High School Students and Rising Freshmen

(Beginning the summer before the Freshmen year)

Community Service Hours

2017-2018 School Year*


“It has brought out to me that serving others before myself is actually better than putting myself first all the time.”

Ebonie Moody, Class of 2013

As per the Jefferson Parish Public School System’s policy, students with 70+ community service hours will be recognized with a seal on their diploma as 2017 graduates. Graduates of 2018 and thereafter are required to earn 80+ hours of service. Although it is not required, it is highly recommended Haynes students earn the required community service hours prior to graduation as colleges highly regard students who have done for others within in the college application process.

Community Service is a voluntary service for a school, community, or government agency for which one does not receive payment. Services performed for a business or for profit are not acceptable. Service hours do not include house,baby or pet sitting, helping neighbors complete chores or grading student papers for teachers.

Students can begin to earn community service hours the summer preceding their 8th grade year (rising 9th grade students beginning their first year in high school).

Service hours cannot be acquired during school instruction time.

Signed verification by the agency for which the service was completed must be placed on an official JeffersonParishSchool System Community Service Form. Forms are available from the high school counselor’s office during the studentlunch period.

There arefour community service form due dates each year falling on a Monday:

August 21to receive service hour credit for the summer;December 11 to receive service hour credit for the fall semester; April 16 to receive service hours going toward Haynes’ annual awards ceremony in May and last due date for 2018 seniors; and May 21 to receive service hour credit for the spring semester. The forms must be returned to the Guidance Office by due the dates. Late formsare not accepted.

ALL service hours earned may be placed on the college resume regardless of them not being added to a student's service hours in Infinite Campus due to missing a community service form deadline to the Guidance Office.

Each student earning at least the minimum cumulative hours in their grade classification will be recognized with a certificate at the annual Haynes awards ceremony.

The senior earning the highest cumulative service hours in his/her class will be recognized with an award upon graduation.

Awards are based on the following minimum cumulativehours for per grade level.

The Class of 2018 and classes thereafter, must earn 80 hours to be recognized on the graduation program and earn a Community Service Diploma Endorsement Seal from the State Department on your diploma.

*A list of community service organizations possibilities can be found on