Todd County Garden Education Day
University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners -Todd County are pleased to present the fourth Todd County Gardening Education Day. Joel Karsten will be our featured keynote speaker for the day with the topic “Straw Bale Gardens”. Other heartland speakers will present on topics such as free range wreaths, conifers, cooking with herbs, landscaping with native flowers, gardening with grasses and sedges, dried flowers, peonies, gardening for butterflies, tomatoes, raised beds, vertical gardening, drought tolerant perennials and many more topics. Various garden related vendors will be on site. The public is encouraged to pre-register due to limited space.
Date: March 8, 2014
Time: Check-in begins at 8:15 a.m.
Cost: $20 if registered by February 28, $25 for registrations received after February 28. Morning refreshments and lunch included.
Location: First Baptist Church, 401 4th St. S, Long Prairie, MN
If you have questions, call Marie at 320-732-6520 or Wannetta at 218-738-6342. Please mail your registration and check to: Todd County Garden Day, c/o Marie Siegle, 21526 243rd Ave., Long Prairie, MN 56347