TOOL FAIR - VII edition
19-23.11.2012, Poland
Personal Data:
The contact details you provide us below will be used for all correspondence!
First Name[as on your passport] / Family Name
[as on your passport]
Nationality / Date of Birth / Gender / Female
Complete address
Postal code / Town / Country
[with full international dial codes] / Fax
[with full international dial codes]
Mobile phone
E-mail / Website
Language(s) abilities: Please mention the level of English you are able to work and indicate your level for each of it (N-none, B-basic, G-good, VG-very good, F-fluent, MT-mother tongue)
Listening / Speaking / Reading / WritingEnglish
Any other
Do you have any special needs or requirements that the host National Agency should know about (e.g. medical needs, vegetarian, diet, health)?
Invitation letter
If you are accepted as a participant in this course and you need visa, it will be your own responsibility to apply for it. The Polish National Agency will support you by providing an invitation letter that will be sent to the contact details given in this application form. Therefore provide us:
Passport Number:
Place of issue:
Date of Issue (DD/MM/YYYY):
Date of Expiry (DD/MM/YYYY):
Your organisation:
NameComplete address
Postal code / Town / Country
[with full international dial codes] / Fax
[with full international dial codes]
Email / Website
Activity level / local regional national international
Please describe your functions in your organisation(youth worker, board member, youth leader, ...) and your tasks
Personal and Professional background:
The Tool Fair will be in English. The activity requires to understand English. If you have the level required, check the box:
Have you ever taken part in any Tool Fair in the past? - If yes, please indicate.
Please describe your experience as trainer/youth worker..
Motivation and Expectations
Please descibe your pesonal and professional motivation.
Why is important for you attending to Tool Fair?
Please describe the possible outcomes of this activity for your target group, association and local community.
What will be your contribution to TOOL FAIR (personal, organisational)?
Tool for Learning
This session of your application is focus on your contribution during Tool Fair .
Tool Fair VII aims to contribute not only to the learning outcomes of each individual participant but also to the quality of educational tools and learning process on European level, complementing SALTO-YOUTH Toolbox for Training and Youth Work ( and various publications on educational tools, in coherence with the European Training Strategy. about the Tool for Learning that you would like to share.
Please use this session for describe the tool for learning that you would like to present.In case please to have a look on the page: for more information about Tools for learning
Do you plan to run or present a workshop during the Tool Fair?
If you answered that your will run or present a workshops, please describe your Tool for Learning.
We need to know:
Title of Tool For Learning
Target group
Brief description
How long will be your workshop?
Why is important for you run/present this workshop?
Other comments
Please take note of the following conditions that will apply if you are selected to take part in the training course.
- I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including:
to prepare myself carefully for the seminar and to do all remote preparation work the team will ask for
to take part in the full duration of the seminar
to participate in the whole evaluation process
- I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.
- I authorise my National Agency,Polish National Agency and the European Commission to publish, in whatever form and by whatever medium, including the Internet, my correspondence address, information about my organisation and work and pictures taken at the course.
I agree: