Application deadline for voting members to be included in provincially distributed Farmers’ Market Directory is April 1st, 2015

1. Membership Category

A. Full Member (voting)

I/We, (Name of governing body) certify that I/we comply with the definition of a Farmer’s Market and apply for membership as:

“Farmers’ market” means a market comprised exclusively (100%) of vendors who make, bake, grow or raise the products they sell, of which a majority of vendors are selling farm products of British Columbia origin. These markets must be British Columbia non-profit organizations, whether incorporated or not, with at least 6 vendors, that operate for 2 or more hours per day for a minimum of 4 markets in a year; and operate a Farmers’ Market in B.C.

Amendment to By-laws - 6(3) A Farmers' Market Member (Voting Member):

Is a "governing body" that recognizes the definition and is operating a "farmers' market" that is striving to meet the tone of the definition. A Full or Voting member of BCAFM will pay a primary membership for the first market that it operates and an additional fee for each market location that it operates.


B. Associate Member (non-voting)

I/We, (Name of governing body) recognize and support the definition of a Farmer’s Market and qualify for associate membership as:

An associate member is a person or organization (business, association institution or government agency) that recognizes and supports the definition of “farmers’ market”, but is not operating a farmers’ market. An association or non-voting member will pay a fee in support of the BCAFM. By becoming an Associate Member of the BCAFM you are showing your support for farmers’ markets across British Columbia.


Signed By:



2. Membership Fee (Based on maximum number of vendors in your society in the previous year)

Full Member (voting)

6-20 vendors$200.00

21-60 vendors$250.00

61 and over$300.00

Additional Market Locations: $50.00 / additional market =


Associate Member (non-voting):

Non-Voting Associate Member (not operating as a farmers’ market)$50.00


Please return this form with payment to:


#103 -1089 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6H 1E5

To pay by credit card please call604-734-9797

3. Please provide the following information:

Name of Market Society

Mailing addressCity

Postal Code:

Contact Title



Signing officer


4. The following emails will be included on the BCAFM email list and list serve to receive important updates and the newsletter. Email addresses will not be used for any other purposes.

Officer / Name / Phone / Email
Market Manager

5. 2015Farmers’ Market directory listingDeadline to be included April 1st, 2015

NOTE: A proof of your directory listing will be sent to the emailaddresses in Sections 3 and 5 for approval

Main Season(Please add additional market locations at end of form)

Name of Market

Market Location

Name of Town/City

Public phone #:

Public e-mail:

Market website



Start of season End of season

Day/s of the week your market operates

If your market does not operate weekly, please enter market dates:

Market hours

Parking Information

Payment options:

ATM on site ATM within a five-minutewalk Interac

Liquor on site:

Winter Season

Name of Market

Market Location

Name of Town/City

Public phone #:

Public e-mail:

Market website



Start of season End of season

Day/s of the week your market operates

If your market does not operate weekly, please enter market dates:

Market hours

Parking Information

Payment options:

ATM on site ATM within a five-minute walk Interac

Liquor on site:

6. Market Finder Website listing

Each market has a listing on the BCAFM Market Finder. Each market is responsible for keeping their listing up to date. Use your existing user name and password to login and update your listing at,

If you have forgotten your password, visit

If you cannot remember your username or need to create a new user, please email us at

The name and email of the person who will be updating your farmers’ markets’ BCAFM web listing for 2015. Name Email

7. Survey – Please complete this section before submitting your application

Please take a few minutes to answer the following question to the best of your knowledge. This information will help us tobetter represent the needs of member farmers’ markets at the provincial level. This survey is not intended to limit a markets’ enrollment in the Association.

  • Date of last AGM:
  • Are you a registered BC Society? Yes No
  • Market operating since
  • Does your market need a business permit? Yes No
  • Do your vendors need a business permit? Yes No
  • Is it challenging to maintain a make, bake, grow policy? Yes No
  • What percentage of vendors are make, bake, grow?
  • Do you allow co-operatives to sell at your market? Yes No
  • Average number of vendors at market
  • Average number of vendors by category at market
  • Farmers/primary producers – including fruits, vegetable, plant growers, honey, dairy producers, ranchers of meat and poultry and fish.
  • how many of these would you define as urban farmers?
  • Prepared/processed food – including baked goods, preserves, pickles, candy, spices, etc.
  • Ready-To-Eat Food and Beverage – coffee/food trucks
  • Crafters
  • Wine, beer, spirits
  • Other (please describe)
  • What are your weekly market stall fees? and seasonal market stall fees?
  • Is your Market Manager paid or volunteer?
  • If paid, how many hours per week?
  • Do you need more farmers selling at your market? Yes No
  • If yes, please describe the types of farm products needed:













  • What is the longest distance that a farmer travels to attend your market?
  • Do your vendors have to come from within a certain boundary? For example within a 100km radius?Yes No
  • If yes, what is the boundary
  • Is your market on public or private property?


  • How much are you charged for the space you use for your market?
  • Are you supplied with:







8. What type of workshopswould be of most interest to your market and vendors?


Suite 103, 1089 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1E5

604-734-9797 Phone 604-568-4748 Fax

Effective Leadership through Better Board Governance

Market Manager Training


Strategic Business Planning

Grant Writing



Suite 103, 1089 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1E5

604-734-9797 Phone 604-568-4748 Fax

Thank you!

Additional Market Locations:

Please enter the following information for each additional location.

a. Name of Market

Market Location

Name of Town/City

Public phone #:

Public e-mail:

Market website



Start of season End of season

Day/s of the week your market operates

If your market does not operate weekly, please enter market dates:

Market hours

Parking Information

Payment options:

ATM on site ATM within a five-minute walk Interac

Liquor on site:

b. Name of Market

Market Location

Name of Town/City

Public phone #:

Public e-mail:

Market website



Start of season End of season

Day/s of the week your market operates

If your market does not operate weekly, please enter market dates:

Market hours

Parking Information

Payment options:

ATM on site ATM within a five-minute walk Interac

Liquor on site:


Suite 103, 1089 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, V6H 1E5

604-734-9797 Phone 604-568-4748 Fax