Toastmasters International Youth Leadership Programme.

What is the Youth Leadership Programme?

The programme has been in existence since the 1960’s. It is a tried and trusted scheme for developing Leadership and Public Speaking skills in Schools, Youth Clubs, Scout groups – anywhere that Young People meet on a regular basis. The programme has to be co-ordinated/ delivered by a Toastmaster accompanied by a Qualified Teacher or Youth Leader.

How does it function?

The Toastmaster co-ordinator arranges 8 learning sessions over a period of time according to their availability and the circumstances of the club or school. A ninth session known as ‘ The Banquet’ is suggested as a way for the young people to show their newly acquired skills to family and friends.

The programme must be delivered free of charge to the school/ club. It is customary for the Toastmaster co-ordinator to ask their Club Committee to appoint them to run the programme and possibly tohelp with the cost of materials . The club thus becomes sponsor of the programme and receives regular updates of all that is happening. This appointment counts towards the Advanced Communicator Gold Award. However you can undertake a Youth Leadership Programme at any time during your own Toastmasters Educational programme.

Where do I obtain materials?

From shop. [LINK ]Do remember to use the American spelling ‘program.’ You will need a sufficient number of Participants workbooks for the number of YP in your group. I suggest purchasing the Youth Leadership Program kit and then adding workbooks and certificates as necessary. The cost is not prohibitive. The materials I purchased for my group of 16 along with help from Berkeley Square Speakers came to around $50 post included.

What do the sessions consist of?

We model various techniques – Table Topics, Evaluations etc and the YP then ‘learn by doing.’ They elect a team of 4 Officers for sessions 1-4 and again for 5-8. There are opportunities for debates and even contests. Each participant should have completed 2 prepared speeches by the end of the programme.

The difference between this and other Youth public speaking schemes is the leadership aspect – the YP very quickly become autonomous, running their own meeting according to agenda, which in turn can create even more speaking opportunities.

How do I find a school or club?

It is best if the school or club is within the vicinity of your home or Toastmasters club, just for practical purposes. If you are a parent you might like to begin with your child’s school where you already know the staff.

If you don’t have an idea for a school or club contact me and I will try to assist you.

What are the first steps?

Contact the school or club by letter or telephone to arrange an appointment with the Head or Leader. Explain who you are – mention how Toastmasters has enriched your own life. Give a brief outline of the programme. Explain that it is free of charge, but that a qualified teacher or leader must be present at all times to maintain order and a constructive learning environment.

Usually programmes have to be agreed with school management committees . While that happens you might hold a taster session and this will help you to find out which Young People are really interested. It will be up to the club or school to choose the participants though.

Once all is agreed, set a date for the first session and agree session frequency/ time with the staff.

How many should I take in my group?

Toastmasters recommends a maximum of 25 young people. However do not take on more than you can comfortably cope with. Bear in mind that all participants should have completed 2 prepared speeches/ evaluations/table topics by the end of your sessions and this will influence the length of your meetings.

If a club or school asks you to include more than 25 YP you have options. You could try to find another Toastmaster from your club to run a 2nd programme in tandem with yours or offer the opportunity to another club or run a 2nd programme once your first is completed if you wish to.

What age is the YLP suited to?

It was created for Teenagers, but we have at least one project going to a Primary school in London. If you are working with younger children you can adapt the material – 2 or 1 minute prepared speeches rather than 5 minutes and you will need to assist with the session organization much more.

What about CRB checks?

If you take on a Youth Leadership Programme you must be leading and co-ordinating at all times in the presence of a Qualified teacher or Youth leader who is in overall responsibility. You will be representing Toastmasters International and your club. Schools require you to sign in and wear Visitor badges. You are helping out rather like a Parent does at a school fete or event, so the check is not obligatory. However you need to be absolutely clear on this point with the staff before you start your sessions . If a teacher is unable to make one of your sessions then that session must be moved to a later date.

Please forgive me as I must point out that you should not undertake the Youth Programme if you have a past criminal conviction . This could lead to trouble for yourself and TI. If such is the case please discuss this with myself or a member of the District Officer team before undertaking anything. I am not expecting this to be the case within our membership.

How do I keep my club informed about the programme?

Regular news updates are suggested. You may be able to arrange a joint event between your YLP Programme participants and the club. You are allowed to appoint a Toastmaster assistant or can take a different assistant from your club to participate in each of your sessions.

Please ensure that you pass any article for approval to the School Head or Leader before publishing. Also photographs may only be taken with the school or clubs prior consent as this involves signed parental approval.

Any other guidelines?

Just to remember to brief any assistants/guests you may take to your YLP programme session that there must be no physical contact(even in exercises) between the Adults and the Young People apart from a handshake as they hand over roles in the session. If a Toastmaster Guest is coming along to observe make sure the School or club is given their name in advance.

Is there continued support?

As the District 71 Advisor for Youth Leadership Programmes I will be happy to answer your questions at any time. We will arrange coaching day workshops to share our experiences as YLP coordinators, provide helpful tips and tackle any concerns. Each Division council will have a YLP representative who will provide moral support to the coordinators and their assistants. They will give regular news updates on YLP progress in their Division to their council and myself. This news will then be circulated to all members via our Toastmaster websites so that all will be encouraged.

I warmly encourage you to set up a programme – my aim is at least one programme per District 71 club per year. You will find the Young People very receptive. Youth Leadership is an inspiring and enriching experience. The future is exciting – come and join in!

Andrew P Bennett Immediate Past Area 45 Governor ,

District 71 Advisor Youth Leadership Programmes,

Past President Berkeley Square Speakers