Toombs County High School

Acc. Pre-Calculus Syllabus 2015 - 2016

Mrs. Sheila Pittman

Please keep this syllabus in the front of your notebook for reference.

Welcome to the new school year! I hope you are looking forward to another challenging and exciting year in Accelerated Pre-Calculus!

Required Materials: 3-ring binder, paper, pencils, dividers for notebook

Optional Materials: ruler, protractor, Texas Instruments multi-view scientific or graphing calculator (TI-83, 84 or 90), colored pens or pencils, graph paper, highlighters

Classroom Rules:

1. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings and do not get out of your seat without permission. You must be in your seat when the tardy bell is ringing or you will be marked tardy. On the 3rd tardy, you will be given after school detention. On subsequent tardies, you will be referred to the office. If I have assigned you a classroom calculator, please pick up your calculator as you enter the room. (This calculator is for classroom use only – it cannot leave the room!)

2. You will get 2 “free” hall passes per semester. If you need to leave the class for any personal reason (bathroom, locker, media center, etc.), you must take a hall pass. On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th sign-out, you will be assigned after school detention in order to make up missed class time. On the 6th sign-out, an office referral will be made.

3. When the tardy bell rings, you are to work on the daily bellringer activity while I check roll. Bellringers will be taken up at least twice an 8 weeks unannounced. They will be graded on effort and the average will count as a quiz grade.

3. Bring book/resources, notebook with paper, and pencil to class every day. All graded work must be done in pencil. If you come to class without your materials, you will have to go get them. This will count as one of your 2 hall passes.

4. Please do not talk while I am talking!

5. Do not ask to go to the bathroom while I am talking. Wait until an appropriate time to ask.

6. Gum, food, and drink are not allowed in the classroom. You will be asked to throw these items away.

7. Please do not brush your hair or put on makeup/perfume/body spray/lotion in the classroom.

8. Do not do work from another teacher’s class during my class.

9. No sleeping in class!

10. Complete all assignments and turn work in on time. You will be assigned after school detention anytime you do not complete assignments whether it is for a grade or just practice/homework. Late homework will not be accepted. Late quizzes, tests, and major projects will have 10 points deducted.

11. Make-up work is due the next day. Tests and quizzes are to be made up after school so as to not further miss class time. Tests and quizzes are posted on the unit outlines, so you will know ahead of time when to expect these assessments. If you are absent the day before an assessment, you will have to take the test on test day. If you are absent the day of an assessment, you will have to make it up the day you return.

12. Grading: Daily grades count once. Quizzes count twice. Tests and major projects count 3 times.

(You will take a 1st and 2nd semester exam. Semester exams count 20% of the semester grade.)

13. Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. The punishment on the first offense is teacher's discretion (according to the handbook). Subsequent offenses will result in a zero for the assignment or test. Cheating is considered to be direct copying of someone's work, even if you are working with a partner; allowing someone to copy your work; having your phone out during an exam (not allowed at any time, anyway) ; copying from a website; looking at someone's paper during an exam or quiz; using someone else's journal; talking during a test or quiz; other dishonest acts

**Consequences: 1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Detention/Parent Contact

3rd Offense: Office Referral

**Teacher reserves the right to substitute another appropriate consequence depending on the individual case.

Notebooks: Notebooks are required. All work and notes will be kept in your notebook. Your notebook should be arranged in the following order:

- pencil/material pouch (optional, but should be first if you have it)

- syllabus/class policy

- grade/assignment log sheet

- clean notebook paper

- labeled dividers in the following order:

Semester 1: 1. Unit 1: Conics

2. Unit 2: Trigonometric Functions

3. Unit 3: Trigonometry of General Triangles

4. Unit 4: Trigonometric Identities

5. Unit 5: Matrices

Semester 2: 6. Unit 6: Vectors

7. Polynomial Functions

8. Rational and Radical Relationships

9. Exponentials and Logarithms

10. Probability

Helpful Websites:


2) You Tube






As a junior, you will want to keep the following in mind:

12th: AP Calculus or Accel – AP Calculus AB is a year-long course designed to prepare you to take the AP exam. If you take the exam and make a 3 or higher, you are eligible to receive college credit. You can get high school credit for Calculus even if you do not take the exam or if you take the exam and make a 1 or 2. The Accel program allows you to enroll in college and earn credit for high school and college at the same time. You can attend any Georgia college, but most students attend Brewton-Parker or STC. Each college has different admission requirements for ACCEL.

Requirements for ACCEL:

·  Brewton-Parker : 970 combined critical reading and math SAT score with minimum SAT scores of 480 in Reading and 440 in Math OR 21 composite ACT score.

·  STC : minimum SAT score of 480 in reading and 440 in math OR an ACT score of 21 in

English and 19 in Math.

·  Scores must be in by March.

·  Have a total academic grade point average of 3.0 (includes English, math, social studies, science, and modern language)

·  Be in compliance with Selective Service (males 18 years and older are registered.

·  You must quality by the end of your junior year in order to attend Fall semester Accel programs.

·  Be at least 16 years old.

·  Parents and students, please do not hesitate to contact met at any time for help and/or questions. You may contact me by the school's phone at 526-4286 or by e-mail at .

Parents and students, please do not hesitate to contact met at any time for help and/or questions. You may contact me by the school's phone at 526-4286 or by e-mail at .

Parent Signature: ______Student Signature: ______

Parent Cell Phone: ______Parent E-Mail ______


Home Phone: ______