Talk ** Write ** Learn

Tommy in the Meadow/What’s for Lunch

David Irwin

Language Development Opportunities LLC


Talk ** Write ** Learn (TWL) is a lesson design that increase ELLs’ access to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). It uses the ELPA21 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) as a pathway to make connections to the CCSS in Speaking & Listening and Writing. It begins with specific application of academic conversation, which leads students to write key elements of those conversations in organizers, and later in narrative or expository text.



  • A Talk ** Write ** Learn lesson begins with a content objective that is based on the CCSS, and a language objective that is based on an ELPS standard

Academic oral language:

  • Students receive some kind of common input through their own reading, reading to them, showing a video or other media presentation, or any other common experience
  • The input is “chunked”, or divided into parcels so that students can ask questions and process the information throughout the reading or presentation
  • Students are given specific language frames, or sentence stems, based on the language objective

Written response:

  • Students record their responses to the input based on their conversations
  • Responses are further organized into an expository form
  • Drafts are crafted into a final product


  • Students use Conversation Counter to collect tally marks on the frequency of their use of the frames
  • They assess the quantity and quality of their written responses
  • Final papers are evaluated for writing components based on standards, including ELPS


Standards (copy here) / Objectives
Content: CCSS/NGSS / 2-LS4-1. Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats. / •I will be able to tell about kinds of food that can be caught with kinds of beaks
•I will be able to about different birds’ feet and what they can be used for
ELPS 2 / participateingrade-appropriateoral and writtenexchangesofinformation,ideas,andanalyses,respondingtopeer,audience, or readercommentsandquestions
SP8. Obtain,evaluate,andcommunicateinformation. / •I will be able to paraphrase what my partner says
•I will be able to tell about kinds of food that can be caught with kinds of beaks
•I will be able to about different birds’ feet and what they can be used for
Writing 2 / Writeinformative/explanatorytextsinwhich they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop a concluding statement or section. / •I will create my own bird and write about
•where it lives
•what king of beak it has and what it eats
•what kind of feet it has and what it uses them for

The Frames

Decide which frames you will need to match the standards and objectives. You can download a list for Level 1 or Level 2-3 ELL students at under Academic Conversations.

P: The duck’s beak is … and I think it can catch …. with it.
J: You think the duck can catch … because its beak is …
P: The first foot has … and I think it helps the bird….
J: You think the first foot helps the bird because it…
My bird’s beak is ______. It can eat ______with it.
My bird’s feet are ______. It uses them to ______.
My bird lives in a ______. It’s beak and feet help it to live there by ______.

The Chunks(edit and print for students; repeat as necessary)

Decide on the kind of input the students will receive, whether reading, reading to them, video or other. Decide on the size of the chunks and the guiding questions for each discussion period. Copy this form as many times as necessary.

Name______Partner’s Name______

Tell your partner about the beaks and feet of the woodpecker, heron and duck.
Draw or write what you and your partner said:
Tell your partner about the beaks and feet of the cardinal, hummingbird and hawk.
Draw or write what you and your partner said:

Tommy in the Meadow

Discuss with your partner:

Where does Tommy live?

What is Tommy’s problem?

What is the problem for the all the animals?

What do they do about it?

How is Tommy’s problems solved at the end?

What other thoughts do you have about Tommy or the story?

What would you add to this story?

On My Own: My Bird

Draw your bird:

My bird’s beak is ______. It can eat ______with it.

My bird’s feet are ______. It uses them to ______.

My bird lives in a ______. It’s beak and feet help it to live there by ______.

With My Partner:

Tell how your bird uses its beak to catch food.
Draw or writewhat you and your partner said:
Tell how your bird uses its feet.
Draw or write what you and your partner said:
Tell your partner where your bird lives.
Draw or write what you and your partner said:

Language Development