92 Tone/Attitude Words
1. Accusatory: charging of wrong doing
2. Angry
3. Anxious
4. Apathetic: indifferent due to lack of energy or concern
5. Awe-inspiring: solemn wonder
6. Amused
7. Appreciative
8. Arrogant
9. Authoritative
10. Bitter: exhibiting strong animosity as a result of pain or grief
11. Cheerful
12. Cynical: questions the basic sincerity and goodness of people
13. Condescending: a feeling of superiority
14. Callous: unfeeling, insensitive to feelings of others
15. Caustic: intense use of sarcasm; stinging, biting
16. Cautious
17. Choleric: hot-tempered, easily angered
18. Compassionate
19. Concerned
20. Condemning
21. Condescending
22. Contemplative: studying, thinking, reflecting on an issue
23. Confident
24. Contemptuous: showing or feeling that something is worthless or lacks respect
25. Conventional: lacking spontaneity, originality, and individuality
26. Critical: finding fault
27. Cynical
28. Detached
29. Disdainful: scornful
30. Didactic: author attempts to educate or instruct the reader
31. Disapproving
32. Disillusioned
33. Distressed
34. Derisive: ridiculing, mocking
35. Earnest: intense, a sincere state of mind
36. Erudite: learned, polished, scholarly
37. Fanciful: using the imagination
38. Flippant: talkative and saucy; showing a lack of real concern for a topic
39. Frank
40. Frustrated
41. Forthright: directly frank without hesitation
42. Gentle
43. Haughty: proud and vain to the point of arrogance
44. Humorous
45. Impassioned
46. Incredulous skeptical; disbelieving
47. Indignant: marked by anger aroused by injustice
48. Intimate: very familiar
49. Intolerant
50. Indifferent
51. Irreverent: showing disrespect
52. Joyful
53. Jovial: happy
54. Judgmental: authoritative and often having critical opinions
55. Lighthearted
56. Loving
57. malicious
58. matter-of-fact: accepting of conditions; not fanciful or emotional
59. mocking: treating with contempt or ridicule
60. morose: gloomy, sullen, surly, despondent
61. malicious: purposely hurtful
62. nostalgic
63. objective: an unbiased view-able to leave personal judgments aside
64. obsequious: polite and obedient in order to gain something
65. optimistic: hopeful, cheerful
66. overwhelmed
67. passionate
68. patronizing: air of condescension
69. pessimistic: seeing the worst side of things; no hope
70. pedantic: narrow-minded in following a set of rules
71. playful
72. poignant: evoking pity or compassion; keenly affecting the senses
73. proud
74. regretful
75. reverent: treating a subject with honor and respect
76. ribald: offensive in speech or gesture
77. ridiculing: slightly contemptuous banter; making fun of
78. reflective: illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions
79. sanguineous: optimistic, cheerful
80. sarcastic: sneering, caustic
81. sardonic: scornfully and bitterly sarcastic
82. satiric: ridiculing to show weakness in order to make a point, teach
83. self-examining
84. sympathetic
85. sincere without deceit or pretense; genuine
86. solemn
87. urgent
88. warning
89. whimsical: odd, strange, fantastic; fun
90. worried
91. wondering
92. zealous: filled with interest or enthusiasm