Tool 1-1. Community Needs Assessment
Outcome / Measures chosen(pick several from list
in each category) / Datasources / Rate of selected measures inmy community / Rate of
in my comparison: / How did the
community dorelative to the comparison? / Priority
(enter high,medium,or low)
Year 1: / Year 2: / Year 3:
measures (notan outcome) /
- Number of children under 5years of age
- Number and % of people inpoverty
- Number of children underage 5 in poverty
- % of children in single-parent families
developmentand schoolreadiness /
- Child scores on measuresof cognitive development,such as the PeabodyPicture Vocabulary Testor the Woodcock-Johnsonassessments
- % of homes with apositive home learningenvironment
- Preschool participation rate
- Measures of elementaryschool academicachievement; for example,test scores
- Rate of grade retention
- Rate of high schoolgraduation
Child health /
- Rate of low birth weight
- Rate of preterm birth
- Rate of infant mortality
- Child scores on mentalhealth and physical healthsurvey scales
- Infant sleep environment
self-sufficiency /
- % of parents in educationor training
- % of parents with highschool diploma/GED
- % of parents employed
- Hours per week of parentemployment
- % of parents receiving foodstamps
- % of parents with incomeabove poverty line
Linkages andreferrals /
- % of families referredto services (housingassistance, Medicaid, jobskills training)
- % of desired services thatwere received
Maternal health /
- Maternal scores on mentalhealth survey scales andphysical health surveyscales
- % of mothers with accessto/use of prenatal healthcare
- Rate of low birth weight
- Rate of preterm birth
- % of mothers who smoke
- % of mothers who useillegal substances
- % of mothers with accessto/use of contraceptives
- % of mothers withadequate social support
parentingpractices /
- % of parents who read tochild daily
- Reading frequency
- Scores on environmentalratings scales, such asthe Home Observationfor Measurement of theEnvironment (HOME) scale
- Percentage of parentsusing harsh parentingstrategies
maltreatment /
- Family involvement withChild Protective Services(CPS)
- Number confirmed casesof child maltreatment per1,000 children
- % of children who have ever had injury needingmedical care
- % of parents using harshparenting strategies
- % of children hospitalizedfor trauma
- % of children hospitalizedfor ambulatory care
Juveniledelinquency,family violence,and crime /
- % of families withrestraining orders
- % of families referred to family court
- Number of arrests,convictions, and days in jailfor family members
- Rates of children oradolescents sent to youthcorrections
- % of families with anydomestic violence
NOTE: Not all measures listed in this table will be available at the community level for all communities.