Tommy Schmitt
Mr. Hitchcock
CIT Basics
4 September 2017
Outlook Assignment
The Outlook e-mail program is something very new to me. I have just started using this program and have begun to learn about its many uses. After researching this program, I learned that it contains numerous useful tools. For instance, you can setup an auto-reply response if one is on vacation, organize your daily schedule onto a calendar that is within this program, and set up distribution lists in order to send e-mails to large group of people more easily. These are just a few of the many tools outlook possesses. One tip that I would recommend is filtering one sender’s e-mails into one folder automatically. You can do this by first opening that particular person’s e-mail. Next, click on the home tab in the ribbon. Select rules, then click on the option that says, “Always move messages from: Sender under Move.” Third, highlight the folder in which you would like all the mail to be stored in. Finally, click “okay.” An example of when this would be useful is if you are a high school student receiving lots of e-mails from various colleges, and you would only like to keep the e-mails from the colleges you are interested in, then this is a great tool to utilize.
Another important piece of information to know is how to professionally send out and e-mail while using Outlook. First, your subject needs to be short, sweet, and to the point, because in a lot of cases this can determine if your e-mail even gets opened. Next, when addressing new clients, always use the highest level of courtesy. This will show good signs of professionalism. Lastly, keep your signature files to no more than 5-6 lines. This should include your signature, website link, company name, and phone number. Overall, Outlook is a very easy way for people with busy lives to stay organized, on task, and help them be successful. I can already tell that I will continue to use Outlook in my everyday life for the foreseeable future.
Works Cited
- This website gave many tools that Outlook contains, as well as the steps to filter e-mails into one folder.
- This website informed me about how to properly write an e-mail in the business world.