Vocabulary Section
List 1 Words - Quiz Date 9/2/15 and 9/3/15
1. Absurd (əb-sûrd′, -zûrd′), adjective: Ridiculous, inappropriate.
2. Callous (kăl′əs), adj.: Emotionally hardened; unfeeling.
3. Callow (KAL-oh), adj.: Immature; lacking adult perception, experience, or judgment.
4. Capricious (kə-prĭsh′əs, -prē′shəs), adj.: Impulsive or unpredictable.
5. Indelible (in-DEL-uh-buhl), adj.: unable to be removed, erased, or washed away.
6. Deferential (defəˈren(t)SH(ə)l), adj.: Respectful, humble.
7. Didactic (dahy-dak-tik), adj.: Instructive, educational.
8. Empathetic: (em-puh-thet-ik), adj.: Understanding the feelings and thoughts of others.
9. Fickle: (fik-uh l), adj.: Indecisive, likely to change.
10. Guarded: (gahr-did), adj.: Cautious, protected.
11. Idiosyncratic: (id-ee-oh-sin-krat-ik), adj.: Peculiar, unusual.
12. Ingenious: (in-jeen-yuh s), adj.: Clever, resourceful.
13. Keen: (keen), adj.: Sharp, biting, great mental perception.
14. Mockery: (mok-uh-ree), noun: Ridicule, imitate, make fun of.
15. Naïve: (nah-eev), adj.: Lack of experience or judgement.
16. Strident: (strahyd-nt), adj.: Irritating, grating, creaking.
List 2 Words – Quiz Date 9/23/15 and 9/24/15
1. Admonishing: (ad-mon-ish-ing), adj.: to caution, advise or counsel against something.
2. Aloof: (uh-loof), adj.: not friendly or forthcoming, distant.
3. Bemusement: (bi-myooz-ment), noun: To cause to be puzzled; confuse.
4. Conjecture: (kuh n-jek-cher), noun: an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
5. Cynical: (sin-i-kuh -l), adj.: believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.
6. Despondent: (dih-spon-duh nt), adj.: feeling or showing profound hopelessness, dejection, or discouragement.
7. Eloquent: (el-uh-kwuh nt), adj.: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
8. Flippant: (flip-uh nt), adj.: not showing a serious or respectful attitude.
9. Impetuous: (im-pech-oo-uh s), adj.: acting or done quickly and without thought or care.
10. Judicious: (joo-dish-uh s), adj.: using or showing judgment as to action or practical expediency.
11. Nostalgic: (no-stal-jik nuh), adj.: reminiscence; remember events from the past in a positive light.
12. Objective: (uh b-jek-tiv), noun: just the facts; do not include personal bias or favoritism
13. Quixotic: (kwik-sot-ik), adj.: exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.
14. Smugness: (smuhgness), noun: contentedly confident of one's ability, superiority, or correctness.
15. Tentative: (ten-tuh-tiv), adj.: of the nature of or made or done as a trial, experiment, or attempt; cautious; unsure.
16. Wary: (wair-ee), adj.: watchful; being on one's guard against danger.
List 3 Words – Quiz Date 10/6/15 and 10/7/15
1. Ambiguous (amˈbiɡyo͞oəs), adjective,: Double meaning, unclear due to choice.
2. Amiable (āmēəb(ə)l), adj,: Friendly, pleasant manner.
3. Confrontational (känfrənˈtāSH(ə)n(ə)l), adj.: Hostile, argumentative.
4. Derisive (dəˈrīsiv), adj.: Expressing contempt or ridicule.
5. Dismay (disˈmā), noun: Distress, concern.
6. Empirical (əmˈpirik(ə)l), adj.: Practical, firsthand, based on experience.
7. Facetious (fəˈsēSHəs), adj.: Flippant, treating a serious matter with humor.
8. Indulgent (inˈdəljənt), adj.: Being overly lenient, forgiving.
9. Pedagogical (pe-də-ˈgä-ji-kəl), adj.: Relating to teachers or education.
10. Pragmatic (praɡˈmadik), adj.: Sensible, businesslike.
11. Reflective (rəˈflektiv), adj.: Deep thought, thinking with deliberation.
12. Sullen (sələn), adj.: Bad-tempered, gloomy.
13. Understated (əndərˈstādəd), adj.: Presented in a subtle way.
14. Whimsical ((h)wimzik(ə)l), adj.: Playful, mischievous, amused.
15. Wry (rī), adj.: Dry humor, sarcastic.
16. Zealous (zeləs), adj.: Passionate, intense, and energetic.
Vocab Lists 1-3 Test Date 10/13/15 and 10/14/15