To use the template, select (highlight) the section of the template to be replaced (e.g. Title) and type over the selected text. Then delete unwanted text. A Styles toolbar has been generated that will display the different Styles for you to choose from. Highlighted section names should be retained, but the colors – removed.(Text should be writtenwithonespace.)

The title should clearly and concisely reveal
the essence of the paper
(Microsoft Word Style ‘Article Title’)

Fullnameshould be provided for each author. Thenameofthecorrespondingauthor(s) shouldbemarkedwithanasterisk (*). If authors are from different institutions their surnames should be labeled with a roman numeral in superscript referring to the respective addresses.Thenumber of authors is limited to two.(Microsoft Word Style ‘Authors’)

Theinstitutionalaffiliationshouldbegiven including the street or PO box number, city, postal code and country.

е-mail:the e-mail addresses

(Microsoft Word Style ‘Institution’)


The articles of novel series of microreviews "Heterocycle in Focus" (HiF) start with a concise abstract, in which the topic is indicated, the main methods are listed, and the time period of the references is defined. A graphical representation of the reviewed topic in the form of a structure should be added. The topic of the microreview should be submitted for a preliminary approval by the Editors.



HiF is a compact compilation of recent information on a selected heterocyclе: its synthesis, properties, or applications as a product, reactant, or ligand. The review has to be divided into sections (for example, according to synthetic methods or starting materials). Each section has to be headed by a title. The selection of presented examples should be explained and it should follow a logical plan. Only the very recent advances should be reviewed (up to last 5 years) and previous important reviews should be simply cited for the sake of clarity.

The overall text of the manuscript should be concise and should follow the style “1 paragraph + 1 scheme”. The text devoted to some particular scheme should be brought to minimum (30–60 words). A reference can be given to the first publication of the presented method, but the manuscript in general should deal only with the recent/novel developments.

Due to the compact layout of these articles the potential intermediates in schemes should be omitted if possible, but they can be mentioned in the text. Full reaction conditions, range of yields, and type of substituents should be indicated on the scheme.

The text can be arranged in one or two columns maintainingthe specified paper size. Do not number schemes. The numbering of structures also can be skipped. Keywords and summary should be omitted.

The scheme (prepared according to ACS document 1996 style) width should not exceed 17.5cm (two column arrangement) or 8.5cm (one column arrangement). Schemes can be reduced to 80%.

The references should be numbered with Arabic numerals and the corresponding citation numbers should be inserted at the appropriate locations in the text in superscript. (Microsoft Word Style ‘Body Text’)

Number of pages should not exceed 2.5.

(Microsoft Word Style ‘REFERENCES TITLE’)

For more detailed information please refer to the Instructions to Authors under section 3.8. and examples under section 4.9. (Microsoft Word Style ‘References style’)