SFERA is International social movement of support of voluntary initiatives. It has been established in March 2007 by uniting the efforts of youth non-governmental organizations from different subjects of Russian Federation. The headquarter is situated in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia. The aim of the organization is development and support of youth initiatives by providing young people with access to volunteering, regardless of nation, religious, social status and disadvantage.Nowadays, there are 8 people in staff of SFERA and more than 500 volunteers regularly participate in different activities.


The main activities are:

- international voluntary workcamps,

- EVS projects,

- educational activities for youngsters and organizations involved in social service,

- promotions campaigns of volunteering,

- charity and social services.

Most of the organizational activities allow youth from EECA, European Union and other countries of the World to exchange experience, knowledge and skills with each other in order to inspire a sense of solidarity, tolerance and mutual understanding.


SFERA movement operates at European level by organizing common projects and events with permanent partner organizations from all over the Europe. There are 83 permanent partners from all EU member countries and all EECA countries as well as from other parts of the World. Furthermore SFERA movement is a member of Alliance of European Voluntary Organizations (Alliance) and Coordinating committee for international voluntary service (CCIVS) and a partner of Service Civil International (SCI). Since 2007 SFERA is one of the official multipliers of Youth in Action programme in EECA countries.


Address: Piskunova st. 27, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 603005

tel. +7 831 430-47-03, 430-47-40

fax: +7 831 430-49-13


Outgoing – Kseniia

Skype: sfera-ru

Incoming - Alla Krinitsyna,

Skype: Alla_Krinitsyna



Code / Name / Location / Dates / Campdays / Type / Vol.
CREATE THE SPIRIT OF ART / Vologda / 21/04 – 30/04 / 9 days / FEST / ART / 7 vol.
(RU-SF-5.2) / THE ISLAND CALLED “CHILDHOOD” / Ekaterinburg / 01/07 – 21/07 / 20 days / KIDS / 5 vol.
(RU-SF-5.3) / SODRUZHESTVO-2013 / Ryazan / 01/07 – 11/07 / 11 days / KIDS / 8 vol.
(RU-SF-6.4 ) / GREEN MOSCOW / Moscow / 08/07 – 24/07 / 17 days / ENVI / 12 vol.
(RU-SF-11.5) / BUILDING CAMP / Nizhniy Novgorod region / 13/07 – 04/08 / 23 days / RENO/
CONS / 5 vol.
(RU-SF-5.6) / TRAMPLIN / Yoshkar-Ola / 16/07 – 28/07 / 13 days / KIDS / 8 vol.
SAVE THE RIVER / Novosibirsk / 18/07 – 29/07 / 12 days / ENVI / 10 vol.
Yaroslavl region / 09/08 – 29/08 / 21 days / KIDS / 6 vol.
Krasnodar region / 10/08 – 31/08 / 22 days / KIDS / 5 vol.
(RU-SF-4.10) / HOPE / Smolensk / 12/08 – 25/08 / 14 days / DISA/
KIDS / 10 vol.
(RU-SF-6.11 ) / KEEPING OF LAKEBAIKAL / Tanhoi settlement / 18/07– 31/07 / 14 days / ENVI/
SOCI / 7 vol.
SFERA-12 (RU-SF-4.12) / IN A CIRCLE OF FRIENDS-1 / Nizhniy Novgorod region / 19/08 – 30/08 / 12 days / DISA/
KIDS / 6 vol.
SFERA-13 (RU-SF-4.13) / IN A CIRCLE OF FRIENDS-2 / Nizhniy Novgorod region / 02/09 – 19/09 / 18 days / DISA/
KIDS / 6 vol.


There are a lot of legends coming around visa process in Russian consulates which sometimes can take years because of Russian bureaucracy in general. We believe that these legends are just made up by humans and we think that by positive cooperation with your organizations and you we can invent other legends.

It is true that the invitation to Russian workcamps is a long process if compared with other countries. We are dependent oninstitutions like the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Migration Service where we have to apply for official invitation letters for volunteers.The invitation process depends on from what country you are and that’s why ittakes different time.

For EU citizens / For non-EU citizens
Since the 1st of June 2007 according to the agreement between the European Union and Russian Federation on the simplifying the visa issuing to EU and Russian citizens SFERA as other Russian public and cultural organizations can invite EU citizens to Russia by its own organizational invitations for the period up to 90 days. The agreement is really working only since the beginning of 2008.
It means that for this season 2013 we do not have to apply to the Migration Service for the invitations for volunteers coming from EU countries and can print our own invitations in our office. As the result visa process for EU volunteers has become easier and faster. We really hope that these changes would really allow more volunteers from the EU to come to Russian workcamps as well as we believe that once our country will be more opened for all citizens of the World! / Unfortunately for non-EU citizens we need to apply for invitation to Migration Service. It takes much more time. But in spite of this we wait for you, our dear volunteers. We believe that we will manage to overcome all difficulties and you will enjoy our workcamps!
Time for invitation and visa process / Invitation and visa process takes only 2-3 weeks for the post delivery of the invitation and a week for the visa issuing in Russian consulate. / Invitation and visa process take 1 month for making invitation, 3 weeks for the post delivery of the invitation and about a week for the visa issuing in Russian consulate.
Deadline for application to camps / Deadline for applications to camps in Russia is 1 month before the start of each workcamp. / Deadline for applications to camps in Russia is 9-10 weeks before the start of each workcamp.
What do you need to do for getting visa / After you have received the conformation to our workcamp please:
1. Send us by email
a) filled data form, which you can find on our web-site orask it from the incoming manager by email
b)scan copy of your passport.
2. Contact Russian consulate in your country, and find out if you need to have the original invitation letter or the fax copy will be enough, and also find out what else documents you need to get visa.The type of your visa is Humanitarian or Youth relationship!And if it’s necessary to make appointment to Russian consulate.
So in a time youget invitation you will be already prepared to apply for visa.
Vologda / 21/04 – 30/04 / 9 days / 7 vol.

The camp is organized in cooperation with “Creative Group “TONNA”. It is a regional youth organization with aim is to support and develop creative potential and leadership skills of young people in our city and region. It promotes active citizenship, develops community and involves youth into cultural and social life so that they can contribute into development of civil society in our country.

«Multimatograf: create the spirit of art» camp is a perfect opportunity to encourage young people to develop and use their art and technical skills through participating in organizing one of the brightest events in the field of multimedia art in Russia.

The festival general idea is a freedom of art and self-realization. Festival organizers are primarily inspired young people and successful specialists. These are the people who do the festival not for money, but because they love it! That's why the initiative, original approach and aspiration for self-realization are the things that are valued most of all. The festival will be implemented in 8th time. Read more about this event here

Everybody who thinks that this atmosphere is for you, who wants to organize a big cultural event, touch upon the finest, spend their time helping others and having fun in a team of professionals – you are welcome!

The camp will be organized in the ancient Russian city Vologda. The city is very rich for museums and historical sights which help to discover real Russian life in the past . Read more here There is the Motherland of Russian Santa Clause not so far from Vologda (400 km). And volunteers if they wish can travel there after the camp days

Work: volunteers will help to organize the festival:

-making preparatory work with the art materials,

-some paper work,

-making the film about the festival,

-work with participants of the festival.

Volunteer also can be the participants of the festival and can show there own cartoons.

Volunteers` tasks and abilities:

-Photo and video (volunteers should be experienced in reportage filming and to have own camera and laptop),

-blogs writing (sociability, having of own blog with such topics as media, culture, art, film industry, design, eventmanagment),

-city guides for foreign guests (willing to know city history and culture),

-IT system administrator (having experience in IT administrative work, ability to organize on-line translation),

-Help with vjing and mapping work (skills in installation and work with technical equipment such as computer, projector, sound and light equipment),

-Translation from Russian to English and from English to Russian, correction of English and Russian texts (volunteers should have high level of English and Russian – at least B1).

For all tasks we are looking for volunteers with good knowledge of English and Russian languages. But we are ready to pay attention for all applications. We will consider every candidate application individually. Welcome to apply!!!



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Leisure time: Visiting historical places of Vologda and the most interesting museums of the city, making parties and other entertaining activities concerning intercultural learning.

Accommodation and food: Accommodation will be organized in host families, 1-2 people in a room. Every family has their own kitchen and bathroom.

Breakfasts will be organized in host families too. Lunches and dinners – at the office, cafe or in host families.

Language: English.

Terminal: Moscow or St. Petersburg airports

Location: Vologda

Age: 18 +

Extra: Motivation letter is required. Please describe in the motivation letter what do want to do during the camp and what skills you have.

If you have some illnesses please let us know to be prepared for it in any cases.

Ekaterinburg / 01/07 – 21/07 / 20 days / 5vol.

The camp will be located in children camp “Zarnica” which situated in 11 km from Ekaterinburg. Ekaterinburg - a large cultural, industrial and scientific center of Ural federal district of Russian Federation. Situated on the eastern side of the UralMountain range, Ekaterinburg was founded in 1723 as an iron foundry along the IsetRiver, now it’s the fourth largest city in Russia. Between 1924 and 1991, the city was known as Sverdlovsk after the Bolshevik party leader Yakov Sverdlov.You can find more information on this web-site:


Work:Volunteers will work in a children's camp where the their main tasks will beto tell children about the culture of their country, to make presentations of traditional games, tales, songs, organize“Days of cultures”. Volunteers will also teach children their mother tongues.Volunteers will participate in evening activities as participants in the concert, members of the jury, experts, members of sport teams.

Leisuretime: Swimming, hiking to Ural Mountains,sightseeing tours, picnics, sportsgames.

Accommodation: Volunteerswilllivein two-storeyed brickhousesin the roomsfor 2-3people.A shower and a bathroom are available on the same floor with the living rooms.The food will be provided in the camp canteen. Unfortunately it will be very difficult to organize vegetarian meal.

Language: English.

Age: 18-30years old.

Terminal:Ekaterinburgtrain station or airport.

Location:Ekaterinburg region.

Extra:every volunteer should have a medical certificate about his/her health condition which is necessary for working with children. We kindly ask you to bring the following medical documents:

- fluorography,

- syphilis and HIV test,

- medical inspection of dermatologist,

- information about your vaccinations.

Some tests can be organized directly in Ekaterinburg. It`s very fast and cheap in Russia. Just let us know what do you need,what tests are difficult to do. We are always ready to help you.

Ryazan / 01/07 – 11/07 / 11 days / 8 vol.

The project is implemented on base of a sanatorium camp “Raduga”. The 19th international camp “Sodruzhestvo” will be organized there.The camp is situated in Ryazan region. Ryazan is an ancient Russian town about 190 km southeast of Moscow. It is beautifully located on the Oka river, with a very romantic Kremlin,standing high above the city. The first mention about Ryazan is dated back to 1095. The town sprang up as trading and defensive point of the Ryazan princedom; in 1365 and 1379 was burned by mongol-Tatars, but was restored.
Throughout history Ryazan has been a center for science and culture. A Nobel prize winner, Alexandr Solzhenitzsyn, taught at the local university. Isadora Duncan, the fascinating queen of the Free Dance, was married here to the well-known lyric poet Sergey Esenin.
Ryazan has a beautiful ensemble of churches and monastery buildings with typical Russian golden domes. The RussianArt Museum exhibits pictures from painters like Aivasovsky, Korovin , Sarian, Serov, Venezianov and others. The concert hall is a center for classical music. Twelve beautiful churches are restored and full of ancient valuable icons. Two famous monasteries are situated not far from the town. The male monastery of Ioan Bogoslov (circa 15th century), and one for females in Solotcha (circa 12th century).

Work: The volunteers will be involved in organizing animating, educational activities for children. They are expected to conduct linguistic workshops, to prepare different events and lead them for children, to organize and judge the sport matches.Another task for the volunteers is to elaborate and organize the days of their own countries for the children.

Accommodation: The volunteers will live in two floored buildings on the territory of the camp (4 persons per room). A shower and a bathroom are available on the same floor with the living rooms. The food will be provided in the canteen.

Language: English, (any level of Russian is welcomed).

Age: 18+ years old.

Leisure time: Excursions to Ryazan city and settlement Konstantinovo (where the famous Russian poet Sergei Esenin was born) and ancient cloister named Poschupovo. Different sport games like football, volleyball, ping-pong and swimming are available for the volunteers. The camp is located in the national park Meschera so the participants also will have an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful Russian nature.

Terminal: Moscow train station and airport. The volunteers will be met there.

Location:Ryazan, 190 km from Moscow

Moscow / 08/07 – 24/07 / 17 days / 12 vol.

The project is organized by the botanical garden of the Moscow State University (MSU). This University is the largest University in Russia and one of the oldest. It was founded in 1755 by Mikhail Lomonosov, whose name was later added to the name of the institution in his honor.
The botanic garden of MSU was founded at 1706. Then it was just a chemist’s garden. Medicinal herbs were grown there. In 1805 it was bought by MSU and since the middle of the 19th century exotic plants started to be grown in the garden. Classes for the students have been conducted since the end of 19th century in the botanic garden. During its lifetime a few thousands sorts of the plants were grown in the garden.

Work: The main task of the work includes the rearrangement of two parts of the garden’s territory. The volunteers will have to take care of the garden and flower-beds, to cut bushes, take away rubbish and to dig up ground. Also they will plant, and gather berries and fruits. One of the possible activities of the volunteers is helping to lead excursions in the garden. The new site of the Botanical Garden, designed for people with disabilities. The volunteers are expected to work six hours per day. And be ready for manual labor. Besides volunteers will take part in the ecological conference.

Leisure time: Volunteers will be able to make a tour of Moscow, to visit the Kremlin and the Red Square, to visit other Moscow botanic gardens and the protected natural territories of the Moscow city and also famous Moscow museums.

Accommodation: The volunteers will live in the dormitory of the MoscowStateUniversity. Bathroom and kitchen are available. The volunteers will cook breakfast and dinner by themselves, lunch will be provided in the canteen.

Language: English.

Age: 18+ years old.

Terminal: Moscow train station and airport.


Extra: Motivation letter is required.

Settlement Zhelnino,
Dzerzhinsk city
Nizhniy Novgorod region / 13/07 – 04/08 / 23 days / 5 vol.

The project will be implemented by the church in honor ofthe Annunciation which was founded in 1878. During the Soviet time this church was partly destroyed. Every year in summer the church and her territories are under of reconstruction. This year the servants of the church decided to invite young people from different countries to help in the renovation and building work. The church is situated in very beautiful place not far from very famous and old Russian city Nizhniy Novgorod. Volunteers will have chance to see real Russian nature and Orthodox culture.


Till afternoon volunteers will be asked to help to repair Sunday school for local children: walls filling and painting, construction ofterraces,levelingthe areawith the use ofmanual labor.

After lunch volunteers will be included in the summer children camp where they will organize cultural events, language master-classes for children together with Russian volunteers.