Annex VI


Today ...... 2010 in the town of ...... the undersigned:

(Name of consortium, address, representative), in our capacity of Bidder for the Delivery, Installation and Support of ICT Equipment for 900 Target Libraries under the Glob@l Libraries - Bulgaria Program.

1.  (Name of company, address, representative, court registration data), in our capacity of leading organization of (Name of consortium), Bidder for the Delivery, Installation and Support of ICT Equipment for 900 Target Libraries under the Glob@l Libraries - Bulgaria Program.

2.  (Name of company, address, representative, court registration data), in our capacity of member of (Name of consortium), Bidder for the Delivery, Installation and Support of ICT Equipment for 900 Target Libraries under the Glob@l Libraries - Bulgaria Program.

(Insert all members of the consortium).

HEREBY SOLEMNLY DECLARE that at the time of application:

1.  We have reached a partnership agreement, we understand our role and responsibilities with regard to the above project and we agree to comply with the established good partnership practices if we are shortlisted.

2.  We declare that if we are approved and subsequently invited to submit offers, our proposed work methodology will be strictly followed.

3.  We agree that our offer be disqualified in case of gross incompliance.

4.  We undertake that in case we are eventually selected as a Contractor for the Delivery, Installation and Support of ICT Equipment for 900 Target Libraries under the Glob@l Libraries - Bulgaria Program, to sign a detailed agreement with precise distribution of responsibilities, thereby making this agreement an integral part of our consortium contract and submit it to UNDP.

5.  We will be jointly and severally responsible for performance of the contract if the contract is awarded to the consortium.

6.  We do not participate in this Invitation to Bid procedure with a separate proposal on our own, including as a member of another consortium.

Declared on (Date): ......

For the consortium:


Declared on (Date): ......

For the leading organization:


Declared on (Date): ......

For member:


(Insert all members of the consortium)

[1] To be jointly completed by the applicant and by all members of the consortium.