The Long Awaited Non-Inclusive Final Exam Study Guide
Here are some essay versions of the M/C test questions, however not all the exact questions.
The significant chapters for the final exam are: 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35.
Ch 25
Summarize the major programs of the Technocrats, the Townsendites, and the Ham 'n Eggers. Why were these social messiahs so popular in California during the 1930s?
Explain the effects of xenophobia and nativism in Depression-eraCalifornia.
Identify Upton Sinclair and explain his EPIC program. Why was he so popular in Depression-eraCalifornia and how was he defeated in the 1934 gubernatorial election? Cite specific groups that opposed his candidacy.
Assess the social and economic impact of massive federal spending in California during World War II.
Compare the wartime expansion of the shipbuilding and aircraft industries in California. Which industry ultimately became a greater factor in the state's economic growth?
Based on information in this chapter, describe briefly the experiences of African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Japanese Americans who served in the armed forces during World War II.
Explain the following about the "relocation" of Japanese Americans during World War II:
a. the long-range factors which led to the policy;
b. the groups and individuals who supported the policy;
c. the social and constitutional problems raised by the policy.
Compare the twentieth-century socio-economic status of the following California minority groups: American Indians, Asians, Mexican Americans, African Americans.
How have California's major minorities been able to overcome racist attitudes and government policies in the twentieth century? What problems of discrimination remain to be solved?
Trace the rise and fall of radicalism in California during the 1960s. Who were the radicals, what issues did they address, and why did the movement decline?
Explain the population shift toward southern California in the past three or four decades. What caused the shift, and what were its political effects?
Assess the present status of California water use, distribution, and supply. Respond to the assertion of one water expert: "We've lived an illusion, creating an environment we could not support."
Summarize the major environmental problems facing California in the coming decades. What are the prospects that Californians will be able to deal with them successfully?
Identify and briefly explain the major alternative sources of energy in California. Which ones promise to be the most significant in the state's future?
Describe briefly the California electricity energy crisis of the early 2000s. What caused the crisis? How did the state respond? Who was harmed and who benefited from the crisis?
Explain the scope and effects of California's trade with the nations of the Pacific Rim.
Trace the evolution of the high-technology and defense industries in post-World War II California. What benefits have these industries brought to the state, and what new problems have they created?
Describe the nature and impact of the tourist industry in California in recent decades.
Assess the importance of the California entertainment industry in the state's economy. What are some of the most recent trends and developments in this industry?
Explain the factors which contributed to contemporary California's massive agricultural economy. What forces and developments have threatened the state's agricultural sector in recent years?
Explain the "paradox of a strong economy" noted in the textbook. What are the challenges for the California economy in the twenty-first century?
In addition to the study guide we did an in class review. Here are some of the main points. Study all the points related to these, watch for spelling errors :):) We're just talking
Ch 23
John Muir
Hetch Hetchy
Owens Valley Aquaduct
Colorado River Aquaduct
Plan for the elderly-Townsend-ss
Aimee Semple McPherson
ch 27
Federal military spending
Henry Kaiser
Japanese Americans-all points related
Aircraft industry
Rumford Act
desegregation of schools
Vietnam War- all related points
container cargo industry
Cal State University issues
free speech movement
hippie movement
student radicalism
26th Amendment
hybrid cars
global warming
mono lake
renewable sources
photovoltaic things
oil dependency
alternative fuels
ch 35
we're the 6th largest economy
Pacific Rim and trade
siliconne valley
the 2 "steves"
Jerry Yang
defence industry
there it is folks. a rough outline of the topics of the questions. Study well and bring lots of notes that you will USE during the test. If you can't use them, maybe someone else can if their notes are no good.
I want you all to do well on this test!!!! Who said that?
I should have a little exercising Richard Simmons to yell encouragement at you.(then Gene Simmons could beat him up)
bye for now