Depressants / Narcotics/Opiates/Painkillers / Stimulants / Hallucinogens
Names of drugs in this class
Neurotransmitter impacted
Mechanism of action (agonist or antagonist with explanation)
Withdrawal effects (when not using – some as quickly as a few hours) opposite effects of using

Tolerance: Over time, the drug user’s neuronal structure changes. This requires more of the chosen substance to get the same effect. PET scans show that there is decreased activity in D2 receptors – Dopamine. Draw what happens to the structure of dendrite receptors over time. Drugs in many classes impact dopamine because it’s the REWARD/PLEASURE circuit of the brain. If there are fewer receptors, more drug use is required for same effect.

Depressants / Narcotics/Opiates/Painkillers / Stimulants / Hallucinogens
Names of drugs in this class / ·  Alcohol
·  Barbiturates
·  Sleeping pills
·  Anti-anxiety pills (Xanax) / ·  Heroin (natural opium)
·  Morphine (natural opium)
·  Oxycodone/Oxycontin; Fentanyl (synthetic-opiates)
·  Methadone (treatment) / ·  Cocaine
·  Meth methamphetamine synthetic
·  Amphetamine
·  Ecstasy/MDMA
·  Speed
·  Caffeine / ·  LSD
·  Mushrooms
·  Marijuana
·  Ecstasy/ MDMA
Neurotransmitter impacted / GABA – inhibitory / Endorphins – body’s natural painkillers / Dopamine – pleasure/reward / Serotonin – Mood, sleep, dreams, appetite (LSD)
Mechanism of action (agonist or antagonist with explanation) / GABA agonist: These drugs mimic and slow down body functions. Brain dependent. / Endorphin agonist: These drugs mimic and put the body in a state of euphoria and sedation. The brain becomes dependent on it. / Dopamine agonist: These drugs close reuptake channel and give a pleasurable high. Brain dependent. / Partial agonist of serotonin AND glutamate – an excitatory neurotransmitter.
Withdrawal effects (when not using – some as quickly as a few hours) opposite effects of using / Delirium tremens-shaking, confusion, rapid heart rate, sleeplessness, agitation, anxiety, fear, paranoia, sweating / Flu-like symptoms: muscle aches, tearing, runny nose, yawning, insomnia, sweating; then, as time goes on, nausea, vomiting, chills or goose bumps, abdominal cramps, diarrhea / May sleep for days; depressed; increased appetite; irritability, fatigue; potential for suicidal thoughts / * After prolonged and increased use:
Mood swings; erratic behavior; depression; potential for suicidal thoughts; paranoia; panic attacks; increased appetite; flashbacks of hallucinogens; psychosis

Created by Maria Vita