The Implementation Plan has six outcome areas, with one to four priority action areas under each:
Outcome 1: Children grow up in homes and communities that are equitable, respectful and free from violence and abuseAction Area 1: Promote father-inclusive early years services that engage men as carers as well as equal and respectful partners at home
Action Area 2: Enhance opportunities for children and their parents to participate in activities and programs that foster positive personal identities andchallenge gender stereotypes and inequality in Early Years, School and Recreation settings
Action Area 3: Facilitate early years services, schools and family violence support services working together to address children’s needs.
Outcome 2: Young people feel confident and supported to engage in respectful relationships and equal opportunities
Action Area 1: Continue to support young people through the Oxygen Project to create safe, equitable and inclusive spaces in the municipality
Action Area 2: Continue to support young people through the Oxygen Project to become aware, articulate and actively participate in addressing their key concerns, including family violence
Action Area 3: Facilitate youth services and family violence support services working together to respond to the needs of youth experiencing familyviolence
Outcome 3: Older people and people with a disability live in homes and communities that are respectful and free from violence and abuse
Action Area 1: Ensure that older people and people with a disability have an understanding of family violence and receive assistance required in accessing support services
Action Area 2: Promote awareness of the support needs of older people and people with a disability in relation to family violence
Outcome 4: Women and girls feel safe and supported in their homes and communities and experience no barriers in social, economic and political participation
Action Area 1: Continue to enhance women’s and girls’ participation in active sports
Action Area 2: Continue to promote women’s and girls’ participation and leadership in the community and local decision-making
Action Area 3: Facilitate strong and responsive support services
Action Area 4: Demonstrate continued organisational commitment and leadership to advance equal opportunities and support employees experiencing familyviolence
Outcome 5: Men feel confident and supported as carers and respectful partners at home and benefit from social networks that foster positive personal identities and equal participation
Action Area 1: Support men as carers and respectful partners in early years settings
Action Area 2:Increase opportunities for men that foster social connections, positive personal identities and challenge gender stereotypes and roles in recreation andcommunity settings
Action Area 3: Demonstrate continued organisational commitment and leadership in advancing equal participation and engaging men in promoting gender equality
and preventing violence against women
Outcome 6: Moreland communities have an understanding of the prevalence and impact of family violence and are supported to take action
Action Area 1: Support community groups that have identified family violence as concern to develop and implement targeted activities to address and prevent the issue
The implementation tracking sheet lists actions based on their planned due date. The six outcome areas are numbered and colour coded. Additional numbers in brackets relate to the action number included in the Implementation Plan:
1. Early Years & Children / 2. Youth / 3. Older People & People with a Disability / 4. Women & Girls / 5. Men / 6. CommunitiesAction / Lead / Key Partners / Timelines / Resources / Status
/ Response
Continue to support employees experiencing family violence through Council’s Family Violence Workplace Policy and review family violence training needs / MCC – Human Resurces / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy
Women’s Health in the North / Revised – Dec 2017 / No additional resources required / In progress.
Internal consultations underway regarding responsive family violence information sharing and training options
(4) / Prevention Response
Explore and trial a communication/ networking tool where members can share information, promote current services/ projects and seek advice/ support from peers in relation to gender equality, family violence prevention and response / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Service Networks / Revised – Nov 2017 / No additional resources required for narrower scope / In progress.
Network consultations and a survey have been conducted and options for a more user-friendly and inter-active platform involving emails, internet and social media are currently being explored
(6) / Prevention
Seek user feedback to identify opportunities for improving the Oxygen youth facility space and programming in regards to gender equality and inclusion / MCC – Youth / Women’s Health in the North / Revised –June 2018 / No additional resources required / In progress.
A survey and consultations to be conducted in September. Further, a municipal-wide youth survey is planned for early 2018 to inform the development of the new Youth Strategy
(24) / Response
Prevent homelessness for Arabic speaking women in Moreland by assisting victims of family violence to access safe housing and support services / VincentCare Victoria / Kildonan Uniting Care
MCC – Community Development & Social Policy
Salvation Army Crossroads Service / Sept 2017 / One off pilot project funded by MCC. Further external funding is being explored. / Almost completed.
The project has ended and an evaluation report is expected in October
(8) / Prevention
Explore opportunities for further collaboration with Merri Health Service to support the YGLAM Queer Youth Theatre Group to promote positive personal identities and inclusion / Merri Health / MCC – Youth / Sept 2017 / Subject to successful funding application / In progress.
Council Community Grants 2017-2018 funding contribution for ‘Queer MOVEment’, a large scale community event in Coburg
(20) / Prevention
Continue to promote an environment which advances women’s health and wellbeing through Council’s Municipal Public Health & Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021 (in development) / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Municipal Association of Victoria
Women’s Health in the North / Oct 2017 / No additional resources required / Almost completed.
The 2017-2018 Action Plan is considered by Council in October
(5) / Prevention
Ensure that gender equality and positive relationship topics are integrated in Council’s school transition program from primary to secondary school / MCC – Youth / Active Moreland Network
Coburg High School
Glenroy College
Local Learning & Employment Network LLEN
Pascoe Vale Girls Secondary College
YSAS Youth Support & Advocacy Service / End 2017 / Subject to successful funding application for wider scope
no additional resources required for narrower scope / In progress.
Planning for ‘Joining the Dots’ program at Pascoe Vale Girls in partnership with LLEN
(9) / Prevention
Increase understanding amongst young people of issues related to gender equality and respect through arts or education projects in community and school settings and aligned with the Victorian Department of Education’s whole-school primary prevention approach / MCC – Youth Merri Health / CASA Cultura
Department of Education and Training DET
MCC – Arts & Cultural Development
Secondary Schools in Moreland
Victoria Police / End 2017 / Subject to successful funding application for wider scope
no additional resources required for narrower scope / In progress.
Discussions with DET how the team can support Coburg High and Glenroy College (Respectful Relationships program lead and partner schools)
(11) / Prevention Response
Review the Moreland Elder Abuse Prevention Toolkit 2012 and ensure that employees receive appropriate training / MCC – Aged & Social Support / Merri Health
Seniors Rights Victoria / End 2017 / No additional resources required / In progress.
The review of Council’s Elder Abuse Prevention Toolkit 2012 is underway and planning for the rollout of staff training has commenced
(13) / Response
Promote the needs of diverse and vulnerable client groups, including older people and people with disability as part of the Victorian Government’s redevelopment of the Common Risk Assessment Framework / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy Unit / MCC – Aged & Social Support
Moreland Family Violence Network
Women’s Health in the North / End 2017 / No additional resources required / In progress.
Promoting review updates and consultation participation opportunities to the service networks
(14) / Prevention Response
Include the prevention of family violence as an action area of the Moreland Disability Service Providers Network, a new network to be established for sharing information and expertise on issues relating to people with disability in Moreland / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Merri Health / End 2017 / No additional resources required / In progress.
The establishment of the network is in development
(15) / Prevention Response
Advocate for organisational recognition and support of carer friendly workplaces (Carers Recognition Act Vic 2012 and The Victorian Charter supporting people in care relationships) to reduce carer stress and risk of abuse / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Merri Health / End 2017 / No additional resources required / In progress.
MetroAccess activities during Carers Week 2017 from 15-21 October will raise awareness of carers in the workplace and communityand promote better recognition and support for carersto lessen the risk of abuse in care relationships
(30) / Prevention
Explore the benefit and costs of implementing a workplace gender equality accreditation program / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / MCC – Human Resources
Municipal Association of Victoria / June 2018 / No additional resources required / In progress.
Researching existing national programs and developments in Victoria in connection with the State’s Gender Equality Strategy
(17) / Prevention
Advocate for an increase in reporting on women’s sports in the local media sports section that reflects women’s increasing participation in active sports / MCC – Recreation / Moreland Leader / Revised - ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Proactive media releases by Council and clubs are encouraged to promote their programs through social media and local papers
(7) / Prevention
Facilitate youth participation and leadership to raise awareness and take a stand against violence against women in a youth setting / MCC – Youth Team / FReeZA Committee
Oxygen Committee / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress
Oxygen Committee under review and recruitment of new members is underway.
(2) / Prevention
Develop and implement an engagement strategy to enhance local services’ and communities’ understanding of the role of fathers in the early years, available services and resources to promote equal parenting and respectful relationships / MCC – Social Policy & Early Years
Kildonan Uniting Care / Aquatic and Leisure Centres
Children’s Protection Society
Community Health
Kindergartens/ Long Day Care Centres
Multicultural/ Settlement Services
Primary Schools
Sport Clubs
Women’s Health in the North / Ongoing / Subject to successful funding application for wider scope
no additional resources required for narrower scope / In progress.
Exploring further external funding and partnership opportunities after unsuccessful application to the State’s Community Partnerships Prevention Grant (February 2017)
(3) / Prevention
Promote relevant training and programs for educators/ teachers, parents and children, funded by Council, State Government, Commonwealth or philanthropic organisations / MCC – Social Policy & Early Years
Domestic Violence Resource Centre
Department of Education & Training / Child Care Coordinators Network
Early Years Network/ Kindergarten Teachers
Primary Schools
Sport Clubs / Ongoing / Subject to successful funding application for wider scope
no additional resources required for narrower scope / In progress.
Exploring further external funding and partnership opportunities after unsuccessful application to the State’s Community Partnerships Prevention Grant (February 2017)
(10) / Prevention Response
Build capacity and enhance referral pathways to better support young women and men related to family violence, gender equality and respectful relationships through information and resource sharing / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / MCC – Youth
Moreland Youth Commitment
Victoria Police / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Review of information sharing and networking tool (action 4) underway
(12) / Prevention Response
Provide older people and people with disabilitywith relevant and timely information about family violence and where to seek support. / MCC – Aged & Social Support / Merri Health
Seniors Rights Victoria / Ongoing / No additional resources required / Completed.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2017 implemented in partnership with Merri Health and North West Aged Care Assessment Service
(16) / Prevention
Continue to promote women’s and girls’ participation in organised sports as players and leaders, e.g. through Council policies and the female participation grant / MCC – Recreation / Sport Clubs
Victoria University, Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL) / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
An evaluation of Moreland’s activities to support greater female participation has been undertaken and informs an annual action plan currently being developed to guide future initiatives
(18) / Prevention
Continue to support the community to access funding and other opportunities to advance women’s social and economic participation in the community / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Brotherhood of St Laurence
Community groups
Service networks / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Supporting partners to apply for external or Council funding and connect with potential partners, e.g. Victorian Community Partnerships Prevention Grant, Council’s Community Grants, Office of Multicultural Affairs Grants and other community grants
(19) / Prevention
Continue to promote women’s leadership in the community, e.g. through the Honouring Women in Moreland Awards and Community Awards / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Community groups
Council service networks / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Proposal for the review of Council’s Statement of Commitment to Women from 1998 confirmed with Portfolio Councillors and Executive Group
(21) / Prevention
Continue to support regional and statewide networks and initiatives that promote gender equality and preventing violence against women / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Inner North West Primary Care Partnership
Municipal Association of Victoria
Women’s Health in the North / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Participation in one of the working groups for the regional Building a Respectful Community Strategy 2017-2021.
(22) / Prevention Response
Continue to support the Moreland Family Violence Network for frontline workers and identify opportunities to strengthen the network’s connections, advocacy and primary prevention agenda / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Moreland Family Violence Network
Women’s Health in the North / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Facilitated network presentations and engagement regarding a Memorial for Victims of Violence at Brosnan Park; respectful relationships education roll out; forced marriage and Week without Violence campaign.
(23) / Response
Continue to offer ‘Safe Haven for Pets’ – a free temporary animal shelter for residents leaving family violence - and ensure that Council’s approach is aligned with any future regional and/ or State approach / MCC - Animal Management / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy
Municipal Association of Victoria
Women’s Health in the North / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Preparing Draft Policy and Procedures for the Epping Animal Welfare Facility, to be jointly operated by the Cities of Whittlesea, Darebin and Moreland
(26) / Prevention
Continued organisational commitment and leadership to stop violence against women, e.g. participation in the annual White Ribbon campaign / MCC - White Ribbon Action Team / MCC – Moreland Executive Group
Merri Health
Moreland Family Violence Network
Victoria Police
Women’s Health in the North
YMCA / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Preparations for staff engagement in planning Council’s eventare underway.
(27) / Prevention
Enhance the capacity of Council business units to collect and use sex-disaggregated data to inform planning for services and programs / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / MCC – Organisational Performance
Women’s Health in the North / Ongoing / Subject to successful funding application for wider scope
no additional resources required for narrower scope / Not commenced yet.
(29) / Response
Strengthen local service connections with men’s support services and advocate for enhanced referral pathways and services, in particular for diverse communities / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Women’s Health in the North / Ongoing / No additional resources required / Not commenced yet.
(31) / Prevention Response
Facilitate community education sessions regarding family violence, available support and prevention / NEAMI National
Northern Community Legal Centre
Think Prevent
Victoria Police / Community groups – faith, women, older people, people with a disability, youth etc.
MCC – Community Development & Social Policy
Moreland Family Violence Network / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Supporting partners’ funding applications, providing accessible venuesand promoting local events, as required.
(32) / Prevention
Support the community to access funding and other opportunities to implement evidence based targeted activities / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Community groups – faith, women, older people, people with a disability, youth etc. / Ongoing / No additional resources required / In progress.
Supported community groups and organisations to apply for Council’s Community Grants 2017-2018 6 to implement projects in their communities that promote wellbeing, respectful relationships and social inclusion – six such projects are being funded out of a total of 28.
(1) / Prevention
To create a framework, implementation guide and performance indicators for a gender equitable and father inclusive Maternal & Child Health Service building on the Active Fathers’ / Active Dads’ Project / MCC – Social Policy & Early Years / Centre for Child and Family Welfare
Inner NorthWest Primary Care Partnership
Kildonan Uniting Care
Merri Community Health Service
Women’s Health in the North / Subject to successful funding application / Subject to successful funding application / In progress.
Exploring further external funding opportunities after unsuccessful application to the MAV Local Government PVAW Grant (July 2016)
(28) / Prevention
Explore opportunities for local initiatives to convey key messages and engage men and families regarding positive relationships and challenging gender stereotypes / MCC – Community Development & Social Policy / Merri Health
Oorja Foundation
And others / Subject to successful funding application / Subject to successful funding / Not commenced yet.