

To: The Town Mayor and Members of Ripley Town Council

You are summoned to attend the MonthlyMeeting of Ripley Town Council to be held at 7.00pm on

June 21st 2016in the Council ChamberTown Hall, Ripley

Yours sincerely,

Linda McCormick


Members are asked to sign the attendance sheet for the meeting and to complete the declarations of interest sheet (if appropriate). These will be available in the Council Chamber.

1. To receive apologies for absence–

2. Variation of Order of Business

3. Declaration of Members Interests

(a)Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting in respect of items other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item)

(b)Where a Member indicates that they have a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.

(c)The Declarations of Interests for matters other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.

4. Public speaking – (10 Minutes)

(a)A period of not more than 10 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter.

(b)If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

(c) Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the National Association of Local Councils’ (NALC) Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage.

5.To confirm the Non-Confidential Minutes of theTown Council’sAnnualMeeting May 17th 2016, (previously circulated)

6.To confirm the Minutes of the Town Council’s Grants Committee meeting May 27th 2016

(previously circulated)

7.To confirm the Minutes of the Town Council’s Events Committee meeting June 3rd 2016

(previously circulated)

8. To confirm the Minutes of the Town Councils Planning Committee meeting June 3rd 2016

(previously circulated)

9.To confirm the Minutes of the Town Councils Finance and Administration Committee meeting June 10th 2016

(previously circulated)

10. To determine which items if any part of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: -“In view of the confidential nature of item ( )to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.”

11. Town Mayors Announcements –

12. Report of the Town Clerk on: -

a)Bus Shelters – Utilities contacted one replied no problem

b)Church Hall Moseley Street

c)Defibrillator – quotations received

d)Nottingham Road Sports Pavilion

e)Butterley Trust

13. Accounts for paymentandIncomecheques to be approved and signed – Finance report circulated

Cheq No / Payee / £ / VAT / Total
504281 / Village Inn Civic Dinner / £1260.00 / £1260.00
504282 / Decx Christmas Lighting Final Payment less £4000 + vat credit / £8535.00 / £1707.00 / £10242.00
504283 / Ilkeston Fencing agreed work at Porterhouse Road play area / £325.00 / £65.00 / £390.00
504284 / L McCormick 504285K Hall 504286 HMRC PAYE / £2731.49 / £2731.49
504287 / W G Pollard replace damaged lock on disabled toilet door Ripley / £330.00 / £66.00 / £396.00
504288 / AVBC Office Rent April 2016 / £300.00 / £60.00 / £360.00
504289 / Ilkeston Fencing further work at Porterhouse Road play area / £105.00 / £21.00 / £126.00
DD / Unicom Clerk’s telephone and Broadband February 2016 / £56.19 / £11.24 / £67.43
504290 / P J Lilley Ltd as agreed replace gents tap in toilet Market Place / £337.00 / £67.40 / £404.40
504291 / Shelter Maintenance clean bus shelters (repair Waingroves Rd) / £393.50 / £78.70 / £472.20
504292 / DALC Annual Subscription TBA* / £947.04 / £947.04
OR / DALC Annual Subscription includes training TBA * / £1107.04 / £1107.04
504293 / Staples Laptop risers / keyboard / mouse x 2 / £92.24 / £18.45 / £110.69
BACS / Objenix pre-registration admin fee .gov.uk address / £25.00 / £5.00 / £30.00
BACS / Objenix registration balance fee .gov.uk address / £75.00 / £15.00 / £90.00
504294 / Phase Print April newsletter / £699.08 / £699.08
504295 / Wallgate service contract for hand dryers in toilets / £574.00 / £114.80 / £688.80
504296 / Loz Phillips Play Areas large gate, fix signs, notice board Maple Ave / £640.00 / £640.00
504297 / Link Vending office drinks machine refills / £86.19 / £86.19
504298 / AVBC Heage Toilets Rates April 2016 / £40.36 / £40.36
504299 / Staples Laminating pouches, coloured paper / £34.38 / £6.88 / £41.26
DD / Pitney Bowes franking machine postage refill / £50.00 / £50.00
Total / £16689.43 / £2236.47 / £18925.90
*Plus DALC Chq Agreed amount after discussion
504300 / Derbyshire Community Bank agreed Transfer form Co-op Bank / £15000.00 / £15000.00
Spring Festival Stalls x 16 / £160.00
Sandham Lane Allotments rent / £30.00
Cllr I Harry Civic Dinner / £20.00
Cllr P Jones Civic Dinner / £40.00
Cllr R Ashton Civic Dinner / £40.00
G Hubbard Civic Dinner / £40.00
Cllr I Fisher Civic Dinner / £80.00
Cllr S Freeborn Civic Dinner / £40.00
Credit Note from The National Leaflet Co for reported none delivery / £50.00
AVBC tickets for Seafish Charity Dinner / £20.00
Total / £520.00

14. Sign the Annual Audit Form for the Auditors

15. Planning Applications – previously circulated

16.Items for Information in the Information Folder:DALC Circular 06/2016 –

17. Town Clerk and Community Officer’s Review

18.Date for the next monthly meeting July 19th 2016 at 7.00pm