Toll Free: (866) 628-5999Fax: (501)212-4928DSN: 962-4940


Chapter 33 – Post 9/11 GI Bill Transferability

HowdoIqualifyto transfer myCh.33?

  • Mustqualifyfor theCh.33 Post 9/11 GIBillat any paymenttier
  • Mustbe currently serving inthe Armed Forces
  • Musthave completed 6 years inthe Armed Forces
  • Must NOT beflaggedfor Unsatisfactory Participant
  • Must agree to a service obligation of up to4 years
  • If you have less than4years remaining on contract, willhaveto extendETS out to4years from thedate ofyourTEB application.
  • Exceptionsfor Soldiers on Medical Hold with 10 years of service

WhocanItransfermybenefits to?

  • You cantransfer to yourspouse and/ordependentsthat are listedunderyou inDEERS
  • Transfers tochildren must becompleted beforethe child’s 21stbirthday, or 23rd if a full-time student

Oncethetransferiscomplete, can Istill make changes?

  • Yes! You can modify and/or revoke months betweenany dependent you originallygrantedmonthsto –evenifyouareoutofuniform.
  • You must bein uniform to ADD a dependent to the transferrequest


  • Your spouseis subjecttothe same rules that youare
  • Your spouse’s delimitingdate is15 years post your last day ofqualifying time
  • Spouses of Soldiers on ActiveDuty/AGRare NOTeligible fortheHousing Stipend
  • Your child:
  • Cannotuse thebenefit until youhavecompleted 10 years in the Armed Forces
  • Is always paid as iftheService Member was ina Non-ActiveDuty Status
  • Can beginusing the benefit on their 18thbirthday or upon high school graduation
  • If you are requesting to use the benefit beforethechild’s 18thbirthday,you must providethe VA with a copy ofthechild’s diploma
  • Yourchild’s delimitingdateistheir26thbirthday unless you specify an earlier end date within theTEB application

ShouldItransfermybenefits now? Ifso,howmanymonthsshouldItransfer? Thisisultimately your decision,buthere are somepointstoremember:

  • You aretheONLY PERSON whocan transfer yourbenefits ormodifymonths.Itis notconsideredmaritalproperty.
  • We recommend that youtransfer as early as possible to begin any required serviceobligation youmay owe and ensurethat yourfamilywill have access tothe benefits if something happens toyou
  • We recommend that you transfer all of the months possibleand transferequalamounts toeachdependent
  • You canalways modify themonthslater ifneeded
  • This will ensure thatall of your dependentsreceive some of the benefit if somethinghappensto you.

TollFree: (866) 628-5999Fax: (501)212-4928 DSN:962-4940




Complete onlineapplication at log on withCommonAccess Card(CAC) or Defense Finance Accounting Service(DFAS)PIN.

1.Verify your dependents are listed as eligible toreceive thetransfer

a.Your dependents willbe listed in the List ofFamilyMembers chart. Dependentswith a blueYES

onthefar rightofthechartareeligibletoreceive thetransfer.

b.If your dependent(s) is less than 23 years old, has a blueN/Ainsteadof a blueYES, and is a full-time student, contactyour DEERSofficeto enrollthatdependent intoDEERS.

2.Click ontheblue YESassociated withthe dependent youwish to transfer months to.

a.Enterthenumberofmonthsyouwish to transfertothatdependent

b.OPTIONAL:Enter a TransferEndDate.Ifleftblank, thedependent will receive the longestperiod of eligibility allowed by law.

c.Click theOKbutton.

3.Repeatfor eachdependent you wish to transfer months to.

4.Completetheapplicationbyreading the statements and selectingEVERYcheck box on thispage andthen click SUBMIT.

Step2:AccessAKOEmailandfollowTEBemail instructions

1.The GI Bill Team will review your application and sendyouan email in your AKO email withinstructions ifyou havenotmet all requirements to get your transferapproved.

2.An NGB 23B (Army National Guard Current Annual Retirement Point Statement) is required to be uploaded in your iPERM file as proof of 6 years completion of service in the Armed Forces.

3.Once you have met allthe requirements, you will receive a TEBAPPROVEDemailfrom theGIBill team.

Step3:Complete Extension (Ifrequired)

  • If you donothave 4 years remainingon your contract from the date youcompletetheTEBapplication, youwill needtoextend.Fill out theDA Form 4836 (Oath of Extension of Enlistment or Reenlistment) andhaveyour extensionuploaded into SIDPERS and iPERMS by your unit/state.
  • The GI Bill Team will NOT be abletoapprove any transferabilityrequests until theextensionis uploaded intoGIMS.


1.When you receive your TEB APPROVED email, return to MilConnect and print out your TEB approval letter. Note your Obligation End Date (OED)

2.BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO LEAVE THE SERVICE, contact your State Education office or the GI Bill Team to verify that you have successfully completedyour entire service obligation.


Your approved dependent(s) can nowapplyfor thePost9/11 GIBill(whenneeded) by completingtheVAform 22-1990e. This form canbe foundon the Department ofVeteransAffairs VeteransOnlineApplication(VONAPP)website at: Yourdependent will click, “I Am a New VONAPP User” to register. Then fromtheCreate a New Form drop down menu, selectthe22-1990e.After electronicsubmission of this form,the VA willprocess therequest andmail a Certificate of Eligibility (COE)for your dependent.Further processing instructionswillbe included withthe Certificate.