DIRECTIONS: Get into a group of 4. Everyone is to offer input to the answers and find direct quotes/passages from White Oleander to support answers to the questions. When you use a quote, make sure that you include the page number.
- Regarding the theme: “Art as a means of salvation,” explain the role that art plays in Astrid’s life. Consider the fact that she chooses to become a visual artist vs. a writer, like her mother. Also, look at the role that Claire and Ray play in validating her art. At the end of the book, look carefully at the suitcases she designs for “all of her mothers.” What do the suitcases symbolize for Astrid?
- Describe the relationship between Astrid and Ingrid early in the book. Why is Astrid fearful that her mother will “fly away” if she mentions her desires – such as having a father, the need for a new pair of shoes because hers has holes in them, going to summer camp or a YMCA program?
- Compare the characteristics of a white oleander with Ingrid. Go to Part 2 of I Thought I Was the Crazy One and compare the characteristics of a narcissist and an antisocial personality disorder with Ingrid. Ingrid is the villain and in every piece of fiction of film, the villain is always a personality disorder and cannot be redeemed because the personality disorder is incapable of learning from mistakes. They blame everyone else; refuse to take responsibility; think that the world revolves around them; have no problem solving skills, rather they exacerbate the problem and make it worse; they are compulsive, hopeless liars; they feed off of other people’s misery; they feel good when they have made you feel bad; they enjoy crazy making, chaos and drama.
- Astrid tells Paul, “I don’t let anyone touch me” (265). Discuss how Claire touched Astrid. When and how else was Astrid touched by others? Discuss the powerful ways in which Astrid touched other people. Include how Astrid touched you. Astrid is one of the most resilient characters in fiction.
- Was Astrid trying to punish herself in some way by choosing Rena? Why did she choose Rena? Consider Astrid’s Dark Night of the Soul after Claire’s death.
- Why did Astrid wait several hours before alerting Ron to Claire’s death? In what ways did Astrid also die?
- Discuss Astrid’s letters from her mother. At what point did Astrid begin to pull away from her mother emotionally? At what point did this change?
- Referring to Astrid’s relationship with Ray, she says, “I was the snake in the garden” (93). How does this phrase apply to Marvel, Claire, Olivia and Rena?
- Discuss Astrid’s view of men. Who were her influences and role models? Look at how her view of men changes as she grows and evolves.
- What was the ultimate life lesson Astrid learns in this coming of age journey? How does she triumph? Consider the lesson that she learns about love and forgiveness. Why would Astrid consider and desire a new life with her mother, yet not return to her in the end?