NOTICE is hereby given that a Meeting of the Council will be held in the Library, Bush Road, Cuxton on Thursday 9th March 2017 at 7.30 pm, which meeting Members are hereby summoned to attend.
1 / Apologies for absence2 / Declarations of interest (DPI, conflicts of interest and personal) and alterations to the Register.
3 / Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 February 2017 - attached
4 / Matters arising from the Minutes not otherwise on the Agenda
5 / Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 28 February 2017 – to follow by email
6 / A228 Traffic Light Scheme / MF
Suspension of meeting for Medway Ward Councillor’s Report and for public session. Matters raised may be placed on the agenda for the next or a future meeting
7 / Finance – Appendix Aa / Bank Balances
b / Approval of payments made since last meeting
c / Accounts for payment
8 / Grant Applications to the Council
a / Kent Air Ambulance
b / Medway Valley Line Community Rail Trust
9 / Grant Applications by the Council
10 / Policies
a / Training Policy – for ratification / TT
b / Media Policy
c / Health & Safety Policy and Procedures – recommendation by Personnel Committee to follow
11 / Management of the Council’s land and property
a / Protection of registered village greens and open spaces in Cuxton parish / KH, CS
b / Use of Recreation Ground Carpark by Fisher German/CLH Pipeline during works on Tar Tank Lane
c / Outside classroom, Six Acre Wood / KH
d / To note the next Land Management Committee meeting will be held on Thursday 16th March 2017
12 / Highways and Transport
a / Public Rights of Way
b / Street Cleaning / RB
c / Bush Road Partnership / TT
d / Medway Valley Community Rail Trust / KH
e / Pebble Lane crossing update / KH
f / Any other highways or transport issues
13 / Communications
a / Website
b / Social media – report of working party
14 / Community Activities
15 / Consultation Documents
a / Local plan. To note new information is being published and the deadline has been extended to Monday 10th April. Draft response following meeting held on 28th February to follow by email.
16 / Correspondence
17 / Reports on Events Attended not otherwise on the Agenda
18 / Members’ Requests For Future Agenda Items
19 / Any Other Business at the Chairman’s Discretion (Members’ Information Exchange)
No motions may be proposed nor decisions taken under this item, but may be placed on the agenda for the next or a future meeting
20 / Resolution to exclude press and public21 / Personnel
The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 13th April in the Library, Bush Road, Cuxton
Roxana Brammer
Parish Clerk
2nd March 2017