5th Grade Guidelines
Date:August 18,2016
To:Students and Parents/Guardians
From:5th Grade Team
Sorters Mill Elementary
Ourgoal for this school year is to build a partnership with parents in order to ensure continued success for students. To ensure we are on track for this goal, weare reinforcing specific expectations for students. They are being made available to you, as parents and guardians, so that we can work together to foster growth of student responsibility and prepare them for future success. Please read the following with your child and sign after each section showing that you understand the expectations. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
*Note: As the classroom teachers, we reserve the right to make changes to any of these expectations as needed. If a change occurs, students and parents will be notified accordingly.
Work Habits and AcademicsParent Initials:______Student Initials:______
Students will have several assignments during the school day for which he or she is responsible. Due to uncertain circumstances, if your child for any reason is unable to complete an assignment, this will automatically become homework to be completed at home and returned to school the following day. It is the student’s responsibility to return work to the appropriate area WITHOUT any reminders. Project due dates will be posted and will be written down in agendas by each student. Students are expected to adhere to these due dates as well. Please talk to your child about the importance of completing assignments.
HomeworkParent Initials:______Student Initials:______
We believe that homework is important because it is a valuable aid in helping your child make the most of his/her experience in school. The purpose of homework is toreinforce what has been learned in class, prepares students for future lessons, teaches responsibility, and helps him/her develop positive study habits.
Homework is an extension of the daily work we do in class. It will always be something the student has already seen in class. Most students will be able to complete daily assignments during the school day if they are focused and using their time wisely.
All assigned work is to be turned in before the start of the next school day or the assigned due date. This time will be used to complete the missing work. It is the student’s responsibility to turn homework into the designated turn-in area upon arrival to school on the date it is due.
Thank you in advance for being the key to making homework a positive experience for your child. Therefore, we ask that you make homework a top priority, set a daily homework time, and provide praise and support. Please contact us if you notice a problem. Thank you for your support.
Reading LogsParent Initials:______Student Initials:______
Students will have the responsibility to read at minimum 20minutes Monday-Thursdayour goal is 80-120 (or more) minutes by Friday. They may read a book of their choice but the book needs to be at an appropriate reading level. Credit will not be given for books that do not meet appropriate reading levels. Students will record their reading experiencesthroughout the week indicating the page numbers read, and verification initials from parent/guardian. Reading logs are due on Fridays each week. Please continue to support your child to get into a routine of this each night!
BehaviorParent Initials:______Student Initials:______
Each class has a clipboard that follows the class during the day. On Thursdays students will bring home a folder with assignments and conduct notes. Please review all contents and sign the folder for return.
All 5th grade students will be held to these expectations.