MEMORANDUMAugust 4, 2009

TO:Tony Des Chenes, Division Director

Commodities Division

DMB, Purchasing Operations

FROM:Mary Ostrowski, Buyer

Commodities Division

DMB, Purchasing Operations

SUBJECT: Evaluation Summary for ITB. No. 071I9200247Ground Speed Oriented Salt Distribution System, MDOT

Statement of Work

This request is for a one-time purchase of eight (8)Ground Speed Oriented Salt Distribution Systems for Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT). The funding for the systems is 100% Restricted State Trunk Line Funds.

Background Information

These ground speed oriented control systems will be installed on new winter maintenance trucks. MDOT operates a fleet of over 300 winter maintenance trucks statewide. The retention period for these trucks is ten (10) years. Each year, MDOT purchases the replacement cab and chassis and all the build up components. All components are installed at OOAS Garage Operations in Lansing. When completed, the trucks are assigned to MDOT garages to replace units that exceed the retention period. The winter maintenance trucks are used for snow and ice control in winter. In other seasons they are used for maintenance and repair of roads, bridges, drainage systems, parking lots and other areas. This equipment will improve MDOT’s ability to respond to winter storm conditions, emergencies, and scheduled maintenance operations.

Buyer and Agency Review

The following Buyer reviewed the proposals:


Mary OstrowskiPurchasing Operations

Jeff TurnerMDOT


The following Bidderssubmittedresponsive/responsible bids:

Truck and Trailer Specialties, Inc.,Dutton, MI

Price Comparison

Total ITB pricing was as follows:

Truck and Trailer Specialties, Inc.$32,880.00Negotiated Price: Not able to Reduce

Selection Criteria/Evaluation

This solicitation was posted to the website for two weeks. One vendor, Truck and Trailer Specialties, Inc., submitted an on-line bid as specified in the solicitation. One vendor, Certified Power Inc., submitted a portion of their bid hard-copy,which therefore makes them ineligible for award consideration. A reduced price proposal was requested from Truck and Trailer Specialties, Inc. They were unable to provide reduced pricing. Truck and Trailer Specialties was the lowest responsive/responsible bidder.

Award Recommendation

Based on all of the information discussed above, award is recommended to Truck and Trailer Specialties, the amount of $32,880.00.

Was a JEC utilized?


How was pricing submitted?

One Step.Multiple Step (pricing separately sealed).

How was pricing factored into the award decision?

Best Value/Lowest PriceBest Value/Combination of Score and Price



Reviewed and approved by Buyer Manager _____

Reviewed and approved by Division Director _____

Reviewed and approved by Director _____