Volunteer Form
We appreciate your willingness to volunteer in the Tolland Public School System and are thankful for your gift of time and talent. Please report to the front office upon arrival to sign in and receive your visitor’s badge.
Date of Birth:______Social Security Number:______
E-mail Address:______
Address (residence):______
Telephone (home):______(work):______(cell):______
I would like to volunteer at:
___Birch Grove ___Tolland Intermediate ___Tolland Middle ___Tolland High
I am interested in volunteering:
___In a classroom ___At home/clerical ___Lunch/recess support
___Library support ___Clerical ___Instructional support
___Computer Lab ___Other (please specify)______
In order to have this program at school work successfully, we found that:
- Day of the week and hours must be consistent week to week; regularity is very important.
- If absence is necessary, prior notice of at least one day should be given when possible.
I can volunteer on:
___Monday ___Tuesday ___Wednesday ___Thursday ___Friday
Time:______a.m.___ p.m.___
Area(s) where you would like to work, or in which you have special skills or knowledge:
Below are volunteer opportunities that are available for you at the schools in our system. Please check the activities you would be most interested in doing:
Classroom Support Creative
___supervise reading groups while another ___make bulletin boards
group is working with the teacher ___make instructional games
___help set-up learning centers ___make puppets
___gather materials for teacher ___support class plays
___help with science/social studies project
___help with other special projects Clerical
___help contact parents ___take the roll for attendance
___arrange speakers for class ___run copies
___record cassette tapes for listening centers ___type
___arrange field trips ___other
___coordinate “book club” orders
___tell stories to children
___assist students in music or art
Tutoring Presenting Library
___Math ___Music ___Clerical Support
___Reading ___Art ___Instructional Support
___Writing ___Drama
___Cultural Projects
By signing below, I hereby voluntarily authorize the Tolland Public Schools, its agents, officers and employees, to conduct a background check to determine whether I have any criminal convictions on record.
I understand that any offer of a volunteer assignment with the Tolland Public Schools that is made to me, whether pending or accepted, is contingent on the successful completion of this background check. I release the Tolland Public Schools and its representatives and the providers of such information from any and all liability for damage of whatever kind which may at any time result to me, my heirs or assigns, because of compliance with this authorization, the conduct of this background check and release of information or any attempt to comply with it.
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