To: The Members of the Planning Committee,

You are hereby summoned to the

Planning Meeting to be held on

TUESDAY 15TH MARCH 2016 in the Parish Pavilion at8.00pm

Anne Tait Locum Parish Clerk

9TH March 2016


Response Guide:

  1. Recommend – No Objection
  2. Recommend –No Objection be made subject to the following
  3. Recommend - Objection be made for the following reason(s)
  1. Apologies for Absence
  1. Welcome to members of the public
  1. Declarations of interest. Members are invited to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or non-pecuniary interest to matters being considered at the meeting.
  1. Planning Applications Received:

16/0115 15 Burr Hill Lane, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8QD

Full Planning Application for the erection of part two-storey, part single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory and detached garage.

16/0133Buckstone Farm, Windlesham Road, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8SW

Full Planning Application for the reduction in height of front boundary fence.

16/0168 15 The Avenue, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8RU

Full Application for the erection of a two storey detached dwellinghouse with an attached garage following the severance of the front garden land.

16/ 0170 Grants Cottage, 1 High Street, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8AD

Listed Building Consent to partly demolish and replace outbuilding and soil pipe extension.

16/0204Kaloma, Scotts Grove Close, Chobham, Woking, GU24 8DU

Full Application for the erection of a single storey rear/side extension following partial demolition of existing detached outbuilding.

5.To consider any planning applications received after the agenda was published.

Actions Update

  • Parish Clerk to e-mail Jenny Rickard, Jonathan Partington and Philip Partridge seeking information regarding the agricultural building next to the Kalima Traveller Site. EMAIL SENT,CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT REC’D FROM SHBC, AWAITING FURTHER RESPONSE
  • Administrator to email Planning Officer at SHBC regarding the illegal fence at Buckstone Farm, enquiring what action the Borough has taken. REPLY IN PLANNING FILE
  • Administrator to chase Jenny Rickard regarding our queries raised after planning training.REPLY IN PLANNING FILE