The Healing Codes 10.02.2008 15

Thursday Night Q&A Tom Costello

Tom Costello: This is The Healing Codes Question and Answer teleconference. My name is Tom Costello and on behalf of Dr. Alex Loyd Services, LLC and The Healing Codes family I welcome you to the call. Tonight in this hemisphere it is October 2, 2008. Everything on this call is being recorded. This recording is available from our website:

This question and answer call is one of several ways in which we support our clients in your use of The Healing Codes so you get the results you want. Nothing is more important than you getting the results you want. We also provide support through the recording of these calls. We have a Clients Only area on our website. We have for questions and answers. We have personal coaching which I believe is the most effective resource that we provide to help our clients.

Tonight if you have a question or situation I ask that you feel free to ask those questions, make those comments, tell us your situation. I would expect to have time to create Custom Codes for you. If you’re uncertain about any of the process, if you’re relatively new to The Healing Codes or you have some questions about process this is a perfect time for it.

We like to validate people for their Healing Codes experiences, their success stories. That’s always cool to hear. It can be inspirational to other people on the call as well as listening to the recording at a later date. I’d like to encourage you to think in these terms. Your questions can be of value to you, can be of value to other people on the call and can be of value to people who listen to the recording later on. There’s a lot of value for you stepping forward.

Our disclaimer is that The Healing Codes are not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition or their symptoms. The Healing Codes deal with issues of the heart. It is on those spiritual issues that we focus our attention. The opinions I express are my own opinions. If they serve you I’m happy. If not, just let them go flying by.

Over the course of this evening I’ll talk about a couple of different things, mostly as filler. While I use the word filler, I consider these things fundamentals to success. They are very important or essential to the effective use of The Healing Codes. Then I’ll mention other points of view that I find interesting to share with you that may be of value to you.

So, first order of business, let me just open the floor and ask Gail who indicated she wanted to say something or a couple of somethings. Gail.

Participant: (Gail) Thank you for the opportunity. Last week I received a Custom Code from you relative to freedom and forgiveness especially connected to myself and my relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church as a child and decisions that I made. Using the Code for five and a half days actually changed my whole relationship. I used the image maker to imagine myself going to Jesus Christ and asking for the grace that would heal me of my decisions based upon seeing this huge figure suspended from the wall in the Catholic Church with the heart bursting and blood dripping from it. Sitting there in the pew I used to just stare at that. I was only nine or ten.

When I used image maker and did that, all of a sudden I realized many things that I can’t remember but they were so powerful that it shifted everything. It shifted my whole fear of death. It shifted my understanding that heaven can be also on earth. It shifted my understanding that it wasn’t a punishment of him. This was a little girl, of course, thinking this. It made God safe. It shifted my whole trust in Jesus Christ and also a huge surge of love and connection.

All my fear has gone. I even went to the Catholic Church. I noticed that I had a picture of the ascended Christ and I looked at it for the first time. It said, “Jesus, I trust in you.” Now I do. Before it was not true; especially it was not true relative to my relationship with God. As a little girl I figured if that was going to happen to him it was going to happen to me. I realized as I stood in his presence this was the big thing that shifted: I took on all the pain it seemed like he had. Then I carried it forth in the world as a courier attempting to save everybody else from pain. There’s a huge freedom. A huge freedom.

Tom Costello: Good for you.

Participant: Thank you so much.

Tom Costello: That’s fantastic. I’m really pleased for you. You said there was a favor.

Participant: As my vulnerability increases and my high threshold for feeling any emotional, physical, mental or spiritual pain shifts I find these things that probably somebody else would have found a whole long time ago. I would like a Custom Code relative to a home. When it’s time I can explain more of that.

Tom Costello: I got tangled up in the vulnerability and home. Connect those two concepts for me?

Participant: I have moved 41 times, mostly because of my dad’s career and mine. What happened as a result of last week’s Code was that I realized that deep in my heart I had a desire for a permanent home and to stop moving. Then I had the realization that I have never felt safe or secure in a home. You helped me over a year ago when I had a major diagnosis related to my mother’s suicide attempt to be able to go into the home where that happened. I can go into the home, but most every home in my childhood I still can see evil in there. There is some trauma associated with that. The doctor told me if I would continue to face known and unknown traumas and move fear out of my system that I would no longer be in disease which has troubled me since 1989. That is what I would like.

Right now I have created myself unemployed for the first time in my whole life because of cut back. It’s day by day whether or not I can afford to be in this home. That really doesn’t make sense given my training and the giftedness I have. Something in me is attempting to keep me believing that it’s that belief I can keep myself safe and secure is not true. They don’t compute. That is the place. I’m facing another big challenge with that. It keeps me from doing the work that I love and being the person that I am and love.

I’d like to complete that for the first time in my whole life.

Tom Costello: I’m going to tell you a story that may tangentially be related to you, but may be valuable to other people on the call or listening in.

Participant: Wonderful.

Tom Costello: Fifteen, eighteen years ago when I lived in Southern California I was in LA with a friend. We were at a meeting. I heard this story of a woman (she wasn’t there so it was second hand by a person who worked with her). She came to him for help because she was homeless. She wanted to get a home. She wanted to get back on her feet. She said, “Let me tell you the process. I will go into some sort of rehabilitation center and I will start to get my act together. I will get a job. I will excel at that job. Then I will get promoted a couple of times. I’ll start to make a lot of money. Then I’ll buy a condo. Then when I have the condo I’ll fix it up real nice. Then I will stop paying my mortgage. Then I’ll get dunning letters. Then it will be foreclosed. I will be evicted and I will be homeless and then I will go back into a shelter and then I will go through the routine again.”

The listener goes “What? How do you know that sequence?” She said, “I know it because I’ve done it three different times.” Let’s explore the dynamic of this. They went through the family of origin. Not nice things occurred to her in the home of her family of origin. So when she didn’t want a home, she had this idealized image of what a home was. It’s all Ozzie and Harriet, loving, safe and this and that. However, when she owned a home she started to feel the burden of responsibility to maintain it, keep it tidy and do all the thing involved: follow the rules, pay the mortgage. All of a sudden all the other images of abuse that occurred in a family of origin’s original home would flood back and it would be so disturbing of her that she needed to get rid of the home. She would need to get a home when she didn’t have one and need to get rid of it when she had one.

Once she realized through this person’s help what – when she didn’t have it she wanted it; when she had it she would see the negative aspects and it would spiral downward so she had to get rid of it.

All of us need to make a determination that what we want has a certain set of vibrations associated with it in our perception and align with those vibrations that make us feel good. Do bad things happen to people in homes? Of course. Do good things happen for people in homes? Of course. Is home better than not having a home? Probably. We can select the images and vibrations of those homes. We can make it safe. We can establish our roots so we are determining the energy of that home, even though the little girl or little boy of us is going “Homes are scary, unstable, they have all kinds of…..” That may have been our family of origin, but today in 2008 we can make our own determination. We can establish our own blueprint. What it takes is practice aligning. Take the word “home”. That actually has a pleasant mantra-sounding vibration to it. Let me become aligned with home and let me define what it really means. Is it a loving, safe place that I can become grounded and safe and use as my platform to shine light out into the world; to write my books, to do things to create and to express? Yes. It can be. That’s a great use of a home. It’s a place to use as your platform to express light. “I don’t have much familiarity with that.” Most of us don’t. So we turn around and say, “That’s how I’m designing it now.”

When you start to get a new point of view about home…. What home are we talking about? The one you’re going to design for you. I could be talking about job. I could be talking about relationship. I could be talking about a whole bunch of things. But each of us has got to make the determination that I am going to design it and over time I will become aligned with it. How long does it take? It takes as long as it takes.

If you were to sit down at a piano and learn how to play, how long would that take? As long as it takes. It will take one person a longer or shorter period of time than somebody else. That’s irrelevant. It takes as long as it takes for each individual to come into our alignment with that form of expression, with that space.

I’m designing anew this concept of home. That’s really what I want to do. When I look at home I want to feel blessed, safe. I want to feel tremendous gratitude. I want to feel comfort. I want my books around. You could on and on, whatever is relevant to you. Then you go, that’s my nest. It’s a place for me to get restored by connecting to my Creator. It’s a place of peace. Then I can go out renewed, refreshed, reinvigorated to express. Then I come back and do the same thing over and over and over again.

Wow, I need a home. I need my roots. I need to be grounded. Exactly. (Tom tests for the Code and delivers.)

Do this 3, 4, 5, 6 times a day, knowing as you do this you’re becoming grounded. You’re becoming magnetic. The stuff that doesn’t belong to you is disappearing. The stuff that belongs to you is now able to find you. The home is able to receive your signaling that you are ready. That’s a cool thing. Okay?

Participant: Thank you so much. God bless you.

Tom Costello: Sam, you and I e-mailed over the course of the week. Are you on the line?

Participant: (Sam) Yes Tom. I’ve been calling my practitioner even saying some things like there is something I’d like to work on. I’ve been on medication since I was 18 years old. Now it’s 12 years later. I have no symptoms, but I do have side effects from the medication; shakiness and sometimes I can’t wake up. Sometimes I can’t sleep properly in the night. Sometimes I like to just lay in my bed and try to sleep. I don’t feel rested. I’d like to have more rest in my life because I’m been not at ease for all this time.

Tom Costello: What was the diagnosis for which the medication was given to you, Sam? Can you share that with us?

Participant: Sure. I was first diagnosed as depressed. Then I came back and they said I was having disorganized thinking. Then they said they think I have schizophrenia. After I’d been medicated for that for about 5 years they said I have schizo effective disorder. That’s the diagnosis right now.

I’ve been trying to talk with my doctor about tapering my medicine. He took off one of my anti-psychotic medications. Now I’m just one the mood stabilizer which I believe is a counter-balance the anti-psychotic injection I’m on right now.

I feel like I need to get something that will bring peace in my life and make me feel the joy and love that I was meant to feel. Most of the time I just feel not very many feelings. I’d like to feel joyful feelings that come with life. Even when I was a little kid I don’t remember feeling that way. I remember always being scared. I lived in a big house and I was afraid of it getting robbed. I had a big family and thought I had to protect them. Actually it manifested that way of that fear. It’s affected the family somehow by making sure that they didn’t get hurt. After that I have a lot of anxiety. Sometimes I feel pain in my actual physical heart. I feel anxiety there.

Right now I have a physical pain in my toe. I was playing with my nephew and ran into a room and stubbed my toe on the door. I did it really hard. I bruised my little toe on the left side. I made it hurt all the way to the joint. I’m icing it right now.

The big thing is I want to feel the love and joy that God has to offer. I’m praying. I tried The Healing Codes once before but I must have had a healing response where I was awake too long during the night and I was wired. I couldn’t sleep properly. I want to be able to sleep and relax, but sometimes I can’t. If I’m doing this – we now have The Q Codes. I want something that will work with more speed and power so that I can blow it right out of the water.