Submission Guide for Learning Programme Re-accreditation (HD & AD Programmes) (Version 1.1)

Submission Guide for Learning Programme Re-accreditation

(Higher Diploma and Associate Degree Programmes)

Notes to Operators

  1. This Submission Guide aims to help Operators to prepare their Submission for Learning Programme Re-accreditation (Re-LPA) for Higher Diploma (HD) or Associate Degree (AD) programmes at QF Level 4. This Guide provides basic and essential information required for the Re-LPA. The accreditation panel may request further information in writing and/or in meeting with the Operator. Please refer to the relevant Guidance Notes for details:
  1. In preparing for the Submission, Operators should provide information/evidence in relation to

(a)the Criteria and Standards for Learning Programme Re-accreditation (shown in Sections 4 to 13 below);

(b)the Revised Common Descriptors for Associate Degree and Higher Diploma Programmes under the New Academic Structure (Common Descriptors);

(c)the key changes made as a result of the internal QA process and progressive development of the Operator. (e.g. modifications of programme structure, changes made in key QA processes, and enhanced resources for teaching and learning); and

(d)the proposed changes (if any) and the reasons/rationales/background for the changes.

  1. The Submission should be presented in 2 parts: they are the Main Submission and the Supporting Material.
  1. The Main Submission is preferably limited to 60 A-4 size pages; and presented in 13 sections. The suggested content for each of the sections is outlined below. The 13 sections are:

Section 1:Overview of Operator

Section 2:General Information on the Programme

Section 3:Development Since the Last Accreditation / Re-accreditation

Sections 4 to 13:Information and Evidence Addressing the Accreditation Criteria and Standards.

  1. The Supporting Material should contain the key institutional documents (e.g. internal revalidation report, Quality Assurance (QA) manual, learner handbook and relevant summary records) and other supporting documents. These documents should be referred to in the Main Submission, clearly titled and labeled for cross referencing.
  1. Templates are provided for the major items listed in the Submission Guide. Operators are requested to provide the requisite information shown in the templates as far as practicable. If necessary, modification or adaptation can be made to suit their needs.

Submission for Learning Programme Re-accreditation for

Higher Diploma or Associate Degree Programmes at QF Level 4

Section 1 Overview of Operator
This section aims to give a brief introduction of the Operator. The following information is required:
  • *Name of the Operator
  • *Address of the Operator
  • Brief history of the Operator (e.g. date of establishmentand any major developments)
  • Vision and mission of the Operator
  • Organizational structure (e.g. governing body, faculties, schools, departments, administrative units, support services)
  • The range of learning programmes being offered
  • The host department of the HD/AD Programme (the Programme), supporting departments, supporting units, boards, committees and other units involved in the Programme
* Both Chinese and English versions are required.
Section 2General information about the HD/AD Programme
This section aims to give some general information about the Programme. The following information is required:
  • *Programme title
  • *Qualification title or exit award
  • *Intermediate exit award(s) (if applicable)
  • *Name of granting body
  • Mode(s) of study (e.g. full-time, part-time, or both)
  • Programme length (in terms of number of contact hours, minimum number of years and maximum number of years)
  • Proportion of generic and specialised contents
  • Number of QF credits and total notional learning hours required for the intermediate exit award(s) (if any) and terminal exit award
  • Total number of contact hours required for graduation
  • Number and name of stream(s)
* Both Chinese and English versions are required
Section 3Development since the last Accreditation / Re-accreditation
This section aims to give an account of (a) the recommendation(s) given at the most recent LPA or Re-LPA and the follow up actions the operator has taken; and (b) any Substantial Change(s) made and approved by the HKCAAVQ during the validity period.
Sections 4 to 13 Accreditation Criteria and Standards
These sections should address both the accreditation criteria and standards and the Common Descriptors.
If key changes were made to any of the following items listed in “Suggested Information/Evidence” against each of the ten criteria during the validity period, an account of (i) the changes made and (ii) the reasons/rationales/background for the changes should be given.
Similarly, if there are any proposed changes, information (i) and (ii) above should also be given.
Accreditation Criteria and Standards / Suggested Information/Evidence
Section 4Programme Objectives and Learning Outcomes
The programme has competency-based learning
outcomes which:
  • are consistent with the Generic Level Descriptors (GLD) of the relevant QF qualification level and
  • reflect the stated programme objectives.
  • Programme objectives
  • Programme intended learning outcomes
  • Intended learning outcomes of each stream (if applicable)
  • Positioning of the Programme
  • Professional recognition and/or external benchmarking sought
  • Employment opportunities
  • Pathways for further study

Section 5Programme Structure and Content
(1)The design of the programme, including the sequencing and integration of constituent modules enables learners to achieve the stated learning outcomes and the required QF standards.
(2)The programme provides up-to-date and relevant contents to meet the programme objectives. / Principles guiding the design of the Programme
Programme structure [an overview of all the key parameters of each module and how the modules are combined in each semester/year and stream (if applicable)]
Syllabus of all modules including intended learning outcomes, the units of competency used (for SCS-based modules), QF level, QF credits, (including notional learning hours: both contact hours and non-contact hours), duration indicative contents, teaching and learning methods, assessments and references
Mapping of module intended learning outcomes against programme intended learning outcomes and the Generic Level Descriptors at the specified QF level
Section 6Admission Requirements and Learner Selection
Admission requirements and selection criteria ensure learners have the knowledge and skills to undertake the teaching / training activities and achieve the learning outcomes. / Minimum admission requirements for Year 1 entry and other entry points (if applicable)
Admission policy (including special admission, exemption and advanced standing)
Learner selection criteria, procedures and the responsible committee(s)/personnel
Planned yearly learner intake of each stage and stream, if any, of the Programme in the coming two academic years
Yearly learner intake during the validity period
Annual Returns submitted to the Education Bureau during the validity period
Section 7Teaching/Training and Learning
(a)Teaching/Training methodology is compatible with the programme objectives and appropriate to the learners’ capabilities and learning needs.
(b)Workplace attachment, if applicable, is structured and managed to meet the programme objectives. / Teaching/Training staff to learner ratio for various types of delivery modes (e.g. lecture, tutorial, laboratory session, workshop)
Teaching/Training methodology at programme level and how it is related to the programme objectives and learners’ needs
Medium of instruction policy
The way in which workplace attachment/internship (if applicable) integrates into the Programme
Details of workplace attachment/internship (if applicable)
(1)Intended learning outcomes
(3)Work placement agreement
(4)Monitoring mechanism
(5)Assessment criteria
(6)Latest version of guidelines to learners, supervisors and placement employers (e.g. guidelines, handbooks and/or manuals)
(7)Summary records of the last two years showing the operation of the attachment/internship including, for example, the placement employers, the number of learners they accepted, the duration of placement, and feedback collected from different stakeholders
Section 8Learner Assessment
Learner assessment is valid and reliable to assess the learner’s attainment of the intended learning outcomes. / Assessment policy of the Programme
Moderation mechanism for both setting of assessment papers and marking/grading and the associated summary records of the last two academic years
Graduation requirements for the intermediate exit awards (if any) and the terminal exit award
Grade descriptors for the terminal exit award and intermediate exit awards (if any)
Outline of assessment methods / tasks for each module and their validity in assessing the achievement of the module learning outcomes
Summary records showing the appeal cases conducted during the validity period
Sample assessments (both formative and summative) and assessment criteria/marking scheme of a core module and a capstone project at the terminal exit award level.
Documents to be tabled during on-site visit:
*Sample graded/marked assessments (both formative and summative) of a core module, a specialised module, a generic module and a capstone project at the terminal exit award level
*Sample graded/marked assessments (both formative and summative) of three modules at each intermediate exit award level (if applicable)
*Assessment criteria for the above graded/marked assessments
* [For programme having less than 50 students]
At least two samples graded “above average”, “average”, and “below average” (across the recent two cohorts of learners)
* [For programme having 50 students or more ]
About 10% of samples including those graded “above average”, “average”, and “below average” (across the recent two cohorts of learners)
* Samples can be presented in electronic format, in the form of photos or CD-ROM; or by other means deemed appropriate
Section 9Staffing and Staff Development
(a)Programme development and teaching/training staff have relevant qualifications, industry experience, and teaching/training experience.
(b)The knowledge and professional experience/skills of teaching/training staff are up-to-date.
(c)Programme development and teaching/training staff have understanding of QF levels and QF standards.
(d)Appropriate and adequate staff professional development activities are planned for the purpose of programme development. / Appointment criteria for the teaching/training staff at different ranks
Current staff profile and manpower plan relevant to the Programme for the coming two academic years
Personnel involved in leading and coordinating the Programme
Maximum teaching hours per week
Staff development policy (e.g. staff manual)
Staff development activities which the programme development and teaching/training staff of Programme participated in the last two academic years
Staff development plan for the programme development and teaching/training staff relevant to the Programme for the coming two academic years
The measures which the Operator uses to ensure that the staff concerned have understanding of QF levels and QF standards
Document to be tabled during on-site visit:
Profile of individual teaching/training staff members relevant to the Programme for the last two academic years
Section 10Quality Assurance
(a)The operator develops programmes addressing community/industry needs.
(b)There are clear and effective programme management and review processes with external input to ensure that the content, learning outcomes and assessments are current, valid and effective in meeting the programme objectives.
(c)Roles of staff in developing, managing and reviewing of the programme are clearly defined.
(d)There is clear and effective stakeholder feedback system for the continuous improvement of the programme. / The processes/measures for ensuring the quality of the Programme at various stages:
(1)programme management
(2)programme review
(3)programme modification/revision
Flow chart showing both the above QA processes and the committees/personnel involved (differentiation between internal and external input required)
Composition, membership and terms of reference of the committees involved in the above QA process
Feedback mechanism provided to the stakeholders of the Programme
Profile of the external advisors and external examiners involved in the Programme
Justification as to how the Programme addresses community/industry needs (moved to Programme Objectives)
Plagiarism policy
Summary records showing formal complaints made against the Programme during the validity period
 Statistical information including retention rate, pass rate, graduation rate
Graduate survey results showing, for example, graduates’ articulation pathway, employment, views on the effectiveness of the programme
Internal QA/review reports and the related records showing the opinions collected from different stakeholders and external advisors/examiners, the analysis, the modifications made and the follow up actions taken during the validity period
Documents to be tabled during on-site visit:
Internal revalidation reports during the validity period
Section 11Financial and Physical Resources
(a)The programme is financially viable.
(b)Teaching/Training materials, equipment and facilities are adequate and appropriate.
(c)The sufficiency of teaching space meeting the projected learner number. / Mechanism to deal with under and over enrollment
Delivery site(s) of the Programme (full address)
Facilities and equipment specific to the Programme for each delivery site
Library resources relevant to the Programme (updates since last (re-)accreditation)
Budget for the Programme in the coming two years
Income and expense statement for the Programme over the last two years (If the Programme wasrunning in deficit, please explain how it was financed and provide the necessary proof
Section 12Learner Support Services
Learners are effectively guided and supported throughout their course of teaching/training to ensure the successful completion of the programme. / Support services provided to learners (e.g. information technology support, counseling services, career guidance, language enhancement courses and e-learning system)
Guide for learners (e.g. learner handbook)
Communication channels provided to learners
List showing the major learner support activities (e.g. talks, workshops and orientation) conducted in the last two academic years
Section 13Learner Records and Information Management
Learner records are safely protected based on written procedures. / Policy and procedures for managing learner data
Summary records on serious irregularities reported, if any, and the remedial actions taken during the validity period

Glossary of Terms

Admission Requirements

Admissions requirements refer to the academic, vocational and working experience required of the learners prior to their admission to the learning programme. Some learning programmes may have specified requirements related to language competency and/or aptitude.


Assessment is a formal means to ascertain whether the learners have attained the competency standards as specified by the operator for the learning programme.

Assessment Criteria

Assessment criteria are the requirements and standard for satisfactorily passing the assessment or for determining performance above/below requirements/standard.

Contact Hours

The amount of time (in terms of hours) spent by a learner in direct contact with the teaching/training staff of a programme. It includes attendance in class, tutorials, conducting experiment in laboratory under supervision, supervised session in placement and workshop, etc.

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements refer to the learning outcomes and/or attendance requirement and any other curriculum requirement that the learner has to meet before being able to graduate from the learning programme.

Granting Body

In relation to a qualification, granting body means the person, school, institution, organisation or other body which grants the qualification.

Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes refer to what a learner should know, understand, and/or able to do upon successful completion of the learning programme.


Module can refer to “course”, “subject” or the like depending on the practice of individual operators.

Notional Learning Time

Notional learning time refers to the amount of time an average learner is expected to take to complete all learning pertaining to the module/programme and achieve the learning outcomes of the module/programme. It includes time spent on all learning modes and activities, such as lectures, laboratories, workshops, guided learning, self-study, projects, assignments and assessments. Notional learning time is expressed in notional learning hours, and includes contact hours, self-study hours and assessment hours.


An operator is a person, school, institution, or organisation or other body, the whole or part of the business of which includes the operation of any learning programmes or any part of a learning programme.


A programme refers to a programme of studies or training defined by a curriculum (which may consist of one or more modules, units, subjects or courses or any combination of those elements) and includes, where the context permits, any proposed programme of such studies or training.

Programme Objectives

Programme objectives are statements of teaching intention. They give more specific information about what the teaching of the module / programme hopes to achieve.

QF Credit

QF credit is a measurement of the size or volume of learning in a learning programme recognised under the QF. One QF credit consists of 10 notional learning hours. A learner of the programme will be awarded the QF credit only when the learning outcomes specified for the programme are attained and verified. QF credit is either awarded fully or not awarded, and is awarded independent of grading.

QF Level

QF level is the level of the learning programme pitched against the Generic Level Descriptors (GLD) published by the Government at


Qualification is a formal award in recognition of the skills, knowledge and experience acquired by an individual on satisfactory completion of a learning programme which meets specified QF standard and which is granted on the basis of formal assessment. It does not include Statement of Attendance.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality assurance is a process of establishing stakeholder confidence that inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes of the operator’s training and educational operation fulfill expectations or measures up to minimum threshold requirements. They may be in the form of programme development, programme monitoring and programme review.


Stream can refer to “concentration”, “specialization”, “major of study”, or the like depending on the practice of individual operators.