Tongwynlais Primary School Self Evaluation Report

Danescourt Primary School Self Evaluation Report 2013

Danescourt Primary School Self Evaluation Report

Aspect- Framework 2010
Key Question 1- How Good Are Outcomes? / Qualitative/Quantative Evidence
1.1 Standards
1.1.1Results compared with national averages, similar providers and prior attainment
Contextual Information:
·  Whole school pupil numbers (of statutory school age) have fallen during the last 5 years (-40).
·  The numbers of pupils in Y2 and Y6 have varied during the last few years particularly those in Y2 with the cohorts in 2012-13 being particularly small ( 36 and 29 respectively.)
·  The proportions of boys in Y2 and Y6 have varied during the last few years. This may have impacted on performance outcomes in some of these years.
·  Based on 3-year rolling averages, the school’s FSM entitlement figures have been very consistent during the last 5 years. The school has been in the 2nd FSM benchmarking group throughout this period and been advantaged by its FSM entitlement being at the lower end of the group range.
·  The proportion of pupils on SA has been less than that of the LA during the last 5 years with a slight drop this year.
·  The proportion of pupils on SA+ has been similar to that of the LA during the last 2 years.
·  The proportion of pupils with statements has been less than that of the LA during the previous two years but was slightly above this year.
·  The proportion of pupils from ethnic backgrounds was less than that of the LA in 2012-13at 18% ( - 13%).
·  The proportion of EAL pupils on early language acquisition stages below competent was greater than that of the LA in 2012-13 but less than the percentage of pupils at the early acquisition stage.
·  Unauthorised absences during 2008-11 were consistently below the 2011 all-Wales mean.
Overall attendance during 2009-12 was consistently above the 20010-11 all-Wales mean / All Wales Core Data
All Wales core data
Cardiff Schools comparative data
ALN register
Foundation Phase Performance
1 pupil = approx. 2.8% in performance terms for 2013
·  2013 LO5+ performance outcomes in LLC were 7.6% higher than in the previous year. MD outcomes were 3.5% higher than 2012. Outcomes for PSDWCD fell by 2 percent. Results were similar for the 3 main FP performance indicators and were also similar to the family school means. All were above the LA and Wales averages apart from PSDWCD. Results were below the family of schools average at 5+ except for LLC which was significantly above.
·  LO5+ national FSM benchmarking was in the 2nd quarter for the FPI in 2013, the first quarter for LLC, the 3rd quarter for MD and the 4th quarter for PSDWCD.
·  2013 LO6+ performance for LLC ,MD and PSDWCD were lower than the previous year’s results. for English and maths and than the LA, Wales and Family means.
·  LO6+ FSM benchmarking performance was in the 3rd quarter for LLC and MD and in the 4th quarter for PSDWCD.
·  Gender differences were greater than the 2013 all-Wales and Family means except for LO5+ LLC where girls performance was not significantly better.
·  / All Wales Core Data
WAG Core Data Sets / Family Schools Comparisons (2013):
·  Danescourt is the 2nd h most challenged of 11 family schools at FP and might therefore be predicted to rank in the bottom few paces for performance outcomes. This was generally the case but with a minority of indicators ranked a little higher than expected.
·  Gender differences were significantly larger than the 2013 all-Wales means for the majority of performance indicators with the difference at Level 6 outcomes being particularly significant. / All Wales Core Data
Key Stage 2 2013
1 pupil = approx. 3.5% in performance terms for 2013
·  L4+ performance was similar in English but was less than the performance indicators for CSI, Maths and Science than in 2012. improved for all core subjects and the CSI in 2012. Results were above the LA mean with the exception of Mathematics which was slightly below and higher than the Wales mean for CSI and English but slightly lower for mathematics and science.
·  L4+ FSM benchmarking performance for English remained in the second quarter but fell to the third quarter for the CSI and the 4th quarter for mathematics and science.
·  2013 level 5+ results improved slightly for maths and science but fell for English from 2012, however 3 pupils achieved level 6 . Results at 5+ were below the LA, Wales and Family means.
·  L5+ FSM benchmarking performance remained in the 3rd quarter for mathematics and science and fell to the 4th quarter for English.
·  Gender differences at level 4 are not significant but are higher at Level 5+ outcomes in Oracy, Writing , Mathematics and Science. / All Wales Core Data
WAG Core Data Sets / Family Schools Comparisons:
·  Danescourt is the 2nd most challenged of 9 family schools at KS2 and might therefore be predicted to rank in the lowest table positions for performance outcomes. This was the case for the majority of performance indicators. Performance was strongest for L4+ writing while L4+ English whilst performance at Level5+ was consistently weaker
·  Gender differences were similar to or less than the all-Wales means for most performance indicators except at level 5 writing. / All Wales core data
Cardiff Schools comparative data
ALN register
National Reading and Numeracy Schools Comparisons
2013 was the first year of testing so it is not possible to do a year on year comparison or to highlight trends.
·  Attainment at 85+ was above the LA and All Wales means in Y3, 4 and 6 with Y3, 4 and 6 boys and Y2, 3, 4 and 6 girls achieving best.
·  Attainment at 115+ was above the LA and All Wales means in Y2,3 and 5 girls with Boys in Y2,4 and 6 and girls in Y4 underachieving.
·  Overall, pupils in Y4 performed less well than the LA and Wales
When benchmarked against other schools in our FSM group the picture is mixed ;
·  % scoring at 85 SS and above- Y2 and Y5 are in the 4th Quarter whilst Y3, 4 and 6 are in the second quarter.
·  % scoring at 115 SS and above- Y2,4, 6 were in the 3rd Quarter whilst Year 3 and 5 were in the 2nd quarter.
·  Attainment at 85+ was above the LA and All Wales means in Y2 with attainment in other Year groups being roughly equal
·  Attainment at 115+ was above the LA and All Wales norms in Y4 but around the means in other Year groups.
When benchmarked against other schools in our FSM group the picture is mixed;
·  % scoring at 85 SS and above- All year groups are in the 3rd quarter
·  % scoring at 115 SS and above- All year groups are in the 2nd quarter apart from Y2 which is in the 3rd. / NFER and DEWI benchmarking analyses
·  Improved FPOI outcomes in 2013
·  Improved LO5+ LLC outcomes in 2012 compared with the previous year’s L2+ English result. ranking us 2/11 in our family
·  Improvement in persistent absentees
·  Improvement in persistent absentees
·  No significant gender differences at CS1
·  Performance at 4+ for English higher than expected for social deprivation indicator of the school
·  Strong performance of boys at level 4+ reading
·  3 pupils achieving Level 6 English
·  Improved performance at level 5+ in mathematics
Areas for Development
·  Significant underachievement of boys at FPOI , LLC 5+ and MD5+ and PSDWBC 5+
·  Significant underachievement of boys at FPOI , LLC 5+ and MD5+ and PSDWBC 5+
·  End of FP standards in Reading and Numeracy at 85+
·  Comparative weak performance at L5+ performance in all core subjects
·  Comparative weak performance of boys at L5+ across all indicators
·  More able achievement in Reading in current Years 3 and 5.
·  End of KS2 standards in mathematics at SS 85+
1.1.2 Standards of groups of learners
Progress of all learners is reviewed bi- annually by the HT and DHT (ALNco) who establish the progress of pupils using standardised scores, summative assessments and teacher assessment and ensure that the ALN provision and resources remains appropriate. Taking account of 3 year averages (2011-13) upper ability pupils achieved expected levels in English and mathematics at the end of KS2 but significantly underachieved inscience- however the trend is upwards.
FSM pupils significantly underachieved over 3 years, however the trend in CSI and Mathematics is an upwards one.
Pupils on school action + exceeded expectations in Mathematics and Science. EAL pupils and pupils joining the school in their last two years of primary education made significant progress. / ·  Standardised test
·  Teacher Assessments
1.1.3 Achievement and progress in learning
All pupils are aware of the learning intentions and pupils largely achieve the learning successes set for them in lessons. They are able to recall previous learning and build upon it to acquire new knowledge, understanding and transfer skills. The value- added for pupils over the last three years has been disappointing but can be explained in part, but not wholly but the sudden and significant decrease of 17% in pupil numbers experienced which made target setting data unreliable.
Year / FTT data / Core / English / Maths / Science / Tot no. of
pupils / Value Added
Est / Act / Est / Act / Est / Act / Est / Act / Half a
above / Half a
2012/13 / Level 4+ / 25 / 23 / 25 / 25 / 26 / 23 / 26 / 24 / 8 / 14 / -6
Level 5+ / 8 / 5 / 11 / 6 / 11 / 9 / 11 / 8
2011/12 / Level 4+ / 47 / 48 / 48 / 49 / 48 / 49 / 49 / 50 / 11 / 22 / -11
Level 5+ / 14 / 12 / 20 / 17 / 20 / 16 / 21 / 15
2010/11 / Level 4+ / 38 / 33 / 39 / 36 / 39 / 36 / 40 / 39 / 9 / 26 / -17
Level 5+ / 11 / 8 / 17 / 14 / 15 / 10 / 17 / 9
/ ·  Lesson obs file
·  INCERTs and field
·  Notes
·  Tracker samples
·  All Wales core data
·  ALN interventions data
All pupils are aware of the learning intentions and Pupils largely achieve the learning intentions set for them in lessons. They are
able to recall previous learning and build upon it to acquire new knowledge, understanding and skills. They are able to apply
previous knowledge to new situations and transfer skills. / ·  Lesson observation file
·  Field notes
·  All Wales Core Data
·  Intervention data
The value added for the school is adequate with many pupils making expected progress or better
for their stage of learning.
Pupils with ALN achieve learning goals within the intervention programmes i.e. SAIL,
RAISE, NIPpers whilst more able pupils achieve the end of key stage levels that are targeted for them.
For example all pupils on the SAIL programme last year made an average of 8 benchmarking group progress in reading during the
Programme; all 8 participants returned within the average range of achievement.
. 100% of pupils in receipt of FSM achieved the CSI last year.
from Ethnic minorities achieve very well; 100% of pupils from non- white British groups achieved the CSI at the end of KS2 in 2013.
1.1.4 Skills (Communication, number, ICT)
Communication skills throughout the school are good.
Mathematical skills are good but there are not yet as many opportunities to utilise these skills across the curriculum, Information technology skills throughout the school are very good with pupils showing very good skills levels on PCs and mobile tablets.
Key Skills are identified and planned for in medium and short term planning. This enables appropriate skills to be focused on from
the skills framework. / ·  MTP samples
·  STP samples
·  ICT Mark assessment
·  Report
·  Thinking Skills portfolio
·  Subject Self-Evaluations Files
1.1.5 Welsh Language (Welsh Second Language and Welsh across the Curriculum)
Pupils achieve well at the end of KS2 with the majority of pupils achieving or succeeding expected level of attainment. Standards of Reading and Oracy are good with standards of writing improving / End of KS2 TA
Pupils use of incidental Welsh is consistently good; pupils use Welsh confidently in other areas of thecurriculum as well
as during registration and classroom life generally. / Learning Co-ordinator observations
·  Learning outcomes largely achieved and pupils have a clear understanding of their learning intentions
·  Effective use of intervention programmes- targeted effectively at pupils who most need support
·  Strong skills learning and pupil awareness of skills
Areas for Development
·  Boys outcome 6 performance in all indicators
·  Boys level 5+ performance in writing
·  Developing INCERTs to track pupil progress
1.2 Wellbeing
1.2.1 attitudes towards keeping healthy and safe
Pupils are aware of the school’s anti-bullying policy and know the steps they can take themselves to ensure that they
can feel safe and secure. These issues are discussed regularly in assemblies, Circle times
and pastoral groups.
Pupils know that they can express any fears by approaching the bullying buddies and using
the problem box confidentially.
They are well- informed about healthy living and fitness which are taught both discretely in PE and Science
lessons and integrated through learning contexts as appropriate. Many pupils