PHONE NO. 01702-222591
Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed/ registered/manufacturers firms for the Supplyof Bakery Items,Sweets Items, Fruits & Vegetables, Stationery Items,Electrical Items, M&R (Sanitary, PVC Fitting, White wash/Paint material), Spare Parts of Computer Hardware & other items, AMC of the computers, AMC of RO Systems, Sports Items, Other equipments,Lab Items, Tuck Shop, Services of washer man & Barber etc.according to Vidyalayaspecification. Tender form (with detail specifications) can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on any working day between 9.00A.M. to 4.00P.M. up to 05.06.2017 on payment of Rs. 200/- non refundable of each list of item. The last date of receipt of tender form along with earnest money is 05.06.2017 up to 4.00P.M. If tender required by post, Demand Draft for Rs. 250/- in favour of Principal J.N.V. Nahan should be sent along with separate request letter for each group of item. The tenders will be opened in the office of the undersigned on 06.06.2017at 11.00 A.M. The tender form can also be downloaded from Vidyalaya Website However, the undersigned has the discretionary to cancel the tender.
tokgj uoksn; fo|ky; ukguftyk fljekSj fgekpy Áns’k
nwjHkk”k 01702-222591
fufonk lwpuk
tokgj uoksn; fo|ky; ukgu }kjk fuEufyf[kr lkexzh gsrq lhycan fufonk,a jftLVMZ@mRiknd QeksZa }kjk vkeaf=r gS & csdjh dk lkeku] fe”Bku bR;kfn] Qy o lCth]LVsVujh] fctyh dk lkeku] iyfEcax o jax jksxu dk lkeku] dEi;wVj ls lEcfU/kr iqtsZa] dEi;wVj dh ,-,e-lh-]vkj- vks- flLVe dh ,-,e-lh][ksydwn dk lkeku] vU; midj.k (Other equipment ),Á;ksx’kkyk dk lkeku] Vd ‘kkWi]/kksch ,oa ukbZ dh lsok,a bR;kfnA fufonk QkeZ iw.kZ fooj.k lfgr izkpk;Z tokgj uoksn; fo|ky; ukgu ds dk;kZy; ls fnuk¡d 05-06-2017 rd fdlh Hkh dk;Z fnol ij izkr%9-00 cts ls lk;% 4-00 cts rd # 200@& dk 'kqYd nsdj çkIr fd;s tk ldrs gSA ;fn fufonk QkeZ Mkd }kjk pkfg, rks 250@- dk fMek.M Mªk¶V izkpk;Z tokgj uoksn; fo|ky; ds uke ls izR;sd fufonk QkeZ ds fy, i= lfgr HkstsAfufonk,a tek djokus dh vafre frfFk 05-06-2017 dks lk;% 04-00 cts rd gSAfufonk,a v/kksgLrk{kjh ds dk;Zky; esa 06-06-2017dks izkr% 11-00 cts [kskyh tk,axhA v/kksgLrk{kjh mDr fufonk dks fcuk dkj.k crk, fujLr djus dk vf/kdkj j[krs gSAAfufonk QkeZ fo|ky; dh osclkbV /Tender-notice-2/ ls Hkh MkmuyksM fd, tk ldrs gS ftlesa vyx ls fufonk QkeZ ‘kqYd 200@&:- dk fMekaM Mªk¶V fufonk QkeZ ds lkFk esa Hkstk tk, A
PHONE NO. 01702-222591
The date of opening of tender published on 21.05.2017 is extended upto 15.06.2017. Tender form can be obtained from the office of the undersigned on any working day between 9.00A.M. to 4.00P.M. up to 14.06.2017 on payment of Rs. 200/- non refundable. The last date of receipt of tender form along with earnest money is 14.06.2017 up to 4.00P.M. The tenders will be opened in the office of the undersigned on 15.06.2017 at 11.00 A.M.Other terms and conditions will remain the same.
tokgj uoksn; fo|ky; ukgu ftyk fljekSj fgekpy Áns’k
nwjHkk”k 01702-222591
fnuk¡d21-05-2017 dks Ádkf’kr fufonkvksa dks [kksyus dh frfFk dks 15-06-2017rd c<k;k x;k gSaSaAfufonk QkeZ iw.kZ fooj.k lfgr izkpk;Z tokgj uoksn; fo|ky; ukgu ds dk;kZy; ls fnuk¡d 14-06-2017 rd fdlh Hkh dk;Z fnol ij izkr%9-00 cts ls lk;% 4-00 cts rd # 200@& dk 'kqYd nsdj çkIr fd;s tk ldrs gSAfufonk,a tek djokus dh vafre frfFk 14-06-2017 dks lk;% 04-00 cts rd gSA fufonk,a v/kksgLrk{kjh ds dk;Zky; esa 15-06-2017dks izkr% 11-00 cts [kskyh tk,axhAvU; fu;e o ‘krsZleku jgsaxhA