
Tobacco-Free &Smoke-Free Campus

PolicyNo.:9500 Rev.: N/A

Effective Date: June1, 2015

Last Revision: N/A

Responsible Office:Officeof theDean of Students

Responsible Official:AssociateVicePresident forStudent Affairs& Dean of Students

Introduction...... 1-2

PolicyStatement ...... 2

PolicySections...... 2-5

9500.1Definitions...... 2-3

9500.2Exceptions...... 3

9500.3Enforcement...... 3-5

9500.4Cessation Assistance...... 5

The Introduction:

As ofJune1, 2015, the UniversityofNew HavenwillbeTobacco-Freeand Smoke-Free. Smoking, the useof smokeless tobacco products,e-cigarettes and unregulated products will not bepermitted on anyproperty, building or spaceoccupied bythe Universityof New Haven includingbut notlimited to that which is owned, leased or managed on theMain Campus, North Campus, Sawmill Campus and OrangeCampus.

This decision is based on the results of a2014 surveyof theUNH communityand thegoal to createahealthierlearningandwork environment forour students, faculty,staff and campus visitors.

Research shows that tobacco is thenumberone causeof avoidabledeath inthe United States,

and byestablishing aTobacco-Free/Smoke-FreeCampus wewillreduce exposureto carcinogens and asthmatriggers. Thisis important formanyreasons, includingthe factthat the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act requires us to maintain an accessible campuswhich provides accommodation for students and employees withmedical conditions, suchas asthma, that are triggered bysecond-handsmoke. This decision also willeliminate thelitter caused byimproper disposal of cigarettebutts and allow facilities staff to focus their efforts onother areas of


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InFebruary2014,US Senator Christopher Murphywrote collegepresidents across the state of Connecticut encouraging the implementation oftobacco-free and smoke-freepolicies. Several Connecticut colleges have adopted policies andwith ourpolicychange, UNH joins about 1,500 campuses across the United States that have alreadybecome tobacco/smoke-free. Over 50years ago, theSurgeon General reported on the dangersof smokingand its direct ties to lungcancer. Even moreresearch hasbeen conducted which links secondhand smoketo manydebilitating conditions includingheart disease, chronicobstructivepulmonarydiseaseand other cancers. Much progress has beenmadeto educate on theeffects of tobacco products and secondhand smoke, however thereismuch that can bedone. Today,approximately1 in5 people, nearly43 million adults, smoke cigarettes. Tobacco useis responsible for morethan 440,000 deaths in the US every year, with anadditional 50,000 deaths dueto secondhand smokeexposure.

Werecognizethat whilethe majorityof theUniversitycommunitydoes not smoke, others struggle with this highlyadditive practice and its manydamagingeffects.TheUniversitywill provide ampleinformation with regards to cessation programmingtohelp members of our communityquit. This policyis not intended to exclude orjudge thosewhochooseto smokenor arewe askingthatyou stop smoking. We are askingthatyou no longer usetobacco products on campus wherethereis adirect impact to otherUNH communitymembers. A smoke-free and tobacco-free environment will savelives and improvethe health of our campus community.


Smokingand tobacco product use areprohibited in allfacilities and areas of theUniversityof

New Haven campus. This includes, but is not limited to allindoor and outdoor areas on the Main, North, Sawmill and OrangeCampuses. This policyapplies to anyindividual on campus property, includingbut notlimited to: students, employees,contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors, and members ofthe public, and is applicable twenty-four (24) hoursaday, seven (7)days aweek.

The PolicySections:


For purposes of this policy,the followingterms aredefined below:

(a) Smoking. Inhaling,exhaling,burning,carryingorpossessinganylightedtobacco product, including cigarettes, cigars, pipetobaccoor anyotherlit tobacco products.

(b)TobaccoProducts. Allformsoftobacco,including butnotlimitedto cigarettes, cigarillos,cigars, shisha,pipes,herbalcigarettes,water pipes(hookahs), electronic cigarettes(vaporizers),electronic hookahs,andallformsof smokelesstobaccoincluding but notlimited to:

1) Chew: Tobacco placed between thecheek andgum or upper lip teeth

2) Orbs: Nicotine-infusedorbs consumed likebreath mints

3) Snuff: Fine-ground tobacco inhaled through the nose

4) Snus: Ground tobacco inateabag-likesack keptbetween thecheek and teeth

5) Sticks: Nicotine-infusedsticks chewed likeatoothpick

6) Strips: Nicotine-infused strips that dissolve on thetongue

(c) Tobacco Use. Personaluseof anytobacco product, whetherintended to be litor

not, which includes smoking(as definedabove)aswellas the useofelectronic cigarettes or anyotherdeviceintended to simulatesmoking,the useof smokeless tobacco, includingsnuff; chewing tobacco; smokeless tobacco; smokeless pouches;and other forms of loose-leaf tobacco, smokeless tobacco;and the useof unlit cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, hookah orotherdevices usingsmoke and/or vapors. This also includes use of anyproduct intended to mimic tobacco products, contain tobaccoflavoringor deliver nicotine for anypurposeotherthan cessation.

(d) UNH ControlledProperties. Anyproperty, buildingor spaceoccupied bythe Universityof NewHaven includingbut notlimited to that which is owned, leased or managed.

(e) Tobacco FreeAreas. Allcommon areas, classrooms, residencehalls, elevators, hallways,university-owned and university-leasedvehicles, personal vehicles whileon universityproperties, restrooms, diningareas, conference and meeting rooms, allother enclosed areas oncampus, garages, parkinglots, outdoorgrounds, quads, athletic fields, entrance and exitways, and anyother areas of theuniversitycampus.

9500.2 Exceptions

For educational purposes, research involvingtobacco or tobacco products maybe approved as an

exception to this policy.Permission must be granted bytheInstitutional ReviewBoard and Health ServicesOffice,priorto conductinganyresearch. This is to ensurethe health and safety of anyparticipants. Theatrical performances that requiresmokingto keep theintegrityof the production mayalso be an exception. Permission forsuch performances must be granted bythe Dean of Students Office,Campus Police and the Campus FireMarshall.

9500.3 Enforcement

Theresponsibilityfor theenforcement andcommunication ofthis policyrests with allmembers

of theuniversitycommunity. This policyappliesequallyto students, employees and visitors. Thosewho violatethe policymaybesubject to disciplinaryactionthrough theOfficeof Human Resources or theOfficeof theDean of Students.


1) Supervisors and managers on campus areresponsible for leadingbyexample and respectfullycommunicatingthe policyto employees, students, volunteers and visitors.

2) Employees, students, volunteers and visitors whoobserveindividuals using tobacco product on universitycontrolled propertyareencouraged and empowered torespectfullyexplain that its use is prohibited at UNH and report the individual, if known, to Human Resources or theOfficeof theDean of Students.

3) Installation ofsignagewillbeplaced at appropriatelydesignated entrances and exits of Main Campus, North Campus and OrangeCampus. Additional signagewillbeposted onentrances and exits tocampus buildings and universityowned and orleased vehicles.

(b) Compliance. All Universityof New Haven students, employees,contractors, subcontractors, volunteers, visitors, and members ofthe public arerequiredto adhereto this policy. Should repeatedviolations occur, thefollowingdisciplinaryactions maybe taken:

1) Violations bystudents should bebrought to the attention ofthe Officeof the Dean of Students (203-932-7432), which willtake appropriate educationalor disciplinaryaction.

i. Possible sanctions forviolations of theTobacco-FreeSmoke-Free policyareasfollows:

a. 1stViolation—Warning

b. 2ndViolation—Letter ofReprimand, $50 fine

c. 3rdViolation—Letter ofReprimand, $100 fine

d. 4thViolation—1year DisciplinaryProbation, $150 fine

e. 5thViolation—1year DisciplinaryProbation, $200 fine, possible removal from UniversityHousing

2) Violations byemployeesshould bebrought to theattention ofthe employee’s supervisoror theOfficeof Human Resources (203-932-7240), whichwilltake appropriateaction as necessary.

i. TheUniversityof New Havengenerallyendorses theuseof progressivediscipline, which is normallyafour-step process. Universitymanagementmayelect to skip anyof thesesteps depending on the severityof theviolation. Thefoursteps are:

a. Counselingwith a verbalwarning b. Counselingwith a written warning c. Time off/Suspension

d. Discharge

3) Violations bystudents in the ELSCenter Program,in Charger Plaza, willbe addressed bytheELSCenterDirector. Consequences forpolicyviolationsare explained in theELSHandbook.

4) Violations byvisitors/guest of the universityshould bebrought to the attention ofthe hostingdepartment/organization orCampus Police(203-932-

7014). Thehostingdepartment/organization and Campus Policereservethe right to ask thevisitor/guest to leavecampus immediately.

5) Violations byvendors should be brought to theattention ofthe hosting department/organization orthe PurchasingDepartment (203-932-7129).

9500.4 Cessation Assistance

TheUniversityof New Haven is committed to supportingallemployeesand students who wish

to stop usingtobacco ornicotine products. Assistancefor facultyand staffto overcome tobacco or nicotine addiction is available through the UniversityofNewHaven health plan orthe resources listed below. Student assistanceisavailable through theHealth Services Office, located on thegroundlevel of Sheffield Hall.

Connecticut Quit Line


EX—a newway tothinkabout quitting smoking

BeTobacco Free


Quit Tobacco

UNH EmployeeHealth Provider—AnthemBlueCross, BlueShield



ThisPo licy’sContactP erson:




WestHaven,CT 06516
