1. A tool is anything that helps you accomplish a task. In science, many tools are used to generate data.

Tools in Science

  1. One of the most widely used ways to collect data is through measurement.
  1. Accurate measurements can only be obtained with proper tools.
  1. Tools such as meter sticks, balances, and thermometers can generate data, which is then analyzed using tools such as a calculator and/or computer.

Making Measurements

  1. In science the metric system is used for all measurements.
  1. The metric system, or International System of Units (SI), expresses units in multiples of 10. FC
  1. A meter is the basic SI unit of length. FC
  1. A gram is the basic SI unit of mass. Mass is defined as the amount of matter in an object. 2 FC
  1. A liter is the basic SI unit of liquid volume. Volume is the amount of space that an object occupies. 2 FC
  1. The formulas to find volume are:

For a square/rectangular object

V = l x w x h

For a cylinder

v = Πr2h

All solid volume units are cubed.

  1. Density is defined as the amount of mass in a particular volume. It is calculated using the formula: FC

D = m


  1. The basic SI unit of temperature is kelvin (K). The other temperature scales you need to be familiar with are Fahrenheit and Celsius.
  1. There is a mathematical relationship between all 3 scales:

ºF = (ºC x 9/5) + 32

ºC = (ºF – 32) 5/9

K = ºC + 273.16

  1. Boiling temperatures of water:

212 ºF100ºC

  1. Freezing temperatures of water:

0 ºC32 ºF

  1. Absolute zero is the point at which all molecular motion stops. No life exists at this point. It is zero on the Kelvin scale.


  1. Perimeter is defined as the distance around a closed plane. FC
  1. The formula to find perimeter is:

p = l + w + l + w or

p = 2 (l + w) FC