Military Spouse JD Network
Board Meeting Minutes
September 29, 2015
8:00-9:00 PM EST
Meeting called to order at 8:02 PM.
Board Members Present: Rachel Winkler, Josie Beets, Eleanor Vuono, Ashley Ludovicy-Donahue, Natalie Wilson, Katherine Goyette, Thea Pitzen, Libby Jamison, Jennifer Frank, Lindsey Savage (left the meeting at 8:45 PM), ElizabethHanning Smith
- Eleanor Vuono called the meeting to order, welcomed all attendees, and called the roll.
- Eleanor reviewed the goals for the meeting and mentioned that we will save some time at the end for any other issues people want to discuss.
Old Business:
- Meeting Minutes
- Thea Pitzen circulated the July 2015 Board meeting minutes prior to tonight’s meeting. EleanorVuono moved to approve the minutes. Josie Beets seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the minutes.
New Business
- Eleanor reported that the Finance Committee has been working very hard, and Eleanor is very pleased to see a written budget for MSJDN. Eleanor displayed the budget, which was also circulated prior to the meeting, on the shared screen for all attendees to view.
- Eleanor stated that she would like to approve a budget that reflects a $400 travel stipend for Board members, which would double the previous $200 stipend.
- Discussion was had about the likely effect of encouraging board members to travel to attend events.
- EleanorVuono moved to approve the budget suggested by the Treasurer with the modification that the travel reimbursement will be $400 annually instead of $200. Natalie Wilson seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
- Eleanor asked Natalie Wilson to explain the proposal from the Finance Committee regarding Treasurer terms. Natalie reminded board members that at Strategic Planning in July, Finance was tasked with reviewing this structure and making a recommendation to the Board. Finance recommends to the Board that this be made a 2year position – 1 year as Treasurer-Elect, and 1 year as Treasurer. This will eliminate Immediate Past Treasurer as a Board position. Finance sees less need for this position with the institutional tools we now have and feels that the organization will be better served with another At Large seat. In addition,more people may be interested in running for Treasurer if it is a 2-year commitment, rather than three.
- ElizabethHanning Smith asked whether this would take effect immediately. Eleanor explained that we will vote on it now, and this would take effect in 2016. Everyone will stay in place until next election.
- EleanorVuono moved to make the Treasurer position a 2-year term and eliminate Immediate Past Treasurer for the 2016-2017 Board. Rachel Winkler seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously vote in favor of the motion.
- Eleanor Vuonorecapped that over the summer, the Governance Committee was tasked with sorting out the (c)(6) versus(c)(4) issue for the Network and with obtaining pro bono counsel. Eleanor reported that Lindsey Savage located pro bono counsel for us, and we have emailed counsel with questions (communication posted on Basecamp) and had a conference call. Counsel advised us that the (c)(6) – the Network – is allowed to have an affiliated (c)(3) nonprofit arm, and that is actually something the IRS encourages. The IRS encourages that the (c)(3) be within the Network – not totally separate. The (c)(6) is essentially the parent organization. Counsel wants us to clean up the Bylaws to reflect that, so Lindsey is working on those revisions.
- Lindsey Savage reported that she sent those revisions to pro bono counsel yesterday with some suggested clauses for the Bylaws. Eleanor explained that this is why the Board isnot voting on the revisions to the Bylaws that were previously circulated at tonight’s meeting.
- Eleanor Vuono stated that the Board is voting tonight on the revised Committee structure for MSJDN. The proposal regarding the revised structure was circulated prior to tonight’s meeting. Eleanor stated that this was another major theme that came out of Strategic Planning in July. Eleanor reported that she and Josie Beets met with Michael Daigneault in August and he has agreed to take us on as a pro bono client. He has walked us through the need to streamline our organization – as a working board, it is not practical to have 11 committees. Matters that arise from time to time can be addressed by time-limited task forces as opposed to standing committees.
- Lindsey Savage asked whether this will effect the next Board year or take effect immediately. Eleanor emphasized that this does not deal with an election. This is more a function of moving around parts. Eleanor stated that we will try to execute this now, rather than next year.
- Lindsey asked about how this will affect the budget, as we just voted on certain amounts for certain committees. Eleanor explained that certain committees will fold together, so the new committee will have more money. Eleanor stated that we can adjust naming conventions as we see fit.
- Jennifer Frank raised a question about naming – Member Benefits does not sound proactive, and Jennifer likes the idea that Membership is actively doing something for our members. Jennifer expressed overall support for the restructuring set forth in the proposal, as it is in line with our mission and important. Eleanor agreed that she would like Board members’ thoughts on naming. Josie Beets stated that she would like to look to the individual committees on this issue.
- Eleanor Vuono displayed a list of the 6 committee names contained in the proposal on the shared screen for all meeting attendees to view.
- Lindsey Savage agreed that “Member Benefits” does not capture everything that will be folded into that committee.
- Regarding State Licensing, the Board expressed general consensus that this one is pretty self-explanatory.
- Regarding the Pro Bono Committee, Libby Jamisonmentioned that we have branded this as Justice For Military Families, have a logo for that, etc. Libby stated that this may be an issue to leave to that particular committee, but mentioned that we have put a lot of work into branding JMF.
- Regarding the Governance Committee, Lindsey Savage (Committee Chair) agreed to this naming convention.
- Regarding the Communications Committee, EleanorVuono stated that this Committee has grown tremendously in recent years, and some things are going to be moved (for example, webinars will not continue to fall under Communications). Libby Jamison (Committee Chair) agreed to this naming convention.
- Regarding the Finance Committee, it was noted that thiswill be larger than just the Treasurer – will also encompass fundraising and grants. The Treasurer will be highly involved, but others can run projects within Finance. Everyone agreed to this naming convention.
- Eleanor Vuono solicited ideas for naming the Membership Committee and stated that the name does not have to be resolved tonight.
- Libby said that there may be a better way to phrase it, but she does not have an issue with calling it “Member Benefits”- this encompasses all the things you’re getting by paying your dues.
- KatherineGoyette and Jennifer Frank voiced concerns that this name speaks more to just the CLE discounts, Westlaw discount, etc., and membership does so much more (e.g., licensing, employment initiatives – things that draw in a lot of members).
- A suggestion was raised to just call it “Membership,” rather than including the word “benefits”. “Member Initiatives” was also suggested.
- ElizabethHanning Smith stated that whatever name is chosen, the umbrella needs to be broad – will need to capture a lot of things under it.
- A consensus was reached to move forward with the consolidated structure for now calling the sixth committee “Membership”.
- Rachel Winkler mentioned that this really goes to how we are going to structure this in our Policies & Procedures, streamlining leadership and accountability, etc. – it will help us be more effective, track initiatives more effectively, and it will be less overwhelming to people to take on these initiatives in a volunteer capacity.
- EleanorVuono mentioned that these titles are more for internal management, not necessarily how we go out and talk about it. So, for example, the Pro Bono Committee may encompass more than JMF. Even though it doesn’t reflect the branding, it’s how we internally manage those projects.
- Eleanor emphasized that these will not be set in stone and can be revised from year to year if necessary. These will not be in the Bylaws but rather in the Policies & Procedures.
- Eleanor will follow up with Reda Hicks regarding this structure, as Redachairs the Government Affairs Committee that will no longer exist as a standing committee under the new structure. Reda will be asked to lead a task force if something comes up in the future, as she is passionate and very knowledgeable on the legislative issues.
- Lindsey Savage, as a past Chair of the Membership Committee, voiced a concern that “Membership” is huge and may be too much for one person to handle. She expressed that the structure may work well with sub-committees under this structure. EleanorVuono confirmed that this is the structure envisioned – someone(s) will run the initiatives under the Membership umbrella. The chairperson of the committee does not run each of the initiatives.
- Eleanor Vuono moved to adopt the proposed consolidated committee structure. AshleyLudovicy-Donahue seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
- Communications Update (Libby Jamison)
- The website is still a work in progress. Many have logged in recently to take a look, update profiles, and Libby appreciates all the help. Libby reports that we are close to the hand off from the web development team.
- Libby reminded everyone that we went over adding contacts at Strategic Planning, and it is critical for everyone to continue logging contacts on the website.
- Board members should keep sending Libby insights as you navigate the website. Libby also encouraged everyone to check out the forums on the website.
- Privacy Policy that was drafted last year was circulated prior to the meeting. This Policy will be posted on the website, and it explains to people who use the website how their information will be used. Rachel Winkler explained that this was drafted by one of our experienced attorney members and grew out of the previous Membership committee. This Policy has not been separately blessed by outside counsel, but Membership was comfortable with her expertise and with this draft.
- Eleanor Vuonomoved to approve and post the Privacy Policy. Rachel Winkler seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
- Natalie Wilson raised the issue of reimbursing for mileage, and EleanorVuono stated that Finance can adopt this policy without a Board vote.
- Libby Jamison recently attended the USAA DigiMil conference. Libby explained that she applied and was invited to attend. The conference consisted of two days of education and networking. Libby reported that it was very valuable. Libby was able to meet several people in person that we have been speaking to as well and made many great contacts at the event.
- Libby is seeking reimbursement of the $473 it cost her to attend the event – this covers airfare (discounted because Libby used her miles for the ticket) and hotel. Eleanor Vuono moved to reimburse the $473 to Libby Jamison. Jennifer Frank seconded the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
- Making the Right Moves: Libby Jamison encouraged Board members to attend this upcoming event in Seattle. Dan Lear from Avvo will be the kickoff keynote, and we have amazing panels lined up throughout the day. Libby reported that we are in good shape with the agenda but need help getting the word out. It is open to any career minded military spouses. Tickets are also available just for the networking luncheon. Libby emphasized the need to extend personal invitations. Board members should let Libby know about any contacts you have. Rachel Winkler mentioned that we are working on CLE credit for some of the panels. Libby also mentioned that we do have 2 blocks of hotel rooms that must be booked by October 1.
- As a closing reminder, Josie Beets encouraged everyone to keep conversations on Basecamp, rather than on separate emails.
- In addition, the Board will be voting on whether to purchase GoToMeeting (used for tonight’s Board meeting) at a later time, after our current free trial expires.
Meeting adjourned at 9:01 PM.