French CreekElementary School



…empowering students to create

Hope for the Present!

Dreams for the Future!

Passion for Life!

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

We, the staff at French Creek Elementary School

would like to thank the taxpayers of Upshur County for their support of the School Levy.

As a result of the funds generated by the levy, we are able to provide all of the instructional supplies your child will need during the school day. Please do not send notebooks, crayons, markers, scissors, or any other educational supplies with your child to school. We will supply everything they need during the school day.


When your child is absent, teachers will assign make-up work to each student upon their return to school. The student shall be allowed the number of days absent to complete the make-up work. Make-up work is not optional. Teachers are required to make assignments that are relevant to the material covered for all classes missed. If parents wish to pick up homework for a student who has been absent for a long period of time, please call the school and the teacher will have assignments ready for you to pick up at the end of the next school day. Backpacks need to be checked each day for information and homework from your child’s teacher.


In order to maintain a positive school environment, all members of the school community will observe the following dress code during the school day:

The following are prohibited:

  • Clothing that exposes the mid part of the body
  • Short shorts and mini skirts that do not reach the tip of the index finger when standing
  • Spaghetti straps or halters, unless worn with a buttoned-up shirt
  • Tops that expose a large area of the back and/or front
  • See-through mesh or fishnet clothing or clothing with cut-out places
  • Hats, bandannas, and sunglasses
  • Clothing depicting violence, blood, knives, guns
  • Clothing that evidences gang membership or references terrorism, suggestive sex, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, obscenities or profane language
  • Spiked jewelry or chains that could be used as weapons
  • Baggy clothing considered to be a safety hazard or exposes undergarments or mid sections.

Thank you for helping maintain a positive school climate!


Celebrations are held for all classes four times during the school year: Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter. The celebrations are to be curriculum-based and held in the afternoon during school hours. Refreshments are planned and provided by the homeroom parents. Any food for celebrations and/or class activities must meet WV policy 4321.1 (No homemade food – such as cupcakes or cookies are allowed)


Parents must complete a parent authorization form and all medication must be in the original container. All medication must be brought to school by the parent. All medication will be stored in the office and given from the office. Cough drops are considered medicine at school.


In order to ensure a successful educational experience at French Creek Elementary all members of our school community must adhere to our positive behavior expectations. French Creek Elementary School students, staff and family/community members will:

B – Be Brave

(Have an)A - Awesome Attitude

(Show that)R – Respect Matters

K – Keep Safe

If there is a problem, however, we will be in touch with you. You may receive a letter or call from the teacher and/or the principal. All misbehavior that results in a student being sent to the office is documented and parents are notified. Please refer to the Upshur County Schools Policy booklet for specifics concerning severe discipline issues.


Toys are not to be brought to school. Electronic devices are permitted in the morning and evening busroom. Students must have a signed permission slip to have these items at school. The school will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged electronic devices.


Students may not arrive before 7:15 a.m.

7:15School Opens/First Bus Arrives/Breakfast Begins

7:45Students Report to Classrooms

8:00Instruction Begins

11:20-11:50 Kindergarten, 1st , and 2nd grade Lunch - 3rd, 4th and 5threcess

12:00-12:30 3rd, 4th and 5th grade Lunch – K, 1st and 2nd recess

3:15Instructional Day Ends

4:00School Office Closes

*Please note: Instruction begins at 8:00am. Students who arrive after 8:00am will be considered Tardy for attendance purposes and must be signed in by a parent in the office. Breakfast service ends at 7:55am.


Students will be dismissed from the office. Parents who wish to pick up their child MUST report to the office to sign the student out. We will then page the classroom from the office, if this is an early dismissal. Additional adults who have permission to pick up a student must be listed on the Emergency Procedure Card. Parents may also write a note giving permission for another adult to pick up their child. We will not release your child to any other adult unless these conditions have been met.

*PARENT PICK UP – The instructional day at French Creek Elementary School ends at 3:15pm. Parents wishing to pick up their student at the end of the day should plan to enter the school after 3:00pm. Parents will be asked to wait in the front foyer for the student to be released at 3:15pm.


Delayed school openings are rare. However, because of weather or hazardous road conditions, schools can operate on a two-hour delay. Breakfast is served when school operates on a two-hour delay.

Unscheduled early dismissals sometimes occur when weather conditions quickly become hazardous or for an emergency situation. Our school district automatic calling system will notify you. This is why your current contact information must be accurate at all times. Local radio and television stations are notified and communicateschool closings. Parents should tune to these sources during hazardous weather for school closings or schedule changes.


French Creek’s parents provide a major contribution to the students and faculty by donating time to the school. Parents help as library workers, tutors to students, aides to teachers and homeroom parents for parties. The time you are able to give is extremely important to the faculty and students. Please look for letters throughout the year requesting volunteers and contact your child’s teacher if you are interested in assisting her.


Each class participates in a trip each school year. The trips are planned by the teachers and approved by the principal and superintendent. They are correlated with the curriculum. Permission slips and information sheets are sent home for all trips. If a child does not have a signed permission slip at school on the day of the trip, they will not be allowed to attend. We will not make telephone calls home for permission. If a student has not displayed appropriate behavior at school they may not be allowed to attend the field trip.


French Creek Elementary classes are self-contained with instruction designed around state mandated content standards. The classes are organized to maximize student learning and to meet individual student needs. Twelve regular education classroom teachers provide instruction for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Special education services are offered in communication disorders (speech), learning disabilities, mental impairment, behavior disorders; other health impaired, and gifted instruction. Traveling teachers provide art, music and physical education. The entire staff consists of 12 homeroom teachers, 2 special education teachers, 1 speech pathologist, 3 traveling teachers, 2 Title I teachers, 5 instructional aides, 2 cooks, 1 ½ custodians, one secretary and one principal. The school has counseling services three days a week and nursing services on a limited and as-needed basis.


Breakfast and lunch meals are provided daily. Breakfast service ends at 8:00am. Menus are sent home monthly, are posted in classrooms and are printed in the local newspapers. Again this year, French Creek Elementary is a CEO school. All French Creek Elementary students will receive FREE breakfast and lunch during the 2014-2015 school year! French Creek Elementary students DO NOT need to complete applications for free and reduced meal prices are available in the school office.

*Students who bring their lunch may still PURCHASE a milk for $0.35 each day. The CEO program does not cover milk sales.

Students must bring cash to school. We cannot bill for milk.

*Students who have outstanding balances will still receive billsmonthly until the outstanding balances are paid in full.


Regular attendance at school is directly related to student success. If your child has perfect attendance during the month, they will receive a reward from the office. Everyday your child is absent from school, an automated message will call to inform you. Parents must write a note explaining the reason for their child’s absence within two days of the absence.

*Please see the Upshur County Student Handbook for acceptable excuses.

*Please note: Instruction begins at 8:00am. Students who arrive after 8:00am will be considered Tardy for attendance purposes and must be signed in by a parent in the office. Students accumulating more than 3 tardies per semester will be referred to the county truancy officer for a conference.


Please plan to visit your child’s teacher during the school year. Conferences are conducted twice during the school year during the evening hours. If you feel you need to talk to your child’s teacher before the conferences occur, please call the school and a conference will be scheduled. Please remember that conferences cannot occur during instructional time.

In addition to grade cards, you will be made aware of your child’s progress midway through each quarter with interim reports. Grades could change between this report and grade card times. Grade cards are issued four times a year.


All buildings owned by the Upshur County Board of Education, which are currently in use, have been inspected for asbestos during the year. EPA-accredited persons conducted these inspections. The Asbestos Management Plan for your building is on file in three locations:

  1. Each School Office
  2. Board of Education Office
  3. WV Department of Health Office

All buildings are reassessed every six months and inspected every three years by accredited inspectors.

Any person may review the Asbestos Management Plan by visiting the school and requesting it from the principal or by contacting William Guthrie, Supervisor of Maintenance Services, Upshur County Board of Education, 102 Smithfield St., Buckhannon WV 26201 (Phone 472-5480). Mr. Guthrie is the Upshur County Board of Education Asbestos contact. He meets all annual training requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.

In accordance with Federal Law and United States Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national, origin, gender, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964(voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Thank you for your continued support of our efforts to maintain safe, healthful environments in all buildings currently operated by the Upshur County Board of Education.