’s MTSS (Multi-tiered System of Support) framework for teaching and learning. The PLC (Professional Learning Communities) Team will screen all students using the GRS (Gifted Rating Scale) beginning in the spring of second grade and all other students in the upper grades as determined by the PLC Team. If the GRS determines a student is gifted in any content area, additional data and district testing will be used to determine his/her eligibility for the program. An ILP (Individual Learning Plan) will be developed by the PLC Team and the Gifted Education Coordinator to ensure implementation and fidelity of gifted services.

Transfer Students- Students who transfer into BGH2 having been identified in another district or state, will be considered for eligibility pending an objective review of existing data. Others will be considered based on current data acquired by the PLC Team and reviewed for possible further testing. (See District Policy for all specifics of procedures)

Attendance Procedures

Please take attendance and report absences the very first thing each morning and promptly after lunch recess!!

Students need to be in school consistently in order to have the greatest academic success. Please reinforce this with your students and their parents at the beginning of the school year. The district recognizes that emergencies, illness and other absences occur. As a result, ten (10) days per semester can be used for thesepurposes. If a student exceeds this number of absences a physician’s note is required for further absences to be excused. Habitual tardiness is also a concern and needs to be addressed promptly at the beginning of the school year. Please let the the principal know of any concerns you may have regarding excessive absences or tardies with a student. The office will keep track of all absences and tardies on Powerschool.

PLC/BIT (Building Intervention Team):

LES is a Professional Learning Community (PLC) where teachers meet together weekly to determine whether students are making progress toward intended learning goals. Teams analyze student data and determine appropriate instruction to meet the individual learning needs of the students. This meeting is composed of grade level teachers, specialists and other professional staff who determine appropriate interventions, reteaching, progress monitoring and enrichment to improve and enhance student learning.

It is the responsibility of the team to gather data and analyze the data to determine intended proficiency in the identified Essential Learnings for the grade level. In the event a student does not show growth and proficiency as needed, the PLC team will determine appropriate interventions andmonitor the effectiveness of the intervention every two (2) weeks. Each PLC member is responsible for their part in the process and the implementation of the intervention as specified. If a student’s rate of growth in the intervention is determined insufficient, the team will make a change in one of four areas; 1) amount of time/frequency, 2) strategy or program being used, 3) instructor, 4) group size.

Building Keys:

Only LES staff will be issued LES keys. When receiving keys you will be required to sign them out with a building custodian or the principal. Staff members are responsible for the keys issued to them and those keys are for their use only. Do not loan school keys to anyone and never make copies of any school key. Staff members are responsible for all expenses incurred for re-keying the building due to lost or misplaced keys. If you lose your keys please notify the building principal immediately.

Bullying Policy: Code: JICFA


  1. Purpose: The Safe School Climate Act (W.S. §§21-4-311 through 21-4-315) prohibits harassment, intimidation or bullying of students in Wyoming public schools. It is the intent of Big Horn County School District #2 to adopt this policy in compliance with the Safe School Climate Act.
  1. Definitions: The following definitions shall apply to this policy:
  2. Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any
  3. intentional gesture;
  4. intentional electronic communication; or
  • intentional written, verbal or physical actoccurring or received at school that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:
  1. Harming a student physically or emotionally, damaging a student’s property or placing a student in reasonable fear of personal harm or property damage;
  2. Insulting or demeaning a student or group of students causing substantial disruption in, or interference with, the orderly operation of the school; or
  3. Creating an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student or a group of students through sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive behavior.
  4. School includes
  • A classroom or other location on school premises;
  • A school bus or other school-related vehicle;
  • A school bus stop;
  • An activity or event sponsored by a school, whether or not it is held on school premises; and
  • Any other program or function where the school is responsible for the child.
  1. Prohibition: No person shall engage in:
  2. Harassment, intimidation or bullying; or
  3. Reprisal or retaliation against a victim, witness or person who reports information about an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying.
  1. Reporting and Investigation: Procedures shall be developed for reporting, documenting and investigating acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying consistent with the following:
  2. All reports of harassment, intimidation, and bullying shall be promptly screened and, when appropriate, investigated by the principal or his/her designee.
  3. Anonymous reports shall be received via in writing by any school staff, or telephonically by any school staff.
  4. The investigatory process and outcome shall be documented in a written report.
  5. If harassment, intimidation or bullying conduct is substantiated, the report shall include a strategy to protect a victim from further incidents of prohibited conduct.
  1. Consequences: Consequences and appropriate remedial actions consistent with Board Policies referencing staff and student conduct may be imposed on:
  2. Any person found to have committed an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying;
  3. Any person found to have made a false accusation, report or complaint of harassment, intimidation or bullying; or
  4. Any person found to have engaged in reprisal or retaliation.
  1. Publication: Each school shall make this policy available to the public and shall engage parents, students, and staff in discussion regarding intimidation, harassment, and bullying in schools.
  1. Professional development: Information regarding the school district’s policy against harassment, intimidation or bullying shall be incorporated into the professional development programs.
  1. Model forms: Model forms shall be adopted for use to facilitate compliance with this policy.
  1. Bullying prevention: Each school within the district shall include bullying prevention information in the curriculum and/or in the school wide behavioral support system.

Adoption Date: August 11, 2014

Care of Classroom and Equipment:

Each teacher is responsible for the care of their classroom and the equipment in that classroom. Encourage the children to show respect for the furniture, textbooks and materials. Students should clean up the floor of the classroomeach day before leaving. Please teach them to keep their desks and the classroom neat and orderly. Classroom equipment (tables, shelves, cabinets etc.) are not to be moved unless cleared through the office first. If you would like to trade furniture or give equipment to a colleague, please check with the principal first, and the principal will communicate your needs to the custodians.

Cell Phone-Ipad Usage:

Staff members are welcome to bring cell phones to work, but they should be turned to vibrate during class time—no exceptions. Staff should not be talking on cell phones or texting when they have recess or other duties, and should never use them when students are in the room.Cell phones should

only be used during breaks, before and after school, or if there is an emergency. If you have apps which you use on your cell phone during instructional time, please put them on the IPad to use in the classroom. This will avoid the appearance of texting during class time.Please do not bring Ipads to faculty meetings or professional development meetings unless it is specifically communicated that you will need them. They can be a distraction, and our focus needs to be on the information being presented. It is also inappropriate to be texting on cell phones during district or building meetings. Please leave your cell phone in your pocket, purse or classroom.

Bucket Filler Celebrations:

Each trimester there will be a Bucket Filler Celebration for students who have been recognized as going above and beyond to be kind, helpful and courteous to others in order to make our school a great place to be. Students and teachers will recognize each other’s acts of kindness and write the action on a raindrop to be placed in a bucket in the classroom. Teachers will recognize all students in their classroom who have been recognized as a “Bucket Filler”. Student’s names will be drawn out of the names which have been sent to the office. These students will have the opportunity to participate in a special celebration. All students whose names are drawn will be required to have met good citizen criteria each trimester in order to attend. These criteria include: no in-school or out of school suspensions and no detentions for the previous month.

Classroom Parties and Celebrations:

LES celebrates Halloween and Valentine’s Day with class parties. Please limit other classroom celebrations and make sure that they are curriculum based. If you plan a party please notify the principal. Students may bring birthday treats to share with their classmates. All treats must be pre-packaged and sealed and produced on a commercial basis. Ingredients should be listed on the label. This is to ensure the safety and sanitation of food served at school. When you are making food in your classroom as part of an activity or the curriculum, please give parents prior notice and make sure that you are aware of all of your students’ allergies. Cooking in the classroom must have prior permission from the principal and is limited to crockpots and warming plates in order to keep the students safe. If you have other needs for cooking, which are curriculum based, please discuss this with the principal. The faculty room has cooking facilities and conditions more conducive to preparing food items.

Classroom Rules and Procedures:

All teachers will be given an LES Matrix of Expectations that they are responsible to teach andmodel what each expectation “looks like” and “sounds like” for the children at the beginning of the school year. A copy of the matrix is included in this handbook. Teachers are responsible to teach all behaviors on this list and they may add procedures for their particular classroom to the list provided. Individual classroom rules are covered on the Matrix of Expectations and should be taught, modeled and reinforced consistently in all classrooms throughout the year.

Chain of Command:

When an employee has a problem, that employee is required first to take the problem to the immediate supervisor. The last level of recourse is the School Board. Employees are encouraged to resolve their problems in their own areas as much as possible. If you have a problem with another faculty member you are encouraged to go directly to that person and have an open and honest discussion that stays between the two of you. If you require further help, then you may involve the principal.

Children of Staff Members:

Your children are welcome in our building and we realize that they need to be with you after school. Your own children should not be in the classroom with you after 8:00 a.m. in the morning or during recess times. They must follow school rules and remain in your classroom after schoolunless they are going to Pup Club, Extended Day or Friday School. They are under the direct supervision of their teacher-parent and should not be in the gym, lunchroom, workroom or other areas of the school without adult supervision. On Fridays, (early release) all children must leave the building during professional development or attend the Friday Extended Day Program.

Class Supervision:

It is your responsibility to supervise your students at all times. Please do not leave your students unsupervised at any time, and this includes before and after school. If you have an emergency and must

leave the classroom please contact the office or get one of the teachers in your hall to help supervise the children.

Classroom Interruptions:

Classroom interruptions are to be kept to a minimum. Parents who come to the school to pick up a child will

remain in the office until the student comes in from their classroom or the playground. Parents may visit

classrooms only if they have made a prior appointment with the teacher. Interruptions from the office with announcements will be kept to a minimum, and personal phone calls coming in to the school are discouraged during class time unless it is an emergency.

**Announcements will occur promptly at 8:20. Please do the pledge together every day when prompted.