Lion Woodward Educational Fund of the Rotary Club of Trenton


Please return this form (completed front and back), a copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR), two letters of recommendation, two personal essays, a copy of your college or vocational school acceptance letter and financial aid award letter (if available), plus your high school transcripts to the Princeton Area Community Foundation at the address below by March 1.

Name ______Date of Birth______



Phone ______

Email: ______

Mother's Name ______Occupation ______

Father's Name ______Occupation ______

High School(s) attended:


Name Address Dates


Name Address Dates

Graduation Date:______College/Institution I plan to attend: ______

Beginning date: ______

(Please attach a copy of your acceptance letter)

I intend to study: ______

COMMUNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES: (Attach an additional sheet if necessary.) Please list all the ways you have been a leader or active volunteer in your school and community.

______/ DATES
______/ LEADERSHIP, if any

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: (Attach an additional sheet if necessary.) List all school and/or individual activities in which you have participated in the last four years (sports, the arts, student government, clubs, volunteer projects, religious groups, scouting, etc.).

______/ DATES
______/ HONORS/LEADERSHIP, if any

WORK EXPERIENCE: (Attach an additional sheet if necessary.) List any paid work experiences you have had in the past four years, including paid and unpaid internships.

______/ HRS PER
______/ DATE FROM ... DATE TO

Permission is granted to publicize receipt of the scholarship if this application is selected.

Signature of Applicant ______Date ______

Signature of Parent ______Date ______


Two, two paragraph essays, each on a separate page. Make sure your name is on each page.


1.  How has community service affected your life?

2.  What do you think the Rotary motto “Service Above Self” means?

15 Princess Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Tel: 609-219-1800